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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. He half-turned while running, shot the taser, turned to full run and then gets hit.
  2. Somebody needs to invent a phaser with a stun setting as fast as possible?
  3. Thor and Hulk are going to be immune to Coronavirus. Stark, Nat and Clint are probably susceptible. The unknown is Cap - does the serum immunize him? Probably. Also, how does it work with Banner? Could Bruce get it, but then when he transforms it's destroyed? Or is his gamma-irradiated human body unaffected from the get-go? Another question is Spidey. You'd think he'd be pretty hardy, yet in the comics he was shown repeatedly getting things like the common cold.
  4. He was intoxicated, asleep in his car at a Wendy's. They woke him and he failed a sobriety test. He resisted arrest and grabbed a taser and ran. The officer who still had his taser pursued and tried to taser him. While running he turned back to fire the taser at the closest officer. One of them shot him immediately afterwards.
  5. I'm proud of being tall. Also, my hazel eyes...and my smooth, baby-soft skin.
  6. I will always agree that more training is helpful. However, I don't believe Scandinavian countries are good examples to use for the subject of police brutality. As I understand it, they have little to no racial, ethnic or cultural divisions whatsoever in the past or present. Nor do they even deal with sticky immigration or refugee issues such as Germany. These are massive underlying causes of the problem. Also, more training does not fix the main factor - abusive and/or flat out bad cops are almost completely untouchable thanks to police unions, lobbyists and internal politics.
  7. We have so many billionaires in the world today. Many of these problems would go away if just one in each major city would step up and endure 10 years of intense training, invest in cutting edge gadgets and vehicles, and construct a secret lair.
  8. It comes less than 2,500,000km distance in the year 2050. PS: In the game Civilization, 2050 is the final year of play.
  9. It starts with the writing. Leto was given crappy dialogue that ruminated within the confines of a crappy movie. His portrayal never stood a chance anyway.
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