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    Recent News
    On more than 100 pages, Star HERO: The Sad Giant will take you and your team of heroes to a remote asteroid belt in a far-away system where not everything is what it seems to be and where ruthless killers, scheming manipulators, and unscrupulous scientists have created a nightmarish microcosm of fear, hate, madness, and something … alien.
    Check it out through the link below!

    …AND THEY LOOK LIKE PEOPLE. Monsters are among us, and they might be standing right next to you. Muggers, Maniacs, and Murderers is a new series developed to expand your Cinematic Action RPG campaign. Pit your PCs against the worst that humanity has to offer. Volume One expands on Hero Games’ Hudson City campaign book and includes several new villains to challenge your PCs. Are you going to let Evil win?


    Patreon Update!

    By A.C, in HERO System News,

    Over on the Hero Patreon we've got Victorian Hero polished off and off to the printer to get a proof! In the meantime, we've been posting chapters of Dean Shomshak’s new book The Sylvestri Family Reunion; a Champions Universe expansion providing more details about the feared and hated clan of Satanic sorcerers known as the Sylvestris. There's already quite a few chapters up already, all of which are available for just $5 a month!
    For those who have been following the progress of Michael Surbrook’s Strike Force Organizations, the introduction to the book is now available on the Hero Games Patreon as of yesterday as well!
    We'd also like to thank those who have signed up to be a patron since our last post:
    Aaron Burdick
    Mark Gabriel
    Sean DeLap
    Troy S. Cash

    Heroes In A Hurry has been restocked! Ready to start a Champions campaign, but don’t want to spend a whole session building player characters? Or do you need a quick non-player hero for tonight’s session? Heroes In A Hurry to the rescue! The modular character creation system in this book lets you build the hero you want – without all the fiddly math. It’s all done for you!
    Grab your copy through the link below!

    S.I.D. is short for Super-powered Individual Database. It's the database that various government agencies use to keep track of various villains and heroes. Over the last few years, the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed, and the S.I.D. Bulletin is a flyer that highlights new solo villains. The same care is taken with their data as with those in our S.I.D. Report. All known history and abilities are given in this series of small products that introduces new villains and heroes for your campaign.
    This installment introduces a new villain: Psion, whose powerful mind creates two iridescent arms to appear and do her bidding. The arms can open doors, feed her, punch trough walls, and even propel her into the air as a giant leap!
    This nine-page PDF includes Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniature. Link below!

    New SID report! This series of small products will introduce new villains and heroes for your campaign. This installment introduces a new organization called Atheneum, which is supplying the international underworld with information about people, places, and things - such as prototype weapons, secret experiments, and even the secret identities of heroes. They are the intelligence broker to supervillains everywhere; and they must be found and stopped!

    This revived September 2020 Hero Magazines Bundle offer once again presents three long-running hobby periodicals devoted to Champions, The Super Roleplaying Game and the universal HERO System rules set from Hero Games. This is a vast library of Hero characters, organizations, locations, equipment, vehicles, adventures, rules variants, and essays. Stock your tabletop roleplaying campaign for decades with these .PDF image scans of Adventurers Club magazine (all 27 issues, 1983-1995), Digital Hero (all 47 issues, 2002-2008), and hundreds of articles from the APAzine (Amateur Press Association publication) Haymaker (1992-2014).
    Check out the bundle here: https://bundleofholding.com/presents/HeroMags2024


    Patreon Update

    By A.C, in HERO System News,

    New Patreon update! Victorian Hero print proofs are on their way to us, and Scott Bennie’s The Last Orc is also going off to production to be cleaned up in it's PDF form.
    You can find the full PDFs of both, and much more, on the Hero Games' patreon for $5 a month, link below!
    We'd also like to thank those who have signed up to be a patron since our last post:
    Jim Roof


    Patreon Update

    By A.C, in HERO System News,

    New Patreon update! We're ironing out the last bits of Victorian Hero and getting ready to publish and send it off to be printed. We're also on the last few chapters of The Last Orc, and have begun posting chapters of Dean Shomshak’s new book The Sylvestri Family Reunion; a Champions Universe expansion providing more details about the feared and hated clan of Satanic sorcerers known as the Sylvestris. You can sign up to be a patron for only $5 a month, getting access to everything we've posted so far!
    We'd also like to thank those who have signed up to be a patron since our last post:
    Steve Esling
    Brian Woerth

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