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Super Squirrel

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Everything posted by Super Squirrel

  1. My character concept I'm working on for a GGU is going to have a Medical Degree. This raises several questions I need to work out: 1) Beyond License to Practice Profession, what other perks should I take? The character cannot preform surgery. I suspect he should have access to medical records, but I'm not sure if that is covered on the License or not. 2) How many points would the Hippocratic Oath be worth? 3) Would the Hippocratic Oath influence a character's course in combat, especially when he has an NND attack called "Heart Flutter" that causes, well, his heart to skip a beat?
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER MIddle of page 2? Bad people. Bad. BUt pictures are nice. Loved the snake one.
  3. Re: Character Background Help Needed... White Chapel was a rough area once upon a time but I don't know if that holds true to today.
  4. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review) I'll word it this way. I'm willing to take this on as a project and donate my free time towards it. As such PHP and MySQL are my limits. If someone has something else that works better, I have no problem with it at all.
  5. Re: New powers help If it doesn't require LOS: HtH: Gradual Effect, Indirect Special Effect, that Pebble in your shoe keeps growing and growing and growing...
  6. Re: New powers help Drain Images, Only Affects Images that Create Light and Have a Focus Base -2 Delayed Rate of Return (Insert Lightbulb Joke here) Special Effect: You shrink the lightbulb and it falls out.
  7. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review) I've got a better idea nayway.
  8. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review) I think one of the BIGGEST advantages to using PHP and MySql (and I honestly know very little about XML) is that it does save space. Take for example the campaign sections. Each campaign has an Outlook, Seriousness, and Continuity. The types of settings are using the same flavor text just copied over. Thats a lot of repetative words. With PHP, you can have an outside function with the text listed once. Then instead of having to retype: The game will be entirely serial. Player actions in one scenario will have effects on later scenarios and continuity will be enforced. Adventures will move linearly through time. Bad guys will remember who you are and what you did to them, and the press will print your exploits for the world to see. on five different campaigns, you can have a function that is simply: continuity_text("serious"); The best part is using MySql, WorldMaker could consider a search capability. If Bandwidth is a limitation, I'd recommend restricting it to GM's only. But if a GM is looking for a particular NPC or a particular disadvantage (he has easily 200+ on his website) they could just type in the name of it and it would bring it up. Like I said, I only really know MySQL and PHP. I don't claim to say it is the best option, but I'm willing to help and it is better.
  9. Re: New powers help Now for growth related powers: Summon Variable Weapon Take one peice of spagetti and use growth and you have a Bo Staff. Take a thread and you have a whip. Take a pencil and you have a spear.
  10. Re: New powers help We were talking about this the otherday. First it is in some ways a Teleport. Because if a customer is sitting over Drainage Grate or something with larger than normal holes, you are talking about relocating them. It is a Running Drain if used on tires of a vehicle. It could be considered an Indirect Knockback Only attack if you shrunk their shoes/boots/etc... Does it have to affect a whole item or can she affect parts like screws. Because then you have a ton of small things you can do. For example, she could shrink the bolts of a fire hydrant to make it explode or shrink screws to take apart a device. Imagine if she was on a Skyscraper construction and shrunk the bolts holding the beams in place.
  11. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review) Because I know PHP really well especially when it comes to SQL or more specifically MySql.
  12. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review) Honestly, the Saijutsu, didn't fit well anyway so I'll just play around with ideas and see what sticks. It doesn't affect his background all that much anyway.
  13. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review)
  14. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review) You want to save me some time and learn at the same point Zornwil? Okay, here we go. This project is going to be either a PHP Nightmare or a PHP Cakewalk depending on how we do page layout. I really think we should do a template system on the webpage. This way it will be very easy, if say, Jack wants to move the Pictures of a character from the left to the right side on the Players Page. I'm new to templates so for me, templates would be a nightmare. Here is an example of what I'm talking about: http://www.winds.org/~arren/outsource/templates/Aware.htm'>http://www.winds.org/~arren/outsource/templates/Aware.htm http://www.winds.org/~arren/outsource/templates/Classic.htm'>http://www.winds.org/~arren/outsource/templates/Classic.htm http://www.winds.org/~arren/outsource/templates/yar2.htm'>http://www.winds.org/~arren/outsource/templates/yar2.htm Those are all templates for the game: http://www.winds.org/~arren/outsource/ On the players page, you would have a player's section look like {real name} {concept} {nationality} {player} {campaign} This would automatically turn {realname} into the follow: TD Real Name: /TD TD Joshua Wilson /TD Then if Jack wanted to change the whole formatting around to say: {real name} {campaign} {nationality} {concept} {player} It would take about 30 seconds. But I don't know how to setup temlates yet. So if you really wanted to help you could try and figure that out. Here is a possible good starting point I haven't looked at yet. http://www.phpdevshed.com/forum/viewtopic.php?topic=7&forum=7&0
  15. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review) The Super Squirrel one? Yeah.
  16. Re: Killing Charachters/Villians in your games. Do you do it? Mundanes, Pedestrians, Bystandards die from death level damage. Villains and Heroes go into comas. -300 BODY? Guess you better create a new character because he won't be back for a year or so.
  17. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review) Check out http://www.winds.org/~arren/dubthis/ It is off of my webpage. I could add a picture in 5 minutes tops and change the layout in about the same amount of time. All of those files are loaded by functions that do all the dirty work for me. That was my first PHP project and hasn't been touched in a long time.
  18. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Um, how old is she?
  19. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review) I've emailed webmaster@globalguardians.com but haven't gotten a response. I need to know some information about your server before I can help figure out how to get it started.
  20. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review)
  21. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review) Although it is not truly akin to Worldmaker or Simon, I'm Head of Public Relations for WindsMare (telnet: winds.org 7348). I am basically, the Admin in charge of rules regulations and enforcement. It is never easy and easy job and often thankless. It doesn't matter how good you are. If you are doing your job, you get backlash. I remember this nasty fight that broke out about two years back. WindsMare is a K12 system. It means it has to be appropriate for a school environment. A player was making an illegal narcotics references in one of the players rooms. There were some NPC characters using a bong and it was very obvious what was happening. I asked the player, in private, to remove the drug reference or move it to room not accessable to the player body at large. He refused, called me a nazi, and told him it was none of my [earthly] business. At this point in time, I had two available enforcement abilities. I could sitelock him preventing him from accessing by IP or I could just boot him off the game. The long story short is that the conversation on his end was heated. He would not relent and I did not have the proper policies in place at that time to enforce as was needed. When another admin came on with higher ability available, an account ban was placed on him for 1 week. In that week, I had to draft a policy regarding the definition of a "Public" room. Two hours of being called a nazi because you have no clear cut defintion of what "Public" means is by no means fun.
  22. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review) WM, I notice that your webpage appears to be Staticly Generates HTML. I was thinking that if you wanted, I could help you set up something MySQL based to speed along the process for maintaining the website.
  23. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review)
  24. Re: Ready-made campaign city map See your Reputation for my gratitude.
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