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Super Squirrel

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Everything posted by Super Squirrel

  1. Simply, what is the best way to build a quality character? Building a character takes time and if you want to have a good character, you need to spend a lot of time. So I'm looking for the best process to build a character that will generate a decent character regardless of concept. My current design theory goes like this: I get the character concept. I think out the background to get an idea of what kind of mentality my character has. This usually gets me a couple of Disadvantages and Skills which I jot down. I next write down on paper a list of all of the characteristics and note them with a -, =, +, or ++ based on whether I feel the character is weak, average, strong, or very strong with that characteristic. In practicality, the next step should be to look at the points available and divide them between Characteristics, Skills, Perks&Talents, and Powers. I then design the must haves. This is the section for things that the concept forces the character to have. Life Support is, as such, the first power usually added to the character if the character uses it. Next I go to skills and go through the list noting everything that I think there character has. I don't worry about levels yet, I just buy the skill. Then I move to powers where I select the powers that the character must have for concept. This is when character concept starts to take a more solid effect. Primary powers start to show up here. At this point I go and hit Characteristics and Perks&Talents. I usually have more points in Characteristics than I had alotted and less to Perks&Talents. I consider Perks&Talents done. I go to skills and buy levels up to where I'd like them to be. Finally, I go to powers and use the remaining points to give the powers I'd like the character to have but weren't as important. At this point I have a mostly built character. In the case of Superhero level, I have 350 points spent at this point and about 75 points in disadvantages. Sometimes though I'm over 350. I will now go back to the character background. Once the background is worked out more, I finish disadvantages. I compare disadvantages to powers to see if their are any major weaknesses that need to be addressed. Then if I'm over 350 points, I trim things down. I look for powers that could survive being weakened. Then I move to skills looking for skills that would be better as a familiarity or could survive being a slightly lower skill roll. Sometimes it is better to drop a skill by 1 to save 2 points and then buy a Complementary skill for 1 point. It also gives your character a bit more details. If I'm still stuck, I go to Characteristics. Using the method above, I start with ++, then +, then - characteristics to find where I can take out points. I will only lower an = skill if absolutely necessary. Then I print the character out and review. I'll try some quick mock combat against a Champion or a CKC villain to see how the character works in combat. Mechanon, btw, is a good test subject because it forces you to test survival. You won't win in the mock, obviously, but it will give you a good idea of how the weaknesses stack up. I modify as needed and am otherwise complete. So what is your design theory?
  2. Re: Creation philosophy Null kind of reminds me of the problem discussed here. Null has a 16d6 Electromagnetic Pulse attack. Three charges and a not so decent OCV makes this very ineffective to pull off. But if the right circumstances come up, this attack can pack a huge punch.
  3. At somepoint along the line Hero Designer decided to notify me that HtH attacks can't be build Ranged. I was using this to create the effect of a blunt tipped arrow within a 60 point Multipower. Because the arrow is also AP to simulate its ability to hit the weak points in an enemies defense it is 10 points per die. The power was 6d6 with STR making it a 12d6 Attack. The problem is that if Ranged is illegal on a HtH attack, I can't find a way to rebuild this power maintaining the Damage Class, Armor Piercing, and not break the 60 point limit in the Multipower. Any advice on how I can rebuild this power?
  4. Re: Creation philosophy That's a nice sight.
  5. Re: Creation philosophy Where do you calculate the Combat Rating from Trebuchet?
  6. Re: Creation philosophy I'd like to see a 350 pt character from Ki'rin that is useful in combat and not "game unbalancing". I think all characters in one regard or another are. Shardik and The Greek are two good examples of that.
  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Work is a bit lethal right now. Tons of calls at the moment. It will hopefully die down by 2:00 am. I still can't believe Rick who called today asking about the apartment. Rick: "Y'all Queer friendly?" Me: "Yes." Rick: "Does that go both ways?" Both ways? WTF?
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Someone told me at work today that I thought I was smarter than everyone. I wasn't offended. I actually wasn't even upset. I worry about people at the workplace with grudges, but I'm not worried about this particular person in question. But after thinking about it, I do see how one can mistake an aura of confidence as an aura of arrogance. I don't think of myself as smarter than everyone. I know I am smarter than some, but I also know that there is much others can teach me that I don't know.
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER This night is great. Standard service update from midnight to six am. I tell people to call back all night long and I'm getting paid shift differential and overtime to do it.
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Musings 30 minutes left to my shift. Average of 15 minutes between calls. I'm really board and there is nothing going on.
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Let me know when you want that setup.
  12. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER The answer would be yes, you can. But I'd say that you must allow gewing to be in.
  13. Re: Musings on Random Musings What a great idea.
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER If you have your mind on the post count, your mind is taken up by the post count. If you have your mind on the post, your mind is taken up by the post. If you have your mind on the post of which you reply, your mind is taken up by the post of which you reply. If you have your mind on the reputation you recieve, your mind is taken up by the reputation you recieve. If you have your mind on the words of your post, your mind is taken up by the words of your post. I seek to do none of these. I instead seek the Zen Art of the Post.
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Dr. Anomaly is logging in every now and then but not posting. I, too, shall follow this Zen path for Dr. Anomaly is wise in his ways.
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I thought of a very amusing practical joke. Get a group of people together and dress all but one of them up in Orange Jump suits that say Department of Corrections and get the other person dressed up to look like a warden but not enough to give the impression your impersonating an officer. It won't matter that much. As a group go to a movie theater about half-way through the previews. Sit in the middle section near the front and have the "warden" on the end. About 30 minutes into the movie, have one of the people in an orange jumpsuit stand up, look around, and leave through the emergency exit. Make sure the warden doesn't act like he noticed this happened. Watch for reactions.
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Do not expect your publisher to advertise your book. Or furnish intelligible royalty statements. Or send the check on time. Or fix the typos in the first edition. Or spell your name right on the jacket. —Howard Ogden
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Musings There is a caption here somewhere...
  19. Re: Musings on Random Musings Fark, a long time ago.
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I was always sneeze in clusters of two unless I'm sneezing in a cluster of 37.
  21. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Probably due to me. I've been busy the last couple of days and haven't been updating. That will be changing now that I'm on vacation.
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I find a particular poster has crossed a line to harrassment. I think I'm going to PM Ben about it.
  23. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Image originally posted in the pet photoshop contest. However, more people will see it here.
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