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Everything posted by JaredThaler

  1. Re: Balls of Steel Um... By Definition, if the brick can (reliably) snap the trunk with his casual strength, doesn't that mean the tree had ~1/2 the Def + Body he needs to be able to use his full strength when throwing it?
  2. Re: Balls of Steel Under 4th and 5th ed, as well as under the 6th ed basic rules. Steve Long said that there were some other rules somewhere about using items as weapons that made some changes to this, but I haven't seen them yet.
  3. Re: Balls of Steel I would make that: Str 7. Restrainable (although STR can also be used to break restraint) vs Blast 2. Not Restrainable Since a grab can effectively prevent you from using your strength, for a turn (unless you have enough casual strength to break the grab) while it can't prevent you from using your energy blast (though it may limit your targets.)
  4. Re: Balls of Steel Well, if we but this as if he just always has a supply of ammo, then we should build it as close to what it would be if he went and grabbed random objects, right? That means it's not 16 charges, but 16 clips, since otherwise he would have to go pick up each object he wanted to throw from the environment. 60 base points: Blast OIF (Sack of balls) -1/2 Restrainable -1/2 range Limited by Strength -1/4 1 charge, 16 clips, Recoverable -1/4 Costs Endurance -1/2 Unified Power -1/4 (after all, draining his strength drains this as well.) that's 18 points. Not a whole lot to pay for a guaranteed supply of perfect ammo everywhere you go. ETA: If we want to reduce the "Costs Endurance" to 1/4 to represent that it only costs Endurance if he hasn't used his strength this round, that works too, then it costs him 20 points. Still, not bad for a strength trick. And if this was in a multipower of *other* strength tricks, then it's even cheaper. Also, he may want to change it from 16 clips of one charge to 8 clips of 2 charges (Same Price) so he can pull two balls at a time and multi attack.
  5. Re: Second reputation based on successful reputation roll Since this is practically what the Large Group / Small group modifiers are built for, why not use them? Reputation: Super Terrorist: 11-, Everyone, Causes Extreme reaction Reputation: Reformed Super terrorist: 8-, Large Group (People who made the first roll),
  6. Re: Changing Speed mid-turn Looks like they have gone back to the 4e version That's how it worked on 5th Actually, under 4e (and 6e it appears.) the way it works is: on segment 5, he doesn't move (he has a segment for speed 5, but not for 6) on Segment 6, he has had one segment for each speed, so now he moves. From there on, he moves on speed 5.
  7. I'm noticing what looks like a problem in Hero 5. Under hero 4, if you changed speeds midturn, your next phase occured when each of your speeds had had one phase. Thus, if you were speed 5, and were hit with a drain that dropped you to speed 4 on phase 4, you would move next on phase 6, and then continue on speed 4. Likewise if you were speed 4, and were boosted to speed 5, you would move on phase 6, and then from there you would use speed 5's chart. Under Hero 5 (and I don't know if this is the same for hero 6.) you only move when you have a phase that meets both your speeds. Now usually this isn't too much of an issue, but taking the above example: If you are Speed 5, and are drained to speed 4 on phase 4, you don't get to move again till phase 12... dropping you to an effective speed 2 for that phase. (And if you can drain anyone with less than speed 7 to speed one, at any point in a turn, they get no actions that turn...) does that seem like a problem to anyone else? Is this fixed in 6?
  8. Re: Reducing movement meters by STR I dont know about 6th edition, but the rules for what you want are on page 365 of 5th edition.(Under "Movement and Strength" in the movement section of the rules) I would say that the difference between Powered and Unpowered is that each phase the powered train will accelerate by it's combat move, so unless he can slow it more than it can accelerate, it won't be stopping.
  9. Re: Power Skill with No Power With Gadgeteering, (or Magic) it would seem to be an excelent justification for aquiring powers in future. Especially if you got your hands on other people's Foci / Spellbooks / Parts.
  10. Re: Penetrating + Reduced Penetration = Broken? Except that the "body count" of a one Pip attack is defined to be 0... (Since, unless I misunderstand, a +1 pip is identical to an aditional die that can only roll 1's.) so a 1 Pip Penetrating RKA is just a waste of a 1/4 advantage. As fo rolling to hit, sure, go ahead, but since the maximum scatter distance of a AoE attack is half the distance to the target, if the target is self, then you miss, and scatter 0/2 hexes... Yeah. I could roll 10 scatter dice, but why bother? I did forget that I need 4 DC's not 3. So that may change some stuff in the equation. but: actually, 1/2d6 deals an average penetrating damage of .666.. (1-2 = 0 body, 3-6 = 1 body on a half die.) so 2 x 1/2 d6 = average of 1.333 penetrating.
  11. Re: Easiest way to... emulate 5th negative skill levels in 6th So.... Would it be correct to say that "Change Enviroment" is now (effectively) "Impose Penalty?" Is there any defense against it? Or is it just "You hit, they get -X?" Frankly I prefer to build curses as Drain / Suppress with every -1 requiring a level of effect equal to the cost of a +1 (So to drain a single skill, every -1 requires draining 2 points.) (Or to put it anouther way, the only way I allow people to inflict negative skill levels on people is through use of a drain or supress, because I don't like the way the default "inflict negative skill level" power ignores things like Power defense.)
  12. Re: The character should fit on one side of one sheet of paper in 12 point type I think I will stick with the "Give me the character one week in advance rule" or the "This looks fine, but if it turns out to be unbalancing, we are retconning his power level" (Hey, it's a comic book, they do that all the time...)
  13. Re: Killing Attacks vs Stun Lottery refering to the suggestion that xStun be restricted to only body that penetrated the armor
  14. Re: Penetrating + Reduced Penetration = Broken? Actually, what would be unbalanced is a penetrating attack where the reduced penetration reduces a 1d6 penetrating attack to 2 1/2d6 penetrating attacks. 1 1d6 penetrating deals on average 1 penetrating damage, 2 1/2 d6 penetrating attacks average 1.333 penetrating damage, so here you have a limitation actually *increasing* the average effectiveness of the attack. Throw in Explosive, Autofire 15, (and use it at 0 range, so you can't really miss,) and you have an attack that does 20 body on average, only blockable by hardened defense. (As opposed to an attack that just deals 15 penetrating body. ) One of the reasons why I usually try to harden at least 3 points of my armor...
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