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Posts posted by Spectrum

  1. Re: Answers & Questions


    Q: Why is everything so fuzzy? I can hardly see a thing.


    A: ET phone home using 1-800-collect.

    Q: What could be more pathetic than Carrot Top?


    A: He learned what dark secret the Keebler Elves had been hiding all these years.

  2. Re: Answers & Questions


    Q) How would you sum up the sad state of middle-school romance these days?



    A) A rabid tasmanian devil to be placed in his trousers.


    Q: So what does the impeachment proccess for the President of the NGD board entail exactly?


    A: Sorry, but that's not an actual Yu-Gi-Oh card.

  3. Re: Answers & Questions


    Q: AllI have to do is put this pill in its mouth while it's docile...


    A: They built this city on stock and stoles.


    Q:I heard they ran out of rock and roll, what did they use instead?


    A: We're going to need alot of bandages...oh and get some cinnamon rolls while you're at it.

  4. Re: Gundam SEED


    We had quite a few regular customers who were big anime collectors at our store. We had a pretty decent anime section which myself and two of my co-workers who were alse anime fans were proud of. We basicaly sold then at the standard retail price. I guess each otaku has thier own preferences as to where to get thier anime. :D

  5. Re: Gundam SEED


    I believe $29.99 is the price for the U.S. release of the DVD. Most anime on DVD tends to be either $24.99 or $29.99, although there are some that are $14.99 or $19.99. I used to work at Suncoast and I bought most of my anime there so trust me on this.


  6. Re: Marvel Comic's "Secret Wars 2"


    Actually I think it's just "Secret War." The story jumps between Luke Cage being hospitialized and the events in Latveria which took place a year ago in the story. The Luke Cage thing appears to be the result of some payback by an unknown assailant. It's pretty good.

  7. Re: Gundam SEED


    No word yet. You can try checking out http://www.bandai-ent.com/ They release all the Gundam DVDs so that's a good place to go. If you want any kind of Gundam info you can check out http://www.gundamofficial.com/ That site has stuff on all the Gundam series that have released in the U.S. so far. Of course there are a bunch of fan sites you can find through Yahoo or Google, but I don't know if there are any sites for Gundam SEED yet.

  8. Re: Gundam SEED


    The control of the Gundams by Cooridinators is exclusive becuase they completed the MS's operating system and it came out in such a way that they're the only ones who can successfully pilot one. But since it's still early in the series it's always possible for a Natural to learn how to pilot one as well.


    One thing to keep in mind is that the main character isn't really hated by anyone on the side he's fighting for (at least not yet anyway).

  9. Re: Gundam SEED


    I've been watching it and so far I've enjoyed it. It mirrors the original series without being an outright clone of it. If you were going to do a write up of anyone, they strike me as fairly srightforward normals. Unless you plan on doing someone who's a coordinator, from what I can guess you'd just make them more intellegent and give them some high computer skills. Unless I missed the explaination, coordinators are just more intellegent than naturals.

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