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Posts posted by Vanguard00

  1. Re: CHAR: Captain America


    I didn't the comic ("Truth: Red, White & Black") but essentially the super-soldier serum was tested on black men before they decided to offer to whites. One of those was the man who could have (should have?) been Captain America.


    It should be noted that the son of this forgotten black Captain America is the Cap knockoff in the "Young Avengers".


    That's all I gots.

  2. Re: The Marvel Magnificent Seven (Avengers)


    So, IMHO the seven essential Avengers are:


    Captain America


    Iron Man

    The Vision

    The Scarlet Witch


    The Wasp

    That's what I said, ya long-winded galoot!




    Sorry. Just wanted to work 'galoot' into a sentence and this seemed as good a time as any :)

  3. Re: The Marvel Magnificent Seven (Avengers)


    Cap, Iron Man, Thor, Wasp, Hawkeye, Vision, Scarlet Witch. For some reason that's the group that stands out most in my mind. Hank Pym may be a founder, and he's certainly impacted the group tremendously in a variety of ways, but for some reason I don't see him as "definitive" (YMMV, of course). He'd be a great NPC, though, as would Beast & Wonder Man.

  4. Re: Superheroes: The Five Essentials


    1. "Unbreakable". Excellent choice, McCoy. It's a great representation of a 'real world' superhero. It puts things into context.

    2. Astro City. Anything, but "Life In The Big City" is probably a good place to start.

    3. Ultimate Spider-Man, first twelve (well, the whole thing, really), because honestly, it's the best representation of a superhero comic I've seen in ages.

    4. "Superman" - probably the best representation of a superhero film until very recently, and even still it's the best representation of an icon.

    5. I'm waffling here, but I'm gonna go with the X-Men "Dark Pheonix" saga, because of the depth and breadth of the plot, the characterization, and the overall scope of the story.


    So many to choose from here...

  5. Re: Epic Fantasy: The Five Essentials


    Since it's unlikely that Epic Fantasy in and of itself will ever be truly original again, just about any of the books, shows and movies mentioned would do the trick.


    1. LotR novels, including "The Hobbit", because it's the granddaddy of the genre.

    2. LotR film, because your friend, having no experience with the genre, needs to see it to know what we (the discriminating public) are after.

    3. Bullfinch's Mythology, because you need the sort of real world myth/legend reference in which to put it all into context.

    4. Either The Belgariad or (preferred) Martin's Song of Ice & Fire series, to show what you can do with the actual characters involved.

    5. "The Magnificent Seven" and "Star Wars" trilogy (the original set) movies to show contrast of approach while maintaining the basic elements of "sweeping tales of grand adventure" and "disparate characters coming together in common cause" and "facing the great evil" plot elements.

  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    The Buffy TV show ruined a perfectly good camp movie and should erased from the history of mankind.

    Screw that noise! It brought us Charisma Carpenter and Eliza Dushku, and if for no other reason than that the show should be praised...with great heapings of pie, even.

  7. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    Girlfriend got a boob job. Her idea, not mine. I'll probably be really happy about that in a month or so, but this first week has been absolute hell in terms of TLC with not much in the way of quality sleep behind it, and that's not including essentially taking care of her kids this past weekend and next.


    They must've left that off my part of the brochure...

  8. Re: "Berserker" character


    How 'bout an Aid triggered to go off every round the character is Berserk/Enraged? You could even use Succor with its own END Battery (he crashes when the 'adrenalin' wears off).


    Just some ideas.

  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    Took a ride out to Vegas Tuesday, just me and the girlfriend. I've had enough crap to deal with lately that a few days outta town were good for me. Besides, if I lose my job next year I won't be able to afford a vacation, so it was pretty much a "now or never" kinda thing.


    Cirque de Soleil - "Mystere" - inside Treasure Island hotel. A most excellent show, especially center, 8 rows back. Worth every penny. Went from there to a karaoke bar complete with "flair" bartender. Being the shy couple we are, the gf and I made bunches of new friends. A good time was had by all.


    "Samba" restaurant inside Mirage hotel - how else would you spend Thanksgiving than at a Brazilian BBQ joint with all you can eat meat...sirloin, turkey wrapped in bacon, whitefish, pork loin, ribs, sausage thingies, more than I can remember. I think there was a salad, too, and bread, but I can't be certain. Excellent food. And a $10 rum drink that darn near knocked me on me **** all by itself. So I had two.


    Karaoke, piano bars, live bands, hotel shows...oh, and $100 in winnings, mostly from poker, but some from roulette. I'm a small timer when it comes to gambling, but apparently I do all right when I apply myself.


    Hate the city, could never live there, wasn't keen on the 7-8 hour drive either way, but for a three-night stay it was very much a good time.

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