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Metapowers. Before I post some, I should basically state what I think they are.


Metapowers are: shorthand for writing semi complicated abilities on the lowest dice or points repersented.


Metapowers are: vehicles for ideas.


Metapowers are: shorthand (like Life Support: Full).


So, what do you think of Metapowers?

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Blinding Blast:  1d6 Blast (Energy) (5 APs) plus​ 1d6 Flash (Sight) (5 APs). Total Cost: 10 points.

   Jointly-Linked Blinding Blast:  Add Linked (Flash; -1/4) to Blast and Linked (Blast; -1/2) to Flash. Total Cost: 7 points (4 CP + 3.3~ CP).

   Magician's Blinding Blast:  Add Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), and Restrainable (-1/2) to all slots. Total Cost: 4 points (2.5 + 2.5 CP).

   Blinding Blaster Rifle:  Add 4 Clips Of 8 Charges (-0), OAF Durable (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Min (5; -1/4), Two-Handed (-1/2) to all slots. ​Total Cost: 4 points (1.6~ CP + 1.6~ CP).


Double-Eye Poke:​  As ​Blinding Blast, but replace Blast with Hand-To-Hand Attack. Total Cost: ​10 points.

   Flash Flash-Punch:  Add Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) to all slots. ​Total Cost: 14 points (7.5 APs + 7.5 APs; 7.5 CP + 7.5 CP).


Strength Transfer:  ​1d6 Drain (STR) (10 APs); Linked (Aid; -1/4) plus ​1d6 Aid (STR) (Standard Effect: Aid Result Equals Drain Result) (6 APs); Aid Result Cannot Exceed Drain Result After Defenses (-0), Linked (Drain; -1/2), Only Aid Self (-1). Total Cost: 10 points (8 CP + 2.4 CP).

   Curse of Strength Draining:  ​Add Constant (+1/2), Uncontrolled (Negated when the target is sprinkled in holy water or blessed by a faithful priest; +1/2); Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), and Restrainable (-1/2) to all slots. Total Cost: 14 CP (20 APs + 12 APs; 8.8~ CP + 4.8 CP).

   Strength Draining Rifle:  Add 4 Clips Of 8 Charges (-0), OAF Durable (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Min (5; -1/4), Two-Handed (-1/2) to all slots. Total Cost:​ 6 CP (4.4~ CP + 2.4 CP).

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Metapowers. Before I post some, I should basically state what I think they are.


Metapowers are: shorthand for writing semi complicated abilities on the lowest dice or points repersented.


Metapowers are: vehicles for ideas.


Metapowers are: shorthand (like Life Support: Full).


So, what do you think of Metapowers?


I think I never metapower I couldn't use as the basis for a new Talent (or for a re-useable prefabricated game element)


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary never metapower that couldn't be incorporated into a tagline

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I am entirely unclear on how these are meta. Meta usually implies drawing attention to the nature of a thing itself, I thought. These just seem like likely nomenclature for a power.


The only build that comes to mind I made that might be considered meta would be one of the the tokens of magical power used by a heroine I had, Vanessa Black, a famous TV psychic who was actually a member of an order dedicated to collecting and empowering objects, hiding away ones too dangerous to exist, etc. She had a number of items, like Houdini's Cuffs, which she wore as bracelets that defended against entangles, the Magic Bullet of JFK fame, which could strike multiple times, etc.


The object I might consider meta from that, and I'm not even sure that one is, was Uri's Skull, the skull used in the first portrayal of it in Shakespeare's time. The user of the skull, as long as they maintained their monologue, basically entangled everyone in an area effect(against EGO) and made them look at the speaker for the real time duration of the monologue. The speaker could do nothing but monologue. The meta part of the build is it was sticking its tongue out a bit at the fact that monologues take no time: the power was most useful the more time it took, and one of its most useful possibilities was to give teammates is a pinch time to recover while distracting whoever they were fighting.


But a truly meta power, imo, would be Drain vs. Whatever Stupid Munchkin Crap Doug Came Up With This Time, Always on. As a GM, I think I might allow everyone to have that one free. In fact, I might even give it to trees, rocks, clouds, animals, vegetables, all entries in the periodic table, and the vacuum of space. If Doug simply must shamelessly munchkin, the universe ought to get something out of it.

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Although, wouldn't double-eye poke technically be poking someone with both your eyes(or with any pair of eyes, I suppose)?


I'll try my hand at it:


Ego Entangle- the user of this power may force the target or targets to consider in great depth their inner awesomeness, so that they become fixed to their spot, being unable to decide what their best feature or trait is.


Blast from the Past- a delayed blast with the special effect that it appears to go off immediately, but then disappears in a time portal to fire off later.

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Blind Teleport- teleport, with the limitation that only blind people may be teleported


Emergency Trigger Summons- triggered summons that brings Roy Roger's horse


Bach's Fourth Extra-Dimensional Movement-  An image power linked to extra-dimensional movement through time which sends a piece of classical music back in time.


Deflection- deflection with alternate stat vs. presence attacks aimed at the character


Claire-sentience- Clairsentience, only usable on Claire


Static Cling- Clinging with the limitation that it can only be used while not moving or doing anything else


Density Increase- temporarily reduces the target's INT


Swinging with the neighbors- swinging, usable on others.


Okay, I'll admit my list has devolved into silliness.

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Actually, "Metapower" would be a power that effects a power, including itself.


So obviously, any Adjustment Power is a Metapower.


So is Dispel.


So is a Naked Advantage, or Talents like Deadly Blow.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary explains that a Dispel vs Adjustment Powers is a MetaMetaPower

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Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says whatever you call it, will it come when called?

Shorthand. As in when we use to call the Life Support: Self-Contained Breathing, Need No Food, Need No Sleep, the Safe Environment Low Pressure/Vacuum, High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Immunity to All Terrestrial Diseases, and Immunity to All Terrestrial Poisons as Life Support: Full to save space. (Technically it is not full cause it exculdes Does Not Age).

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