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Everything posted by Ragitsu

  1. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IskfFKiuh3Y
  2. Re: Cool Guns for your Games http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IskfFKiuh3Y Oddly, I found this relevant.
  3. Re: Ctrl+V Skills [21] Area Knowledge (United States) -11 [iQ/Easy, 1] Armoury (Melee Weapons)/TL8 -11 [iQ/Average, 2] Bicycling -11 [DX/Easy, 1] Broadsword -12 (DX+1/Average, 4] Diplomacy -10 [iQ-1/Hard, 2] Driving (Automobile)/TL8 -10 (DX-1, Average, 1] History (14th Century Europe) -10 [iQ-1/Hard, 2] Leatherworking -11 (DX/Easy, 1] Shield -12 (DX+1/Easy, 2] Stage Combat -12 [DX+1/Average, 4] Writing -10 [iQ-1/Average, 1] --- Equipment Ordinary Clothes - 2 lbs. Sneakers (+1 to Stealth) - 2 lbs. Wallet with cash and ID - 0.1 lbs Reenactment broadsword (TL8 "Fine" Thrusting Broadsword, sw+2 cut and thr+3 imp) - 3 lbs (2 lbs sword and 1 lbs sheath) "Period" leather armor (TL8 Leather Armor, DR 2 to Torso and Groin) - 10 lbs. Reenactment shield (TL8 Medium Shield, Defense Bonus +2 and DR 7/ HP 40) - 15 lbs.
  4. Re: Ctrl+V In the real world, a human can't burn energy fast enough to pass out in 10 seconds! That requires a choke or something.
  5. Re: Ctrl+V Seeing none other rise to the occasion, Ryland humbly steps forward and addresses the judge, "Your honor, if it please the court I will stand to speak for these men as I see no other willing to do so. I am a humble servant of Torm and am partly responsible for their capture."
  6. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?
  7. Re: Ctrl+V However, if our old friend Sentient Blueberry Muffin decides to get inside of the Mason jar and use his telekinesis ability to fly around in it, then the DR, HP and IT: Homogenous would likely come into play. Not to mention making for a rather bizarre game...
  8. Re: Ctrl+V Whenever I get confused about D&D alignment morality, I just imagine Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Ghandi arm wrestling shirtless on the back of a killer whale. In other words, I remember that it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense and deal with it best I can.
  9. Re: Ctrl+V darth_brush@hotmail.co.uk
  10. Re: Ctrl+V Except that, now, on any Sunday afternoon, in an empty downtown, you will notice that bunches of milling people stand on the corners, waiting, cow-eyed, for the little walking signal to allow them to cross the street. They stand there like herds in the rain; no cars coming; no buses; nothing. They don't even bother to look anymore. When the walk sign says go, they go. Automatons, robots; in the name of safety, we've trained ourselves like obedient little poodles. But what choice do we have--there is a fifty or seventy-five dollar ticket if the police catch us walking across an empty street (revenue collection and safety-first go hand in hand). Is this logic? Someone from another planet would wonder. 'Why don't those people just cross the street, Commander?' 'Waiting for permission.' 'From whom?' 'The blinking sign.' 'I thought all urban earth children were taught to look both ways by their mothers?' 'They were. Doesn't matter anymore.' 'But there are no cars coming!' 'They don't know that.' 'Why?' 'They're too busy looking at the blinking sign.; 'This place is nuts, let's get outta here.'
  11. Re: Ctrl+V There is no good, sane moral reason not to.
  12. Re: Half Life 2 for Hero Initial thought: why is the Colt Python weaker? .357 Magnum is categorically stronger than 9x19mm Parabellum, and, in-game, the Colt is a super-pistol compared to the alright USP (albeit in a far more exaggerated way compared to reality).
  13. Re: Ctrl+V If it wasn't bad enough some yokel sends me e-mails from a vague address (John Smith?) about going through my entire image gallery and give pictures low star ratings, they began sending death threats as of this evening. Really classy. It just goes to show you how bold and possibly insane some people become behind the safety of anonymity. For everyone else that actually enjoys what I do, thanks. I'm not going to be discouraged by their actions.
  14. Re: Ctrl+V "Welcome to Jerusalem, the birthplace of Christianity, Judaism and Islam" "So this is where all the peace and love came from"
  15. Re: Ctrl+V Viimeisten kuukausien ajan Baiven on ollut rosvolaumojen ja barbaarien tiukassa puristuksessa, samoin kuin moni muukin Kruunun lääni. Sota oli nostanut ruman päänsä jälleen kerran Galdrian historiassa, kun Fajetin langennut valtakunta kävi nyt tämän kanssa uutta kiivasta taistelua Pohjois-Mantereen valta-asemasta. Sodan ja laman vaikutukset olivat innostaneet kaidan polun kulkijat keräilemään lisäravintonsa maanviljelijöitten ja kauppamiesten suista. Lääninherroilla ei ollut kelpoiset oltavat; jotkut jopa joutuivat jakamaan omista rahapusseistaan pitääkseen nääntyvät kansalaiset hengissä! Torew näki tilanteensa vielä pahempana. Alkuperäinen lääninherra, Kreivi Barimbatur, oli ollut jo kauan matkoilla hoitamassa valtion asioita; Hän kun oli korkea-arvoinen sotaministeri, sekä Hopeakilven Pyhän Ritarikunnan pääkapteeni. Torew oli käytännössä joutunut hoitamaan kartanon asioita sekä valvomaan Baivenin tilannetta jo siitä lähtien kun hänet ensimmäistä kertaa palkattiin edellisen varakreivin lähtiessä eläkkeelle. Kun kiireistä Kreiviä ei näkynyt, alkuun Torew oli luulenut osaavansa työnsä tarpeeksi luistavasti; silloin ainakin kun kaikki muutenkin hoitui ikään kuin itsestään hänen vain siemailessaan lempiviiniään. Mutta vaikeuksien edessä Torewilla ei koskaan ollut tarpeeksi itseluottamusta eikä asiantuntemusta saattaamaan vastoinkäymisiä päätökseen, kuten ei ollut myös nytkään.
  16. Re: Ctrl+V Seth is one of the few who turns up to class and stays there. However, he sits up the back, arranges his pillow just so, turns on his digital recorder, and lights up a joint for the duration. Sometimes he drops off to sleep. He is definitely one to party hard. In fact, despite his deceptive sleepy appearance, he is one of the party animals on campus. He'll inhale, drink, snort, or eat virtually anything likely to give him a high; his tolerance for alcohol and other substances is legendary. And his carefully cultivated bushes of Panama Red (in pots on the balcony of his dorm room) have a distinct following among his friends. However, he can also be found in the gaming scene. While he isn't an avid gamer (or even a very experienced one) and sometimes needs to be told which die to roll, he's always willing to stay awake till all sorts of odd hours (especially if he's dropped a bit of speed) and put his characters into all sorts of weird situations. He doesn't have a favourite system; in fact, when he's good and stoned, he can't tell one from the other. But to be honest, he doesn't care. It's a social situation, and he enjoys it.
  17. Re: Ctrl+V Area Knowledge (United States) -13 [iQ+1/Easy, 2]
  18. Re: Ctrl+V Father Pete again attempts to parry, shifting his balance as the attack he has been waiting for comes in...
  19. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/86198-SPIRITUS-de-PIZZA-Roland-Deschain-versus-Revolver-Ocelot
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