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Posts posted by Spectrum

  1. Convention #26

    If the hero in his/her secret ID is part of a group of hostages they will always find a way to sneak off, change ID's and thwart the bad guys. And no one will notice that someone dissapeared right before the hero mysteriously arrives.

  2. Originally posted by Lord Liaden

    Foxbat is one of the true Champions originals. I've seen a lot of loony characters in comics over the years, but never anyone quite like him. :D


    I usually play him like a manic psychotic: not quite in this reality, constantly fidgeting and talking a mile a minute, easily distracted.


    "Do you have any idea who you're dealing with here?! This is Foxbat baby, supergenius studmuffin idol of millions! You're in the middle of my Master Plan buddy and it's hotter than the one Doctor Doom came up with in FF issue #... Wow, I love the way your cape flows, do you use like a professional costumer 'cause I'd really like to get his number... "

    For some reason I started picuring Foxbat talking like Quentin Tarantino. If I ever decide to use him that's probably how I'd wind up doing it. :)

  3. Originally posted by DocMan

    A: Because of the immense commercial opportunities should he suceed.


    Q: Ok, why exactly are you putting up money for "Foxbat: The Motion Picture?"


    A: We were just hiking in the woods when it jumped out, mugged him for his trail mix and ran off.

  4. Originally posted by Klytus

    Q: Where do I want to be when Kara is subdued with the Kryptonite handcuffs and the trans-dimensional evil-Rachel is on the rampage with her bat, now that no one can stop her?


    A: I was simply distracted by the notion of Kara being all helpless in those glowing green handcuffs...

    Q: What was with that glazed look and dopey grin?


    A: Yeah, it's amazing what you can do with a hair pin.

  5. Originally posted by Klytus

    Q: Name the "hero" who keeps the streets of Beverly Hills safe by day.


    A: The Holy Ankle Bracelet of Doom and Bloody Dismemberment

    Q: So, what did you get your exgirlfriend for her birthday?


    A: I never would've suspected that it was filled with peanut butter.

  6. Originally posted by DocMan

    Q: You were rescued by WHOM?


    A: The party would have lasted longer if we'd had more batteries.



    Q: Mechanon's victory celebration didn't last too long, what happened?


    A: He started to foam at the mouth and was going "Blah, blah, blah!"

  7. Originally posted by Dr. Anomaly

    Q: Why did Mr. Shatner return this hairpiece?


    A: No, derailing a thread isn't the same as a train wreck, but it can produce almost as many screams.



    :) Just returning us to the 'topic'/style of the thread...


    Q: Is a derailed thread as bad as a train wreck?


    A: The killer is none other than....ack! (thud)

  8. Originally posted by Hermit

    Q: Why do you prefer the old VIPER MK 39T Light Blaster, to the newer VIPER MK 43 P Laser Gun?


    A: "The name is Bat, Fox Bat."

    Q: What was he name of that Foxbat comic when he became a spy?


    A: He had the smoke, but he forgot the mirrors.



    Death trap engineer. Must have working knowledge of basics such as trap doors that lead to pits that contain a variety of death instruments or moving ceilings or walls w/extending spikes. Creativity in designs a plus. Minimum 2 year expierence required

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