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Posts posted by Starlord

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Will my girl need her own registration?

    Heh. With the levels of paranoia and conspiracy theories that are upchucking around here in the last 6 hours, she's probably going to need to show up at the HERO offices with 3 forms of picture ID, her birth certificate, and blood, urine, and stool samples.

  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    I think if he'd of asked? "Hey, how about if I start a new Musing of Random Musings thread. I don't like that Kara is at the start of this one."


    I'd have just agreed, but now I'm slightly annoyed. Reminds me of corporate "Don't ask permission, ask forgiveness" policies.


    why yes i have many scars, watch your step




    I don't run the asylum, I'm just one of the lunatics, but somebody needs to tell me where my meds are.

  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    I'm saying that the reference Doc made must have been to a bag of holding' date=' not to a portable hole, because portable holes are two-dimensional objects -- like a silk scarf -- and you can't turn two-dimensional objects inside out.[/quote']



    Nevermind me.

  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Maggots in wounds have been found to be beneficial. When doctors couldn't get to soldiers in the civil war, their worst wounds were filled with maggots. The doctors were frightened of this, but later, they found the soldiers who had maggots in their wounds had LESS infection in their systems, and their wounds healed more quickly. Apparently, the maggots ate the damaged, dead flesh, but left the living flesh alone. They also ate foreign matter in the wound, and thus cleaned it out so that the body could heal.


    Today, maggots are grown, disinfected, and used in hospitals to debride necrotic sores and other horrible injuries. It looks horrible, but then, compared to rotting flesh, seeping wounds and festering sores, it's a good thing to be a maggot.


    This realization makes me wonder if the maggots of rage and hatred in my own soul are a good thing.

    Didn't they do that in the movie Gladiator?

  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Um' date=' you can't turn a two-dimensional object inside out. Yes, I know it's only two-dimensional until it's laid flat, but you can't turn it inside out when it's laid flat, because if you pick up one edge it turns two-dimensional again, because it isn't flat. Just trust me on this...[/quote']

    Are you saying that you can't turn a bag inside out? Or are you saying that a bag of holding is a two-dimensional object?

  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    That very sentence kicked off an impromptu and very long dimensional-travel tangent to a D&D campaign I had spent weeks planning out. I don't recommend trying it. Or if you do' date=' don't have other plans.[/quote']

    Cool. My 16-year-old asked me that the other day, I guess he thought of it during one of his recent gaming sessions.

  7. Re: Need ideas for Excalibur


    If you take Excalibur as a symbol of the strength of the land you could give it some earth and/or plant controlling powers.



    Also, in many stories it was supposed to a symbol of peace, bringing the people together, and healing the country so you could give it some Dispelling/Nullification powers, Aid to teammates (Kingly Inspiration), and general Healing abilities.

  8. Re: FYI: why more people aren't playing HERO (rpg.net)


    From my own experience, there are three types of people who don't want to play the Hero System:



    The Herophobic: Takes one look at the rules and freaks, or perhaps the game was poorly described (perhaps by some other person who won't play it), giving this person a bad image of the system.


    The Mislead: These people tried playing it once or twice at a con, or a friend might have sprung it on them. In this case, either the other players/GM did a bad job of describing the game, or they just didn't catch on, being used to other styles of rules systems. They really have no idea of the actual rules, but think they do and base their opinion on that misinformation.


    The Lazy: This is actually a poor term for this group, as there is really nothing wrong with them. These people know what the Hero System is all about, and might even like the system. They are just happy using whatever comes out of the box of other systems and don't feel like tinkering around with the framework of the rules. Maybe they don't want to take the time, or they just want to roll some dice on the weekend. They don't need the Hero System to do these things, and in fact, the Hero System will hinder them in their pursuits.


    Techincally, there's a fourth, the Fanatic. I don't tend to count them though, because these people are nuts. They have already picked their game of choice, and won't play any other. They may even play their game of choice, rewriting all of the rules so it works just write for them to the point where it's not even recognizable from what's published. They don't have a reason for not playing Hero System, they have a reason to not play anything but their "one true system." But like I said, I don't really count these people, because they aren't even potential players, where the other three are.

    Those are probably typical reasons for someone not playing ANY game system though, not just HERO.

  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    I think if the study was possible, studies would show that normal, happy, and well-adjusted children are produced not specifically by undivorced male and female parents, but rather by parents of any sex or creed who have given the proper amount of love, attention, and discipline.

  10. Re: West Coast Sourcebook


    In any case' date=' I think a west coast city book would be fun, and I think it would be a kick to see the Protectors hit print again for a new generation. But, of course, I am [i']highly[/i] biased in all of this... :snicker:

    I agree with others in that you should do this. I'm curious if you ever finished updating the Protectors images and giving more background info on them. I believe you got about halfway through and that's the last I saw of them.

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