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Super Squirrel

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Everything posted by Super Squirrel

  1. Re: Don't be a hater! It should be a footer on every page.
  2. Re: Don't be a hater! I hear in California, you can get onto a service where if a high speed chase begins on television, they notify your pager. We need something like that on here for threads like these.
  3. Re: Building Political Intrege This is just a bit too big, for that. But that technique should be useful for some of the more smaller interactions (such as Guilds with other Guilds).
  4. Re: Building Political Intrege That really helps me out. KS's post was good but for the most part it was what I already knew how to do. When creating the relationship chart so far, I've started with the Baron and then started adding in various houses, lords, guilds, etc. In this, however, it gives me an approach I hadn't been considering. Figuring what goes down first and putting it on paper.
  5. I'm trying to develop a more indepth sense of political structure for Fantasy hero towns. I want there to be complexities in the system of houses, lords, and nobleman. I need both very general assistance with doing this as well as some specific details to help me design this. The general assistance, is quite simply, has anyone done this before? It is one thing to take existing relationships and map them down on paper. But I'm trying to create an entire relationship from scratch and make it complicated enough to make things interested. If you have any advice on how to set this up, please share. One example I have designed so far goes like this. The Baron for the city has an alliance with House A. House A is extremely powerful. And because of this it is not in the Baron's interest to do anything undesirable with this House. House B, is not a powerful house. But House B has some important resources that the Baron needs. But because House A and House B are in a bitter feud, it is unwise for the Baron to deal with House B directly. Instead, he deals through Lord X privately who has connections to House B.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I begun the moving process today. I took two trips in my car to the place. I took pictures of the empty apartment to give people the idea of what it is. I've noticed some things about the apartment that I like a lot. For starters, there is a small spot in front of the ground for planting things. I think growing some flowers in front of the apartment would be nice. I also realized that our apartment is perfect for having group get togethers. Wolf can bring her baby and hide in the apartment when necessary and the group can hang out outside with the nice big lawn and picnic table.
  7. Re: Skilled Archers Bow All of them except for Multi-Shot.
  8. Re: Skilled Archers Bow Do yourself a favor and keep the Autofire as a naked power advantage outside of the multipower. I built my wife's character with a common advantage inside the multipower. The cost of the multipower has really restricted development of the powers greatly. I highly recommend you do that.
  9. Re: Can I use independent here? Don't forget, Independent means when it is lost, it is lost for good.
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Or maybe the anatomy class was a little too hands on.
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Musings If Star Wars takes place a Long Time Ago in a place Far Far Away, would the light generated from the star battles have had enough time to reach Earth yet or is the place not so far away that it passed before we realized it?
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I still can't believe my sister-in-law is a Captain in the Army and a Doctor now.
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I have two openings to my Easthaven game now.
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Easthaven has an Opening. To my players, Kern is dropping. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=729098#post729098
  15. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Driving directions printed.
  16. Re: Musings on Random Musings Hey, there are plenty of reasons to write. I'm just saying you should write the story you have because you want to write the story. Worry about publishing when you have finished.
  17. Re: Musings on Random Musings To be frank, your writing for the wrong reason. I understand the compelling desire to write something that you hope can be published. But you should be writing the story because you have a story you want to write. Finding the market for it should be an after thought.
  18. Re: Combat Skill Levels....how many should you have? Honestly, until you reach +8 in a CSL you are just listing how experienced you are. at +8 CSL you can hit any location on the body you want without problems. Of course, this is with me including PSL in with CSL.
  19. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I'd post more but I'm busy running a game.
  20. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER The phone in the bedroom isn't working. You must have hung up just as I was getting to the phone this morning. I also woke up around noon and couldn't move my right arm. It was very weird.
  21. Re: Musings on Random Musings Just imagine, future advancements in genetic engineering and you can actually determine what flavor baby you get out of the vending machine.
  22. Re: Musings on Random Musings She isn't a skank. She is a baby vending machine.
  23. Re: Teamwork High Defense Villain enters the field and makes initial attack. Player 1 and Player 2 half-move forward and attack. Player 1 make teamwork roll. Player 1's hit after defenses does 0 BODY and 3 STUN. Player 2's hit after defenses does 0 BODY and 0 STUN. However, HD Villain is STUNNED from due to Teamwork roll. Next Phase. Villain recovers from being STUNNED. Player 1 half-moves to get better field position. Player 2 rolls and makes Find Weakness roll. Teamwork roll is made. Player 1's attack hits due to angle of attack and does 5 STUN. Player 2's attack hits and after defenses does 12 STUN. Villain is STUNNED due to Teamwork. Next Phase. Villain recovers from being STUNNED. Player 1 half-moves to be behind target. Player 2 holds uses full phase to make two attacks with Rapid Fire. Player 2's first attack (not in teamwork) does 10 STUN. Player 1 and Player 2 manage to make teamwork roll again. Player 1 misses attack, Player 2 makes attack. Next Phase. Villain has 3 STUN. Takes a Recovery on the hopes that he can regain enough strength to pull through. Player 1 and Player 2 do the same trick again. This time Villain aborts next action to Dodge. Teamwork fails. Player 1 hits for 5 STUN. Player 2 hits for 10 STUN. Villain is at -3 STUN. Recap of battle from Villain's perspective: Half-Move and Attack. Recovers. Recovers. Takes Recovery. Aborted to Dodge. There were other villains and other players. This was the part that made me hate teamwork.
  24. Re: Teamwork Teamwork: The perfect skill for making your GM cry.
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