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Posts posted by Trencher

  1. Re: NPC Stat Tracking


    My Gm life got much easier after I bought that Gm-screen from hero, inside it there are these mini char sheets which makes keeping track of grunts and thugs easy.

    And that is good for I love throwing lots of minions at my players.

  2. Re: Breeding true...


    What character was that?

    It was a woman from the hero games magazine, she was named Black silk or something, basically she gave a really good massage while reading the person’s mind. She was meant as an extra character to Underworld enemies.


    10 pt phys lim on 'Vain' in 4th Ed iirc. Of course' date=' in his case, he REALLY has a reason to leave a legacy, since he has a family he's protective of.[/quote']

    That is interesting, I had completely forgot Vain.

    Maybe he got it as a ten point disad because his whole life’s purpose was to ensure the continuations of the sattiettas.

    The character notes for “Black silk†said that it was a 0 point disad because it appeared very rarely in the game.

    Since both characters comes from the same author I think that the given consensus indicates that it depends if it will have an impact on the game and how much.

  3. Re: Fantasy Campaign Guidlines: Please comment (stupidly long)


    I would recommend you to move this up into low powered supers level.

    If they do not pay point for equipment but are allowed to buy powers with points you might be in for a surprise when the campaign starts.

    Be particularly wary of damage enhancing spells placed on characters weapons, frostblade or spells of striking and stuff like that.

    Offcourse your players might be very good roleplayers and they will not try to take advantage but you be the judge of that.

    I like your impairing rules. Maybe I steal them for my own campaign.

    I strongly suggest that you use half dice for the rolling of killing attacks.

    The healing rules sounds unnecessary complicated.

  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings



    Others I thought of were Gandalf, Samwise Gamgee, Captain America and Superman. As they are fictional characters does that mean anything they say is used against them due to their fictional nature? Or are they positive role-models?




    It would be really cool if the real Gandalf, Captain America, Sam and Superman posted here but if somone posted here and hoped to belived that they were them THAT would be seriously FREADY!

    (From now on its fready instead of freaky)

  5. Re: Call Me "Sandy" And I'll Crush You


    A person made of sand should get de facto bonuses to skill levels for trying to hide on a sandy beach. Just as if a normal human were trying to hide in a warehouse full of stock. Plus where do the 'skill levels' apply when it comes to shapeshifting? (Unless you mean for PER rolls against...) Anyway it's beyond images because he's not trying to 'look like sand' he actually transforms into sand.

    He is sand all the time but looks human. Therefore he must pay for looking as sand.

    Looking like a pile of sand can have its advantages from time to time therefore it cost points. It is being a pile who is the thing here.

    If he just looked like a humanoid made of sand I would have no problem with your definition.

    And I define him that he does not transform into a pile of sand, he transform into a state that gains him a set of special powers with the special effect "pile of sand" since he can move around and listen and stuff.

    I would be more inclined to make the sand form his natural form and then make him pay for looking like human.

    How about instant change?

  6. Re: Breeding true...


    The only time I have seen birth and such beeing defined with stats in an official hero book it was a woman that had the disad- sterile for zero points.

    At most breeding true should be a talent with a fixed point cost to it allthough I would go with no stats on it at all.

    Ditto on the ditto on the ditto.

  7. Re: Need feedback on house rules for my new campaign


    PC's to have better than normal stats' date=' but don't want them to be that much better than compotent NPC's built on 50-75 points (i.e. Town gaurdsmen, Local priests, or goblin warriors). Where I want the PC's to shine is the range of skills, talents and perks they have compared to the Average NPC. [/quote']

    Tell them this on before hand, they might be wanting to play heroes who can kick serious ass.



    1. Strength costs 2 points instead of 1.

    You are tired of your players buying up to twenty in speed for no reason? Again telling them what kind of characters you want might get better result than making a rule.

    Other than that go for it I think str is to cheap in fantasy anyway.

    2. Players can spend no more 60 points on statistics.

    This works just fine.

    3. NCM limits for base stats are set at 15 instead of 20.

    That is an interesting twist if str cost 2 point per point then a warrior with 20 str will have to pay 30 points :yes:

    My hope is that each player will chose one or two base stats that are "signature abilities" for his or her character that will be bought higher than fifteen while other stats are kept in the 10 to 15 range.

    Again just telling them what you want might do the trick, tell them you want them to be like the early xmen who had one talent each and had to work togeather as a team.

  8. Re: Help with Cuthulu Hero


    I have given it some thought and what I have come up with is that pc's should have a psych lim: Believes in the rational world and its law's. Then they must take ego roll whenever they face up to something "Lovercraftian"

    And yes I do know the rules say that in the hero system a disadvantage that is not an disadvantage is worth no points. And believing in the rational world is not an disadvantage. But that is where you are wrong...

    In an Lovercraftian campaign believing in the rational world, is an disadvantage!

  9. Re: Help with Cuthulu Hero


    Why have san drain at all, in the books the investigators became insane when they learned that the world they took for granted was not true and the gods was alien and uncaring.

    I can see taking san drain for trips to other dimensions or having to shift body with an alien or something but just seeing the creatures? No.

    I think that the official chuthullu game overuse the madness effect.

    So I would try to not use san drain rules at all and rather play off the chars psych dis instead.

  10. Re: Hitman: Your Next DC Campaign!


    If you are old enough to kill somone then you are old enough to clean up after yourself my father always said to me.

    And who to say who is a professional? I know that I never get good at any task unless I have been doing it for a month atleast. Let’s say killing someone takes like five minutes then you can kill 96 people per day when you are working then you have to murder atleast twothousandeighthoundredandeighty people before you can call yourself and professional murderer in my opinion. Let’s face it most professional killers are just highly trained amateurs. :yes:

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