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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. I'll thank you to keep this conversation focused on silly, frivolous topics like politics, religion or social issues and stay away from deadly serious discussions like the NFL or which Kardashian is the most talented.
  2. I thought I was wrong once, but it turns out I was mistaken.
  3. David - "He cheated!" Kirk - "I changed the conditions of the test. Got a commendation for original thinking. I don't like to lose." Saavik - "Then you never faced that situation...faced death." Kirk - "I don't believe in the no-win scenario." Opens communicator - "Kirk to Spock. It's 2 hours, are you ready?" Spock - "Right on schedule, Admiral. Just give us your ccordinates and we'll beam you aboard." Kirk stands up like a cocky badass and cooly takes a bite of his apple - "I don't like to lose."
  4. The other side of the coin: https://www.sbnation.com/2011/12/29/2668063/top-ten-list-best-hitting-pitchers-of-all-time From 2011, so no Ohtani. No Ruth because he only counted guys who pitched in 80% of their games. I specifically remember Mike Hampton from this list being an excellent hitter (and pretty good pitcher as well).
  5. Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves - Wow, this was a really fun and surprisingly good movie. Some very funny scenes and great use of D&D-specific monsters and spells. A dizzying shape-changing chase scene and great main characters (especially Rege-Jean Page's, Xenk the Paladin). Excellent Easter eggs - particularly the characters who appear during the arena scene near the end.
  6. I'm a couple months away from 54 years old. I am happily heterosexual. I have never been more well adjusted and wise/knowledgeable about the world, life and people than I am at this moment. Yet, I honestly cannot fathom...I mean I don't have an F-ing clue about why half of humanity has such an obsessive, passionate hatred of homosexuality. No response needed...just felt like sharing.
  7. I keep telling you to stay out of politics...don't you remember what happened after you barely escaped the fall of Rome?
  8. I will wait till it's streaming - John Wick, D&D and GotG are on my radar.
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