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My conversions (formerly Builds of 2018)

Mr. R

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Well if this was a trap, it was a damn silly one.


After knocking the door opened to a very fancy looking bar, very high class.  There sitting at the bar was the lady, dressed to the nines.  She looked at him a bit disapprovingly “You’re underdressed!”


“If you had given me some heads up, I would have brought my suit!’ Frank answered indignantly!


“Well you’re here.  What are you drinking (Please don’t say White Russian)?” as she gestured towards the bar.


“Rum and Coke with a twist of lime.”  Frank ordered, “So what is this place?”


“Think of it as an old style speakeasy, for supers!” the lady commented.  


Frank immediately looked around for possible enemies. “Relax” she said, “This week is the Villains Week.  Next week is for Heroes.  It's sort of like the tailor from Spiderman, the one who worked on heroes and villains on alternate days of the week.  Also this is considered neutral by both sides.  Even Supers need to relax”


Frank sipped his drink and admitted the rum was top notch.  “I’m impressed.”


“So talk,” she ordered.  “Why seek me out?”


Frank explained, her eyes widening as he went along.  “So let me get this straight, you thought I may have been the child of that cowardly jerk and inherited his powers, and were going to use that to try and get me to join?”


“Yeah.  I take it by the way you talk about him, you met ole Stormy?” Frank mentioned.


“Once, and I kicked his but.  But your offer sounds interesting.  I could use some bigger scores, and a chance to get rid of the stigma that twit saddled me with.”  At Frank’s raised eyebrow she explained “His rep as a coward has applied to many other weather workers.  So a chance to be rid of it would be nice.”


Frank got up to leave “So you in?”


“Certainly.  But where are you going, the night is young!” she asked huskily.  Frank sat back down.  “So what do I call you?”


“My handle is Storm King.  But for tonight you can call me Gabiella!

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Yes, I can do something about the weather



2023 Hero New Crushers 5 Storm King

    Val    Char    Cost    Roll    Notes
    10    STR    0    11-    Lift 100.0kg; 2d6
    18    DEX    24    13-    OCV:  6/DCV:  6
    25    CON    30    14-
    13    BODY    6    12-
    15    INT    5    12-    PER Roll 12-
    12    EGO    4    11-    ECV:  4
    20    PRE    10    13-    PRE Attack:  4d6
    18    COM    4    13-

    8+15    PD    6        Total:  8/23 PD (0/15 rPD)
    8+15    ED    3        Total:  8/23 ED (0/15 rED)
    4    SPD    12        Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
    7    REC    0
    50    END    0
    31    STUN    0    Total Characteristic Cost:  104

Movement:    Running:    6"/12"
    Flight:    15"/30"
    Leaping:    2"/4"
    Swimming:    2"/4"

Cost    Powers    END
49    Change Environment 64" radius, +2 Temperature Level Adjustment, -2 Temperature Level Adjustment, -5 to Characteristic Roll or Skill Roll, Alterable Size, Long-Lasting 20 Minutes, Multiple Combat Effects, Costs END Only To Activate (+¼), Personal Immunity (+¼) (111 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -¾), No Range (-½)    9
22    Elemental Control, 44-point powers
30    1)  Wind riding:  Flight 15", Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Invisible to Sight Group (+½) (52 Active Points)    2
30    2)  Storm Shield:  Force Field (15 PD/15 ED), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Invisible to Sight Group (+½) (52 Active Points)    2
23    3)  One with the Storm:  Invisibility to Sight Group , No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (45 Active Points)
75    Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots Indirect (Same origin, always fired away from attacker; +¼) (75 Active Points)
5u    1)  Lightning:  Energy Blast 10d6 (50 Active Points)    5
6u    2)  Thunder:  Energy Blast 4d6, Area Of Effect (4" Radius; +1), No Normal Defense ([Standard]; +1) (60 Active Points)    6
6u    3)  Fog:  Darkness to Sight Group 6" radius (60 Active Points)    6
5u    4)  Flash Bang:  Sight and Hearing Groups Flash 9d6 (50 Active Points)    5


5    Favor


8    Combat Shooting


3    Acting 13-
3    Gambling 12-
3    High Society 13-
1    Language English (imitate dialects; literate) (6 Active Points)
4    Language Spanish (completely fluent; literate)
4    Language French (completely fluent; literate)
3    Lipreading 12-
3    Navigation 12-
3    Paramedics 12-
3    Seduction 13-
2    TF:  Common Motorized Ground Vehicles
10    +1 Overall


Total Powers & Skill Cost:  306
Total Cost:  410

200+    Disadvantages
20    Psychological Limitation:  Greedy (Very Common; Strong)
15    Psychological Limitation:  Claustrophobic (Common; Strong)
10    Psychological Limitation:  Lecherous (Common; Moderate)
20    Hunted:  Until 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Capture)
10    Reputation:  Coward, 11-
135    Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points:  410
Earned Experience:  0
Spent Experience:  135
Unspent Experience:  0

Gabriella Reyes grew up poor and small in Florida's panhandle.  Her family was part of the Cuban refugee exodus, but though they were lauded for escaping Communism, later, after the luster had worn off, then the subtle (and not so subtle) disrespect started.  Regularly mocked for being poor, Latina, lower class, and what ever struck the fancy of the white families.  Then in her twenties, Gabriella started noticing that weather seemed to change due to her emotions.  For the next year she experimented, until she got a good handle on her powers.  Then she started pulling scores.  Never something big, but enough to bring her out of poverty.  But still she wants more.  She's tired of being poor.  Storm King will take her place in the rich part of life!  (Note she chose Storm King partially to make people confused, partially because why are kings male(?) and because Reyes means king in Spanish!) 


Gabriella is greedy.  If an operation promises money, she's all in.  Also Gabriella has a lustful side.  She appreciates the male form.   She will make passes at any good looking male opponent.  

Storm King is a fairly talented weather manipulator.  Besides the control of the weather she possesses the ability to fly, shield herself, and go invisible.  All her attacks do not originate from her, which means she can hide and shoot.  Usually she will take to the air and target other fliers first, then target ground bound opponents.  Favoured attacks are the Flashbang then the Lightning.  Thunder is used for groups.  Fog is used for escapes!


Campaign Use:  
Romantic interest with an unsuspecting hero.  Also any plot that involves cash will have her involved. 


Latin female 155 cm and 65 kg with Shoulder length black hair and brown eyes.  Her costume is a one piece bodysuit in light grey, with a short skirt and a small shoulder cape / hood in dark grey. 


Despite the name, she's your usual stormer type.


To power up-  Dex 21 and SPD 5.  Then bring MP to 60 AP (90 with the Indirect).  If still not enough more slots in the MP may be in order!


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Have to like any super who rocks a hooded shoulder cape with style.  :)  Almost up there with the Big Red Cheese's one-shoulder half-cape look or Icon's cape of unmitigated awesomeness.


Amusing that Stormlord's yellow streak has managed to taint all the other weather manipulators since him.  And at 11- no less.  Man, that must be annoying.  At least she doesn't seem to be psychopathic about proving it's wrong.


Y'know, it took me till now to realize that even with a twenty-year time skip while Mocker was indisposed, there's still some time dilation going on.  Crisis was over forty years ago IRL, and man, do I feel old now.

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Mocker made his way through the wilderness of the Cascade Mountains.  He’d heard stories of a hairy mountain man raising hell in the area, and hoped it was Bull.  But a sudden snow storm

had hit and he was forced to go to ground.  Fortunately the cold weather didn’t bother him and so he continued to trudge through the snow.  


That was when he found the first body.  High tech gear, but not TRADE.  The nomenclature was unfamiliar to him so he continued on.  Later he found two more bodies.  Whoever had attacked them was swift and incredibly strong.  Bull?!


Over the next rise he saw a squad of the agents setting up an attack to what seemed a target hiding in a dense wooded area.  


“Let's see what pans out!” Mocker thought.  


As the agents started their atack, a giant of a man erupted from the snow to their right.  


“WT>>>>!  How?”  But it was too late, he was among them using his great strength to pound each successive agent unconscious.  Within a minute, it was over, the giant standing over seven trained agent types.  The giant started looting the bodies.  Mocker approved.  He stepped into view.


The giant looked up and his eyes widened “Mocker?”


“Bull?” Mocker quizzed!  “You’re a bit different.”


“Yeah, being stuck in a different world for two years changes you a bit.” Bull said.


“Two years? Bull!  It’s 2023, over twenty years!”  Mocker exclaimed!


“For me it was two.  Had to fight for my life daily until I escaped into the mountains.  There I learned to live off the land.  Eventually I got caught up in a BBEG plot to destroy the world, got zapped by his malfunctioning device and ended up back here.  But I can guess that you’re not here to catch up on old times!  You got plans?  If so I’m in.  I’m tired of living like a mountain man!”  Bull stated!


“Nice.  Now all we need is Marion….” At Bull’s growl, Mocker stopped.  “I take it you didn’t part on good terms?”


“No, we did not.  Getting even with her was one of the few things that kept me going all those years!” Bull yelled!


One of the agents groaned and began to get up.  Mocker screamed him back into unconsciousness.  “Who are these guys?”  

“No idea.  Snowstorm hit and next thing I know they are tracking me.  I had to do a lot of wood craft to lay false trails and ambushes.”  Bull stated matter of factly.


Mocker was at a loss for words.  The old Bull was never so devious.


“OH well, not my problem.  C’mon, I’ll introduce you to the new Crushers!” Mocker said!

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He keeps it simple...



2023 Hero New Crushers 4 Bull

    Val    Char    Cost    Roll    Notes
    65    STR    55    22-    Lift 204.8tons; 13d6 [6]
    18    DEX    24    13-    OCV:  6/DCV:  6
    28    CON    36    15-
    15    BODY    10    12-
    9    INT    -1    11-    PER Roll 11-
    10    EGO    0    11-    ECV:  3
    20    PRE    10    13-    PRE Attack:  4d6
    10    COM    0    11-

    25    PD    12        Total:  25 PD (25 rPD)
    25    ED    19        Total:  25 ED (24 rED)
    4    SPD    12        Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
    19    REC    0
    56    END    0
    62    STUN    0    Total Characteristic Cost:  177

Movement:    Running:    12"/24"
    Leaping:    23"/46"
    Swimming:    7"/14"

Cost    Powers    END
15    Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%
15    Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%
24    Damage Resistance (25 PD/24 ED)
10    Leaping +10" (23" forward, 11 ½" upward)    1
5    Swimming +5" (7" total)    1
12    Running +6" (12" total)    1
16    Naked Advantage: Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) for up to 65 Active Points (16 Active Points)
10    Regen:  Healing 1 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Inherent (+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (34 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 5 Minutes (-1 ¾), Self Only (-½)
15    How is it he is never caught?:  Luck 3d6

15    Combat Sense 11-

3    Climbing 13-
3    Concealment 11-
3    KS 11-
3    Navigation 11-
3    Stealth 13-
9    Survival 14-
7    Tracking 13-
2    TF:  Common Motorized Ground Vehicles
3    Persuasion 13-
3    Streetwise 13-
10    +2 with HTH Combat

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  186
Total Cost:  363

200+    Disadvantages
15    Psychological Limitation:  Likes to fight (Common; Strong)
15    Hunted:  Police 8- (As Pow; NCI; Capture)
15    Physical Limitation:  Large 228 cm 200 kg (Frequently; Greatly Impairing)
15    Psychological Limitation:  Overconfident (Common; Strong)
15    Enraged:  Combat (Common), go 11-, recover 14-
20    Distinctive Features:  (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
68    Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points:  363
Earned Experience:  0
Spent Experience:  68
Unspent Experience:  0

Most people know Bull from his time with the Crushers.  Easily dupped, with a one track mind when it came to combat, it was only his great luck that kept him out of jail.  Then he and Marionette were on a job post Crushers, and something exploded which ripped a hole to another dimension.  Bull was about to run when Marion commanded him to plug the hole with his body.  He obeyed (He had no choice) and was sucked in to that other world, a high tech swords and sorcery type world.  Quickly captured by the natives, he was placed in the gladiator pits.  Fighting to survive every day made Bull a better fighter and fog in his brain cleared up.  His captors never noticed that and were surprised when Bull staged a break out.  Making his way to the wilderness mountains nearby, he at first just tried to survive, but eventually he became involved with a local warlord and his plans to take over the continent.  At the final battle, a hole again appeared.  Bull lost no time jumping into it and found himself back on earth.  But where two years happened for him, it was twenty here.  When he ran into Mocker (Lucky wasn't it), he was quick to jump on board.


Bull still is very simple in his motivations.  He likes to fight, and after the last two years, he want enough cash to live easy.  




Previously Bull was very simple in his tactics, hit, check status of opponent, if necessary, hit again.  He still keeps it simple, but now will look at terrain for surprise moves, or material he can use to foul an enemy.  Also it seems some secondary powers kicked in during his sojourn and he is much more durable than before.


Campaign Use:  
Bull is another working class villain.  But his possible feud with Marionette could be spun into a story arc.


Bull is BIG.  228 cm and 200 kg.  He has long black hair which he wears in a tail.  His costume is a pair of boxing like trunks in black, simple black boots and what look like silver bracers (manacles?) at his wrists!



To power up- More PD and ED, Dex of 20 and SPD of 5 would be a start.  Another +1 or +2 to CSL Would also work!





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Picked up some useful skills and a few other things, but still Bull all right.  With time passing differently during his absence he's now the kid on the team, isn't he?  At least compared to any original Crushers he's now ~18 years younger than them, a whole generation's difference.  I guess that's only FIST and Mocker so far, and Mocker probably won't even notice.


Heh.  Marionette's in for a surprise though.  "Got a score to settle with you, old lady."  

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  • 4 weeks later...

A month later Frank and Gabriella were no closer to getting in touch with Vixen.  They had put out feelers and greased some palms and still no luck.


Then one day Max and Frank got a notice that Mace’s old base was being occupied.  And a message “Nice place.  Heard you were looking for me.  Might as well meet here!” Signed “V”!


Frank looked at Max who looked at Mocker.  


“Might be a trap!” Mocker said.


Max answered, “There are easier ways to set us up!  So do we check it out?”


“I Will.” said Mocker.


“Alone?” said Frank.


“Nope.  The rest of you will be around for back up!  If this is a trap, I want it to be as painful for them as possible!”


A few hours later they were at the old farm house.  


Mocker entered the Lab and found a little lady in a black and red leotard sitting a work table eating dinner.


“I have a bottle of wine cooling, but I don’t know if you drink.. Wine?” she said.


“Yes I can, but it has no effect on me.  You went to a lot of trouble to get us here.  You could have just talked at the bar.  Why all the trouble?” Mocker queried.


“Well I needed to have you check out.  I brought extra food, you can call the others in if you want, and we can discuss the terms of my contract!” she said.


“You seem awfully sure of yourself young la…”  “Please!  Call me Vixen!”

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Who's that girl!



2023 Hero New Crushers 7 Vixen

    Val    Char    Cost    Roll    Notes
    10    STR    0    11-    Lift 100.0kg; 2d6
    27    DEX    51    14-    OCV:  9/DCV:  9
    18    CON    16    13-
    13    BODY    6    12-
    18    INT    8    13-    PER Roll 13-
    20    EGO    20    13-    ECV:  7
    15    PRE    5    12-    PRE Attack:  3d6
    20    COM    5    13-

    8    PD    6        Total:  8 PD (8 rPD)
    8    ED    4        Total:  8 ED (8 rED)
    5    SPD    13        Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
    6    REC    0
    36    END    0
    27    STUN    0    Total Characteristic Cost:  134

Movement:    Running:    12"/24"
    Leaping:    2"/4"
    Swimming:    2"/4"

Cost    Powers    END
5    Damage Resistance (8 PD/8 ED) (8 Active Points); OIF (-½)
12    Running +6" (12" total)    1
13    Shrinking (1 m tall, 12.5 kg mass, -2 PER Rolls to perceive character, +2 DCV, takes +3" KB), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (20 Active Points); Always On (-½)
2    Life Support  (Longevity: 400 Years)
16    Mental Defense (20 points total)
62    Multipower, 62-point reserve
3u    1)  Emotion Control:  Mind Control 10d6, Telepathic (+¼) (62 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Emotions only; -1)    6
6u    2)  Emotional Overload:  Ego Attack 5d6, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (62 Active Points)    2
6u    3)  Sensory overload:  Sight Group Flash 5d6, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (56 Active Points)    2

4    Martial Block    +2    +2    Block, Abort
4    Martial Dodge    --    +5    Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4    Martial Strike    +0    +2    6d6 Strike
3    Martial Throw    +0    +1    4d6 +v/5, Target Falls
5    Offensive Strike    -2    +1    8d6 Strike
3    Legsweep    +2    -1    5d6 Strike, Target Falls
8    +2 HTH Damage Class(es)


3    Money:  Well Off



3    Absolute Time Sense
3    Simulate Death
12    Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)


3    Acrobatics 14-
3    Breakfall 14-
3    Climbing 14-
3    Disguise 13-
3    Navigation 13-
3    Oratory 12-
3    Persuasion 12-
3    Shadowing 13-
3    Stealth 14-
2    TF:  Common Motorized Ground Vehicles
3    Paramedics 13-
3    PS: Appraise 13-
3    KS 13-
3    High Society 12-
3    Survival 13-
10    +1 Overall
8    +1 with All Combat


Total Powers & Skill Cost:  239
Total Cost:  373


200+    Disadvantages
15    Physical Limitation:  Only one Meter tall (Frequently; Greatly Impairing)
15    Psychological Limitation:  Overconfident (Common; Strong)
10    Susceptibility:  Attacked with Mental Power 2d6 damage Instant (Uncommon)
25    Enraged:  When attacked with mental power (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 8-
15    Hunted:  Until 8- (As Pow; NCI; Capture)
5    Distinctive Features:  (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
88    Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points:  373
Earned Experience:  0
Spent Experience:  88
Unspent Experience:  0

She's a mutant.  Nope she's the victim of a mad scientist's experiment.  Nope, she's the daughter of a fairy queen.  Nope, she's the descendant of a kitsune.  All that is really known is she's been around for at least seventy years and speaks as if she's older.  When asked why, she says just for fun!


Vixen likes to disturb, cause chaos.  She doesn't want to watch the world burn, just shake up the status quo a bit.  Right now,  Mocker's crew seem to fit the bill!



Vixen is a combo Martial Artist and Mentalist.  Her Martial Arts are not top tier, but are enough to be a surprise to anyone seeking to physically overpower her.  Her Mental Abilities are where she stronger.  She can overload a person's emotional senses, forcing them to feel any emotion she wants. Favourites are fear, apathy and occasionally anger.  In addition if she wishes she overload them to the point that the target takes damage from their own emotions.  Finally she can overload the sight nerves of a target.

In a combat, Vixen will try and hide in a crowd and snipe.  A favourite costume is a pre teen child or even a young teen.  From there she'll aid her teammates with a Sensory Overload or an Emotion Control.  If the opponent it very tough, she'll use an Emotional Overload!


Campaign Use:  
Mysterious origin.  And a wild card.


If it were not for the fact that she's only one meter tall, Vixen would appear to be in her mid twenties.  She has long red wavy hair and brown eyes.  If she must be in costume she prefers a red leotard with black accents and a black mask.  



Power up-  The sensory overload suggest maybe a Mental Illusion.  And it would fit.  Also a bit more Martial Arts would not be out of line!




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