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    Hello Heroes! We're currently experiencing a small glitch in the Hero website that shows all items as being free when you click on their listings. Unfortunately we're not having that good of a sale at the moment, and you will see the actual prices and be charged for products when you check out with them. We're working on getting this fixed as fast as possible, thank you all for your patience.

    An eight page system agnostic article, the section of interstellar space described in The Void can be used in just about any science fiction setting you desire. Simply make whatever edits you need to allow it to fit into galaxies far, far away, millennia-old human empires, or unexplored sectors of space. You could even rework The Void into something far smaller — such as an oceanic region where things are very, very strange, or the site of a magical incident gone awry. In an event, certain portions of the setting are left open-ended, to enable you to better customize The Void for your own use. So make The Void your own, and do with it what you will.

    Up now on Kickstarter! Blood and Doom is an immersive fantasy RPG unlike any you have seen before, set in the captivating and wondrous world known as Athyr. Get ready to discover a realm shrouded in mystery and legend. Features writing from several Hero Games Alumni including Steven S. Long, Michael Surbrook, Jason Walters, and Darren Watts.

    Heroes In A Hurry is now available on Amazon!
    Ready to start a Champions campaign, but don't want to spend a whole session building player characters? Or do you need a quick non-player hero for tonight's session? Heroes In A Hurry to the rescue! The modular character creation system in this book lets you build the hero you want - without all the fiddly math. It's all done for you, link below!

    They got arrested and sent off to Stronghold, and the world breathed easier in their absence. They were forgotten about, and the world moved on. The problem is, no one thought to tell them that they were irrelevant.
    They couldn’t, wouldn’t stay in Stronghold forever. They couldn’t, wouldn’t stay in hiding once they escaped. They’ve relaxed long enough, they are rested and rejuvenated. It's time to let the world know they are back and they are ready to return to their old ways. It's time to put fear in the hearts and minds of the world. The time for their deathly return is now, the world will tremble, and The Conquerors and Deathstroke will smile.
    Available with or without Hero Designer files!

    S.I.D.s is short for Super-powered Individual Database. This is a database that various government agencies are starting to use to keep track of all the various villains and heroes. Over the last few years the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed.
    It has become a full time job to try and keep track of them as well as update information about them, that is the purpose of this database.
    This collection contains a bookmarked PDF and Hero Designer Files from the previous S.I.D.s Report & Bulletin Supplements:
    SID Report # 20 - Evil Mutant Society, Sid Report – Necronus, Sid Report – Serpent Collective, Sid Report – Conquistadors, Sid Report 24 – Reapers, Sid Report - PsiKing
    SID Bulletin 11 – Graviton, SID Bulletin12 – Night Shadow, SID Bulletin 13 – Madame Trouble, SID Bulletin 14 – Screwball, SID Bulletin 15 – Odin Son
    Includes PDF, 198 pages, with Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniatures.

    Hello Heroes! There are currently three Hero Games bundles available at Bundle of Holding!

    First up we've got the revived Hero System 6e and Champions 6e bundles. Get all the rulebooks and major supplements for HERO System Sixth Edition for as low as $9.95, and get the entire Champions Complete selection for as low as $12.95!
    Hero Plus is a new bundle that just launched today, featuring 22 quick mini-scenarios for Champions and Pulp Hero and starting at $5.95! With this offer the Bundle site has nearly completed a years-long effort to present every title Hero Games published from 1981 to about 2019. Whew!

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