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Posts posted by Trencher

  1. Re: hit location


    OK, so it seem to me or the 13 location happen too often in the game?


    In spite of statistical rules I Mastered an encoutner between 4 PC and 12 NPC and almost every one has been hitted twice or trice in the 13 location!

    The first ten or similar were funny after those quite unpleasant


    Use 2d6+1 when you roll hit loc in close combat. In any case vitals can mean kidny or liver or something like that.

  2. Re: Spider-man of Many Nations


    (I've always wondered why Marvel Universe inhabitants are so blase about gods walking among them and why nobody has built temples to the norse and Greek pantheons with Thor and Hercules taking active interests in Earth's progress).


    This was asked in an Norwegian marvel magazine. The answer was that people figured that they were American adventruers who took the name because they thougt it was cool.

    Personally I think that having superheroes around would make people that the gods and heroes from legend was mutants and or superheroes too.

  3. Re: NPC Help:The Order of the Cross




    St.Olaf: Patron of Norway, Olaf was a pirate in his youth who rose to

    become king of Norway. His efforts to unify and Christianize Norway

    made him one of her great heroes. Enhances all weapon skills by a good

    amount, and heals a good amount of Endurance.


    Minior qvibble: His name was Olav.

    Great post.

  4. Re: Movies



    Trencher - Comic book movies are filling in the escapist/empowerment slot in modern movies. It may be a year or so for it to start swinging back (though sweeping the awards SHOULD have brought out some grade-B fantasy action stuff at least).


    I try to keep my ears open for rumours about any fantasy films in development but I have heard zip.

    If you have heard anything I would like to hear about it.

  5. Re: Movies


    Ummm, they did.


    Troy, King Arthur, and Alexander. All movies made to suck in the LotR fans, though not entirely fantasy movies, still pretty much in the same genre.


    Well they are not just made to suck in the LotR fans it is also made to suck in as many non-fantasy fans as possible.

    I define a film as a fantasy film if magic exist in its story, it is a loose definition but there you go, and no you do not need big battles to make a fantasy film (but it helps) and yes by my definition Harry Potter and Star wars would be fantasy films.

    What I would like to watch is some warrior/adventures types fight monsters and stuff. I am not picky.

  6. Re: Help GMing travel through a mountain pass...


    First off don't let the guide be taken by an avalanche, if there is one thing any guide or any other local knows it is how to avoid them. Let a monster take him instead.

    After the guide is disposed of then you can lead them into an avalanche. But remember! Avalanches are deadly atleast 6d6 normal for the outskirts maybe ten to twelve for in the middle. And unless they are really lucky they will be buried in the snow and then you die if not someone dig you out. I suggest that you let them have plenty of warning and that you let them see the enormous avalanche coming down the mountain miles away so they have a chance to run. Let them make con rolls to see if they can keep up the tempo. Maybe the avalanche is triggered by one ogre and his henchgoblins? So they can attack anyone who did not get taken by the avalanche and dig up and eat the rest later. When it comes to the cold you are right that most of the adventurers should be capable of surviving in the wintermontain let them have some survival rolls, give those who does not make them a couple of minuses to cv. Putting this together you have the Kislevite get up from the avalanche, he sees his sword lying a couple of meters from him, he reaches for it the same second he hears the screams of the approaching goblins, he is frozen and can barley move and just as he has crawled close enough to reach for the sword an huge shadow block's out the sun while an furclad foot the size of an mans torso descends on the sword.

    So he has to get the sword kill the ogre, kill/chase off the goblins and find and dig up his friends before they suffocate. While frozen. And hurt.

    All in a days work for a heroic son of Kiselev. :yes:

  7. Re: Movies


    What I want to know is why are there not coming out any new fantasy films!

    With the massive sucksess that Lord of the rings was you should think that we would get a couple of knock offs atleast. I was full of hope after the trilogy. But all the fantasy films you talk of here comes from BEFORE the lord of the rings films. What do we get after? The scorpion king that's what. Hrmmmrm...


    Ok back on topic: :yes: In the bargain bin of an local supermarcet in my old home town I once found the animated film Fire and Ice I was plesantly suprised.

  8. Re: How would you modify humans


    The real world gives us, pygmies and albinos. The first could live in shrub infested forests and the second instead of being an exception could be a race that lives underground. In any case if a you modify stats and powers for a human race then it is not really that human anymore.

  9. Re: Help with campaing fleshing!


    Did you not hear him IT IS A MAGICAL GEM!

    Anyhow last time I checked the force that is gravity was a not really that well defined or understood. :yes:

    Another thing if no one has a problem with giants in basic fantasy hero then you should not have much of a problem with really big world's either.

  10. Re: A question about dungeons.


    In otherwords if fantasy characters knew they would encounter monster laden dungeons with traps and other nastieness why wouldnt they make spells that let them bypass all that


    Because the mad mage who made the place in the first place (there is always a mad mage around) put counterspells/wards/yellow stickers of doom up to stop such nonsense.

    Actually in my campaign I made it so that magic can’t penetrate the element of earth. Although you could dig a hole but that would take such a vast amount of power that you could just create your own treasure instead and not risk your life at all.

  11. Re: A question about dungeons.


    I don't use dungenos much anymore exept as a backdrop for a fight. As I and my players have gotten older, mapdrawing exploring and trapdogding is boring in the long run. Wich means that the ocasional dungenoun crawl has rarer and rarer.

  12. Re: Favorite Abuses


    I think powers that mess with the char's abillity to take stun is abusive. Using automaton rules for character wich are not automatons. Second I have played in way to many campains where almost every enemy had some for of damage reduction.

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