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Everything posted by Ragitsu

  1. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.businesspundit.com/20-brands-products-that-died-in-2009/
  2. Re: A Thread For Random Links What'd you eat? It may end up tasting better than a K-Cup meal. --- http://www.businesspundit.com/20-brands-products-that-died-in-2009/
  3. Re: Ctrl+V If it the ability doesn't read what a person consciously witnessed, remembers, or did, but actually reads the residual psychic impressions off him just like it would read them off a murder weapon or a ritual altar, then I don't think it overlaps telepathic abilities or Empathy at all. At that stage, you're simply including a filter that screens out the interference caused by living things (or some other babble). However, given that people witness most of the things that make items and events interesting, this definitely concentrates your ability to learn a lot of information! I would say that's a significant enhancement, probably comparable to Cosmic, +50% or Directed, +50% in overall impact. So call it Affects Living, +50%, and make clear that it can't probe minds . . . it reads the events that cling like dust to a person. It should requires contact (at least a handshake). I would further specify that, like regular Psychometry, it never confirms who did what; e.g., if you read a murderer and a witness, you'll never get a good enough look at the face to be 100% sure which is which.
  4. Re: Cool Guns for your Games High-cyclic fire? Awesome!
  5. Re: Ctrl+V Monster from the Id
  6. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/85985
  7. Re: Ctrl+V ?goto=newpost
  8. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.thinkgeek.com/interests/looflirpa/ee08/#tabs
  9. Re: A Thread For Random Links http://www.thinkgeek.com/interests/looflirpa/ee08/#tabs
  10. Re: Camouflage? By how much do unpainted/unconcealed metallic (shiny) weapons penalize wilderness camouflage?
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Either way, he's getting a hit of the sweet stuff! ---
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Nottie werds.
  13. Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo? Would nudity tend to help, or hinder, camouflage?
  14. Re: Ctrl+V So my game group is angry. They can not understand how a Jedi can not have Stealth as a trained skill. They argue that Jedi Shadows/Sentinels would rely on such a skill. If not, how would they even been a Shadow/Sentinel? I have to agree with them but I hate to just give the class a free skill. Is there any Talents that would allow a Jedi to be trained in Stealth? Or Treat Injury, for that matter... as we have a Jedi who would like to be a Jedi Healer. Anyone else have this problems? I feel that I shouldn't just give the Jedi these skills as it may make players who play a scout or noble feel less then useful. After all I am cutting into those classes skills. I've looked over the books but I have seen nothing that allows these options. And not being able to cross class skills....sucks. If there are feats/talents that would allow getting Stealth/Treat Injury could someone please point me in the right direction.
  15. Re: Camouflage? Thank you, Christopher. I have one more example I need your adjudication on. --- Marius is hurrying across a green field, it's various plants barely clearing two feet at their highest. It is also early morning, so, asides from the sun not having quite fully risen, there is a light mist across the land. Our relatively inexperienced guerrilla (Skill 10) is wearing a woodland ghillie suit with a number of native forest flora attached to it. If he can just make it to the forest on the other side of the road, he should be like a ghost. The thing is, plans are made to go wrong. Spotting an unfamiliar Armoured Personnel Carrier coming from the mist, and unable to take the time to really blend in, Marius quite literally hits the dirt some five meters away from the pavement. His colour scheme mostly matches that of the vegetation, but the suit itself is not tailor made for a field... The two troopers atop the vehicle aren't rookies (PER 13), and are specifically on alert for any threats lurking near the road.
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