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Everything posted by Ragitsu

  1. Weshweckal Haurel/Haurrel Altem/Altemont/Altumont Nykrus Leremka/Leremcam Gillabess/Gilabess/Jillahbess (Jill-ah-bess) Callaghrest/Ghallacrest/Ghallagrest Palam/Palamdar Tellshil Culzaber/Culzaberr Suftem Alavander/Allavander/Alyavander Thefelhame Meracath/Meeracath Arcengall Edalshawer/Edalshawehr/Edalsawehr Soulscratch (monster name) Vigursarda Balmasthaway/Balmathsaway/Balmanthaway/Balmahsaway Merrinbrau/Merimbrau Deycrollister/Dreycrollister/Decrollister Meimzigal/Miemzigal/Zigalmeim/Zigalmiem Angelharp (surname) Daisildriz Cambraith/Kambraith/Cambriath Damldling/Dameldling Gineveil Martushe Salderkraul/Saldercraul Acksberrough/Aucksberrough Dusirfel/Dusirlef Lauvilior Scheik/Schneike Peldeshere/Celdeshere Teparium/Kevteparium Adderedroi/Aderadroi/Aderadroy Tellaseera Bursadarc/Bursadark/Bersadarc/Bersadark Henstadt Piergardo/Peirgardo/Piergardum Tysherem/Tyesherem/Tyshemer/Tyeshemer Fulbeulem/Fulbuelem Thoemard Dicathome/Diecathome Tabenbraith/Tabembraith/Tabenbarith/Tabembarith Eretecks/Eretex Bepherafania/Bepheraphania/Bepheria Wisbroach/Wesbroach/Wesbroche Alegrahem/Alegraham/Alegram/Ahlegram Vasha-Arella/Vasha'arella/Vasharella Fulvemander/Fulvemendar
  2. I imagined a coastal clifftop with jagged rocks below and scattered trees up high. Between the trees is a woman in white sitting astride an impressive steed in motion with two flanking men (also on horseback...her protectors?); the trio are being chased by a half-dozen or more hooded brigands wearing a mixture of regular leather and studded leather armor.
  3. Even if the PCs manage to circumvent the defenses and take their fill (after betraying the hospitality of their hosts...we are assuming they were openly invited), they will then be hounded by peerless immortal warriors, trackers and mages (all of whom have a vested interest in retrieving priceless cultural artifacts). Could the consequences be considered "fun"?
  4. I was reading MERP 3200 - Lorien & the Halls of the Elven Smiths when I came across the following excerpt regarding a vault in the "Jewel Halls" -> It would have been enough to state that the vaults are protected by indestructible doors with locks impossible to bypass or walls that move only at the behest of the highest Elven magic, but the designer(s) went out of their way to assign hard statistics to these formidable barriers. Were they planning on Player Characters attempting to bust their way into a treasure trove in what is likely the greatest stronghold in the world (a feat which would require, at the very least, a small army)? A little bit of D&D in your Middle-Earth...I suppose.
  5. im·pe·ri·ous /imˈpirēəs/ adjective adjective: imperious assuming power or authority without justification; arrogant and domineering. "his imperious demands"
  6. For Elfquest specifically, and tales in general, we have a storytelling rule that we stick to just as much as possible. In symbols, it is: 0 1 ∞ In words, it is this: A thing is either impossible (meaning it has a 0 chance of happening), unique (meaning there is truly only 1 example of it, ever) or it is common (thus, potentially, infinite). --- --- ---
  7. The first part of my dream was a pleasant enough variation on a theme: me residing on a sprawling property in a spacious room a decent walk away from the main living area. The second part of my dream continued to take place on the property during a get-together (party?) and was a bit humdrum all things considered (I left the festivities to get some clothes cleaned)...except for the completely random appearance of a massive spider within a laundry room. The body of this thing was three to four feet long; I remember ripping off part of one of its legs and stabbing it as nearby people did their part to make it dead. For whatever reason, once we ensured it was no longer a threat, I tried eating parts of the spider - raw - and almost immediately spat out those revolting pieces of arachnid. "This is definitely survival food", I said to the others.
  8. At least the Cleric is beholden to a mythos/deity while limited to an Alignment (plus, they are frequently associated with a clergy...which typically involves a degree of study to go with those countless prayers). The Sorcerer, however, yes, is a video game-y blast-happy class that requires not a whit of study and the Warlock's fealty to an entity is - the overwhelming majority of the time - nominal.
  9. "You...how did you survive the banshee's wail?" "I have a young daughter; that is nothing by comparison."
  10. I typically find myself objecting to an elaborate history if it is an obvious attempt to gain advantages beyond that which is entitled to the Player Character's Race/Class/Level and if I am aware that the Player Character mortality rate is high (I'd rather not see someone go the distance only to dash their expectations). However, if the material presented is genuinely well-written/a joy to read and if it provides me with ample adventure potential for said Player Character, I'll probably allow the indulgence.
  11. MERCENARY: "I tire of bringing in pirate bounties; they only pay a buck an ear."
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