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Hey all. I’m participating, but I haven’t written anything yet. I’ve been fighting a virus while also going through chemotherapy (last round—hooray!), while continuing to teach 5 classes online, so my energy hasn’t been the best. I should be able to get caught up this weekend and be a better team member. 

Quick question: I don’t know all the roleplaying terminology for this sort of thing, stuff like [irl] when I’m writing. Anybody have a glossary of terms so I can figure out what’s “in game” and what’s “in real life,” and stuff like that?

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There are dozens, Sir. 


I'm afraid most are outdated or flat-out intentionally-wrong humor pieces.  (irl = in real life, by the way.  OOC (capitalized) is "out of character," and is for making inquiries or smart remarks.    ;)  


Best solution I have found is to hit Google when you're stumped:  "define: X" 


You get a few business, science, and government hits, but then you get the "tweet speak" most currently in use. 

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Mostly in the game we use OOC when we are making a comment out of character, like:


OOC: This plotline reminds me of that episode of Moonlighting where they have a leprechaun as a client.


In the PBEM I also sometimes use AFK: "I'm going to be AFK (Away From Keyboard) for the next 24 hours"


I scrolled through a bunch of my game threads and those were the only two that jumped out at me. Of course we say things like NPC and GM--there are some Hero abbreviations to watch for (SPD, Rec, Disads, etc.)


Wait, I just spotted an IIRC (If I Remember Correctly) and IG (In Game, which means we're back to talking in game)



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Will you be doing a daily digest?  I only ask because in the last couple of years, Google has forced so many changes on G-mail that it's nearly impossible to track multiple conversations, etc-- it's impossible to turn off that damned auto-sorting, for example, and crap just ends up _anywhere_, particularly multiple mails from the same sender  / group-- it's maddening.  For example, I think my very first in-game was done completely wrong (I "replied" instead of "reply all") and now the damned thing has filed itself somewhere secret and unknowable.....



a daily digest would help at least one person, but only if it's not too much trouble....




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  • 2 months later...
On 4/3/2020 at 7:12 PM, Duke Bushido said:



Will you be doing a daily digest?  I only ask because in the last couple of years, Google has forced so many changes on G-mail that it's nearly impossible to track multiple conversations, etc-- it's impossible to turn off that damned auto-sorting, for example, and crap just ends up _anywhere_, particularly multiple mails from the same sender  / group-- it's maddening.  For example, I think my very first in-game was done completely wrong (I "replied" instead of "reply all") and now the damned thing has filed itself somewhere secret and unknowable.....



a daily digest would help at least one person, but only if it's not too much trouble....





Sorry, Duke. I missed this question! 

We didn't do a daily digest but I occasionally did recap threads (saying this for posterity--in case anyone is perusing this thread for how we did it). You're absolutely right about Gmail. We had a lot of problems with the players using Gmail. Strangely enough, Yahoo is perfect for PBEM. You have to make sure to set it up so that your messages are NOT kept in "conversation" groups. I'm not sure if that's an option in Gmail.


Anyway, to sum up, the Gmail users had trouble: threads were hard to follow after multiple replies. But as I said, Yahoo seems to maneuver well. I would recommend using Yahoo for a PBEM, even if it's the only time you ever use Yahoo mail.

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43 minutes ago, pbemguy said:


erfect for PBEM. You have to make sure to set it up so that your messages are NOT kept in "conversation" groups. I'm not sure if that's an option in Gmail.


It used to be.


Then G-mail decided to make itself better by taking sorting options away from you and leaving them in the hands of their AI experiments.


Let's remember that this is the same "machine learning system" that, in over two years, still hasn't figured out that _no one_ wants YouTube Premium.....




43 minutes ago, pbemguy said:

Anyway, to sum up, the Gmail users had trouble: threads were hard to follow after multiple replies. But as I said, Yahoo seems to maneuver well. I would recommend using Yahoo for a PBEM, even if it's the only time you ever use Yahoo mail.


Good to know; thanks.


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9 hours ago, pbemguy said:


Sorry, Duke. I missed this question! 

We didn't do a daily digest but I occasionally did recap threads (saying this for posterity--in case anyone is perusing this thread for how we did it). You're absolutely right about Gmail. We had a lot of problems with the players using Gmail. Strangely enough, Yahoo is perfect for PBEM. You have to make sure to set it up so that your messages are NOT kept in "conversation" groups. I'm not sure if that's an option in Gmail.


Anyway, to sum up, the Gmail users had trouble: threads were hard to follow after multiple replies. But as I said, Yahoo seems to maneuver well. I would recommend using Yahoo for a PBEM, even if it's the only time you ever use Yahoo mail.

After fiddling for a bit with it, I discovered that gmail changed the way they label messages and I had to make some changes to their default assumptions. You can still change the settings to ungroup messages and so on, but it’s less intuitive now than it used to be. 

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