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Posts posted by Vanguard00

  1. Re: Women in Pulp adventures?


    Lara Croft is easily adaptable to Pulp games and is probably one of the best examples I can think of.


    Marguerite Krux from "The Lost World" TV series is another good pulp heroine. Veronica (the jungle femme) is also a good example, come to think of it (and hot, too!)


    It's a bit of a reach, but how 'bout Nancy Drew?

  2. Re: Kushiel's Hero


    I own all the books' date=' but I've yet to read any of them. Maybe I should... After November. Then I'll chip in with RP thoughts.[/quote']

    Yeah, oddly enough I've owned them for a couple of months myself, but I haven't picked 'em up yet. They'll have to wait, though. I have new Gemmel, Greene, Cromwell and Jordan books to read first.

  3. Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


    In terms of kidnapping experts who could be held relatively easily' date=' I'd say Pym and Trask would be logical candidates.[/quote']

    Both Trasks are dead, though. Bolivar died...um...way back when, but he did it destroying Master Mold. His son Larry took over and eventually died when his Sentinals tried to take out the sun. I think it was an Avengers arc, but I can't remember that clearly.

  4. Re: Robotics in the Marvel Universe


    As far as I know' date=' the Mad Thinker's civilian ID and origin are some things that fall into the "yet to be revealed" category. That's a bit odd, considering he dates all the way back to Fantastic Four #15.[/quote']

    From the Marvel Directory site:


    "The Mad Thinker is not an intuitive genius like Reed Richards, capable of creating and inventing: he can only synthesize for his own use what has already been created or invented by others. Although the Thinker has mastered many areas of science, his specialties are computer design, in which he has no known equals, and robotics. However, he has apparently contributed no original discoveries to any of these areas."


    I would vote on Doom or Pym. Or Ultron.

  5. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    I recently discovered my credit score is a little lower than I thought, but I also discovered my home increased in value about 30% in the one year I've owned it (maybe more--waiting on official appraisal).


    I can only imagine how much it'd be worth if I actually mowed the lawn regularly.

  6. Re: Which villain needs an overhaul?


    I hate to answer this question vaguely, but in essence almost all of them. By that I mean that it's rare that I can use a villain as is. I usually need to tweak something, even if only in a small way, to make him fit. By the same token, that tweaking is usually the addition or rearrangement of points.


    The main reason I do this is because I want at least one thing on the character sheet to be a surprise for those players who are familiar with the villain.


    As to which ones specifically need readjusting, I'm not qualified to answer as I rarely disect a villain if I'm not using him (and if I am, then I tweak him, as noted above).


    Lastly, I'm with Mitchell in that I miss the duos like Panda & Raccoon, Thunder & Lightning, Radar and Sonar. My favorite villain group of the past was the Ultimates, and I'd love to see a modern incarnation of that group (with Anklyosaur).

  7. Re: Robot with an adamantium shell?


    I know there are tables somewhere in the 5ER that list game stats for common building materials (Steel, Stone, Concrete), how would something that was 10x better (in every measurable way) translate into the stats? How much more DEF or BODY would it have, for example?



    Aah. I gotcha.


    10x as strong in terms of STR is about 18 pts. Say 3.5 DC. It's probably reasonable to simply add 3-4 DEF to represent relatively stronger materials. Adjust the BODY by the thickness of the material. For example, if you make a normal 10 DEF/7 BODY wall out of NewSteel, and make it the same size, I'd conservatively give it 14 DEF and 10 (or more!) BODY.


    I don't have any hard and fast rules, but that's usually the way I think of material strength.

  8. Re: Robot with an adamantium shell?


    Unlike the Admantium Shell, I don't want to quantify this for a character's Armor, but for the walls of a base, a metal baseball bat, a table, a chair, etc... How would I alter the in game aspects of a physical environment that is made with material similar to this?



    I'm not sure what you're asking. You've already stated the differences: stronger with less density. What in-game aspects are you talking about? Are you asking what uses they could have?


    Sorry for being dense (I'll go get coffee now) but I'm just not understanding what you're asking.

  9. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?


    It's pretty cool. I bought their Greatest Hits because of "Fox" and I'd heard "Love is like Oxygen"...but wow' date=' I really enjoyed the whole album. With the possible exception of "Stairway to the Stars" which sounds a bit off...[/quote']

    Blatant ego stroking on my part, but I do a kick-*** "Ballroom Blitz". Not often, cuz the highs kinda make me feel like I blow a testicle or something, but once in a while I rock the friggin' house. :rockon:


    And I'm llistening to...um....don't laugh...Take Me Home - Cinderella.


    Hey, I was in kind of an 80s hair-band mood...

  10. Re: Power Armor 'themes'


    One of my personal faves in the battlesuit category was a magical suit of armor which granted special abilities to the wearer, along with a group of magical weapons (bought as a multipower). The whole thing was pretty much a Thor ripoff with a few bells and whistles since the whole thing could be summoned up with a magical incantation.


    Matt "Always-happy-to-put-my-two-cents'-worth-in" Frisbee

    A friend of mine built a Ragman type armor that was magical in origin. He drew strength from it, actual Armor, and a variety of other powers, all based around this suit of clothing & cloak made from patches that came from...something. Demons or mages or something like that. I always thought it was a nice variation on the powered armor origin, but I've not played anything like it myself. I usually stick to the stereotype Iron Man/Stingray.

  11. Re: Power Armor 'themes'

















    Law enforcement



    Or something. *shrug* Slow day at work.

  12. Re: Hostile Intent


    Just out of curiousity' date=' how would your PCs handle this group?[/quote']

    Probably the same way they handle most villain groups. If my PC has some sort of connection with a law enforcement agency, then he'd work with 'em to try and at least limit their success, if not actively pursue them. Most of my PCs aren't in a position to do that, however, so unless they came across HI in the course of an adventure, it'd probably be a back burner issue.


    One of my inactive PCs, however, would take a more direct approach. He's a super-soldier type by the name of Tempest, and he'd begin pursuit when and where he could, following up old leads, full case analysis of previous encounters, etc. Trying to establish any sort of pattern or useful dynamic he could use. If nothing else, he'd focus on taking them down one at a time, hit and run tactics and the like. If HI pops up, he's there, nails a guy, gets out. Success or failure of HI's mission is secondary unless civilian lives are on the line. As long as they're still out for cash and whatever else (as opposed to murder and other violent crimes) Tempest would pursue this course of action. The entirety of his plan is to make it too costly for them to operate, or to put a little fear into them. He's a great tactician with a number of useful contacts in the metahuman and law enforcement communities; he might be able to put a strike team together if it's practical.


    But again, most of my PCs would likely only be in a position to stop HI's latest crime, not actively pursue them. Unless GM fiat put the two teams at odds, of course, or if it's part of the current campaign.

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