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Posts posted by Trencher

  1. Re: Good places to have battles...and stuff


    On an oilplatform at sea during a storm

    In a house on fire

    In the middle of the highway

    On a crumbling bridge

    I a pine forest at night time, and the moon is not up....

    On a frozen river, with wisps of mist clinging to the water

    In a disco

    In an abandoned prison

    In a gold market in a Arabic country

    In an abandoned soviet military complex out on the frozen tundra

    In an ancient ruin of a Tibetan temple, now a bird roost.

  2. Re: Foriegn Captain America's


    my Scandanavian team "The Vikings". Now I am not from Scandanavia so I will apologise in advance if I offend any Scandanavian sensibilities


    Looks cool! :yes:

    No sensebilities offended.

    Do you have a website or some images or something?

  3. Re: The EVILLLL That is... Gentleman Jim?


    Yeah, you are probably right but he could have been the exception to the rule.


    Gee.. You know what?

    If he had been an honorable wermacht officer then he would have been an exception to the rule :yes:

    You can not "kinda" tag along with the SS dude, those guys hated half-heartedness even more than they hate Jews.

  4. Re: Naming the Beasts


    Hallo Markdoc


    Man bruker de fordelene man har ikke sant? Dessuten bruker jeg helst Norsk lydene navn i mine egne spill også. Ps: sjekk ut "the nisse" in lejendary jornyes og "the faen" fra diamond throne. Helt motsatt av hva det er, nisser er en slags onde goblin ting og faen'ene er ikke fulle av faen men en slag søte små feer. Jeg synes vi kan like gjerne lede dem i riktig retning.

    Dessuten hvis det er bra nok for Tolkien så er det bra nok for meg.


    Sketchpad: The problem with finding a name for the whole planetouched gang is that the Norwegian words for prime, element, elemental and essence etc.. derivitates from the latin words. I suggest Shisol (from chi-soul). or Grunn (Norwegian word for fundament but also reason, as if why someone did something), or just a very basic easy to say word like: Ferr, Khom, Jallm, Ihter, Enhdav and so on. I figure a race of half elements should have pretty quick and to the point names.

  5. Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ?


    Regarding the Loki page there is a quote there: quote: Of course, I always did wonder whether Mjollnir's short handle didn't have some sort of a metaphorical context, end quote.


    The reason the handle is short is a joke.. You see it is made by dwarves! It is the best hammer in the world and it is made by dwarwes, see? That's funny! :)

  6. Re: We're Gonna Need Guns


    We're not going to illustrate all the guns that are written up. We're only going to illustrate more than a tiny fraction of them. Not only is comprehensive illustration unnecessary' date=' but we simply don't have the art budget to commission that many illustrations (or the page space to devote to that type of formatting and layout, which I think it largely wasteful and pointless). The artists don't get paid less simply because the illustrations are small, after all. ;)[/quote']


    I am glad you are going to illustrate some guns atleast :) . All I am saying is that the old field's of fire book was the most popoular shadowrun book among my players of all the shadowrun books I had. And the only one not bought by me.

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