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    Jason S.Walters
    At 270 pages, The Jolrhos Codex is a huge compilation of Christopher Taylor's Fantasy Hero ideas and work spanning several decades of gaming and writing. The first part is an introduction, containing an examination of the Hero rules in a fantasy campaign, detailing thoughts and methods of creating spells using the Hero Toolkit. When combined with the detailed Spell System outlined in the Player Guide GMs and players have everything they need to have magic in their fantasy campaign. The bulk of the Codex is spells, naturally. There are three sections: Magic, Bard Songs, and Priestly Rituals, each section listed in alphabetical order. Lastly are the appendices, with a small bestiary of creatures and structures referred to only in this book, a magical thesaurus, thoughts on building magic, and more. Includes physical book, 272 page PDF, plus extensive HDC files.
    Hero Games Store
    Indie Press Revolution
    Barnes & Noble

    Jason S.Walters
    There is something symbolic about doors. Open, they often represent a welcoming attitude or nature, an idea best expressed with the phase: “open door policy.” Closed, doors present a barrier—to sight, to sound, to entry, to communication. An open door shows you are willing to talk to others, while a closed door shows you have shut yourself off from the world.
    Door Discoveries is designed to give Game Masters a reference for designing and creating doors, gates, locks, and other barriers. Unlike many of the other Discoveries products, this isn’t a collection of random encounters, but a tool, to be used to develop new — and expand on existing — encounters.

    Jason S.Walters
    Treasure. The mere word sparks visions of piles of gold coins, chests full of Spanish pieces of eight, ropes of pearls, bejeweled rings, cut gemstones, and more. It is often the driving force behind many stories and adventures. The dragon from Beowulf went on a rampage due to the theft of a single gold cup from its massive hoard. The dwarves in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit seek to recover their lost kingdom — and its untold wealth. The entire point behind Robert Lewis Stevenson’s Treasure Island is to be the first to find a lost pirate treasure. And the Dungeons & Dragons module White Plume Mountain is centered on an attempt to try and recover three stolen magic items. Asyou can see, treasure — or the mere rumor of treasure — can spark a single adventure or even an entire campaign.
    Treasure Discoveries is designed to present Game Masters with a wealth (no pun intended) of information when it comes to creating treasure caches and troves. The who, what, where, and why of treasure troves will be discussed. As well as ways to store treasure (and what all those terms mean). You will also find descriptions of precious metals, gems, minerals, and numerous crafted objects. The rumored properties of gemstones (taken from myth and folklore) will be noted — useful fuel for any fantasy game. In short, Treasure Discoveries will allow you to create detailed custom treasure troves suitable for almost any fantasy setting (as well as other genres, if you so wish). And please, feel free to adjust, alter, and expand upon each treasure trove as you see fit, tailoring each one to your specific campaign world. It is your game after all. Make the most of it.

    Presenting a combination of utility, imaginative content, and deep research typical of many Surbrook Press products, Michael Surbrook delves deeply into books, presenting a toolkit for GMs who want to elevate their games. In this case, Library Discoveries is an extraordinary source of useful information about using books in your campaign. It includes: 
    A look at what a book is, how they are made, what goes between their covers. Writing surfaces other than paper. An entire section dedicated to the concept of writing systems—their development and nature. A list of notable books from fact and fiction. A series of tables allowing a Game Master to randomly generate any number of books and documents that might be found in a treasure trove, wizard's sanctum, nobleman's collection, or any library great or small.  

    Special And Unique Items – Every adventurer wants to have Hat that will hold all their belongings. Perhaps a figurine that turns into a horse or a crystal ball that can see lands far away. From the Gems of Seeing to Furs of Warmth, Carpet of Flying to a Tent of Security. Here you will find over 36 items to add to your Fantasy Hero campaign.

    Here you will find villains of old back from their self-induced hiatus and ready to pounce on the world again. Villains from some of Hero Games' older material that has yet to be upgraded to 6th edition. Some of your favorite or perhaps “lightly” used villains perfect to inject into a new Champions campaign.
    In this installment you'll find 6th edition stats for Plunder, a group of superpowered individuals out to get rich. This installment will be given including Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniatures. Available on both Hero Games' website and DriveThruRPG

    The Jolrhos Codex is packed with unique and creative magic for your mage, bard, or priest to learn and use… and for your GM to use against you.
    Almost a thousand new spells, songs, and rituals for Fantasy Hero, unlocking magic for GMs and Players alike.  This collection is designed for the Jolrhos Fantasy Hero Campaign, but can be used in any campaign or fantasy setting.  This companion to the Jolrhos Player Guide gives the details to all those summary spells, songs, and rituals mentioned in the Guide, and so much more!

    Ready to start a Champions campaign, but don’t want to spend a whole session building player characters? Or do you need a quick non-player hero for tonight’s session? Heroes In A Hurry to the rescue! The modular character creation system in this book lets you build the hero you want – without all the fiddly math. It’s all done for you, link below!

    Is the money on a character sheet just a recorded number, or is it an important part of the campaign experience for you and the other players at the table? In Filthy Lucre Michael Surbrook takes a deep dive into money — where it comes from, how it is made, how it is spent, and how it can be faked, to present a wealth of detail on a subject that can affect every fantasy game you might play in.

    Disks, Rings, and Spheres is a 52 page system-agnostic guide to the megastructures of science fact and fiction. Take a deep dive into science fictions “Big Dumb Objects” (or “BDOs”) and learn how to use them in your campaigns.   A Surbrook Press product from award-winning author Michael "The Professor" Surbrook.   https://www.herogames.com/store/product/1057-discs-rings-and-spheres-pdf/

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