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Everything posted by Ragitsu

  1. Re: Star Wars: Technological Stagnation? As in, the creator of the SWU? Yup...that'd be him. There's an established setting, and then there's what's done with it after creation. If you're dealing with the latter, then just about any viewpoint could be brought up as what the setting is.
  2. Re: Star Wars: Technological Stagnation? The SWU, in general, is not "grimdark" as one of it's selling points. Yes, there is war, but it's not...how do I put this...as fatalistic, as, say, Warhammer 40,000 or Battlestar Galactica. It's too fantasy/science-awesome/space opera/pulp for that.
  3. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwP0K6Aw3pg
  4. Re: Star Wars: Technological Stagnation?
  5. Re: Star Wars: Technological Stagnation? That there are bad places to live in the SWU still does not make it generally a doomed colony/without a future.
  6. Re: Ctrl+V Pushing pills on him is not the answer. Tell him to try drinking 5-6 beers before bed.
  7. Re: Ctrl+V Fisherman Joe, with his Fishing-16, decides to only spent two hours on a lake during the Fall. However, he also has a nice kit, which gives +1 to Skill. His effective Skill, then, is 12 (-5 for time, +1 for equipment). Were he to roll 9, he would multiply that Margin of Success of 3 by 2 lbs. Six pounds worth of fish, which would about feed a person for a day.
  8. Re: Ctrl+V Why's that? It's a supplement called "Champions", and it's for the 4th Edition of GURPS.
  9. Re: Ctrl+V GURPS Monster Hunters 1 - Champions (4th Edition)
  10. Re: Ctrl+V It's actually rather funny.
  11. Re: Star Wars: Technological Stagnation? Let the Wookie win.
  12. Re: Star Wars: Technological Stagnation? You mean you don't wax your chest???
  13. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJM-V1DLSqg
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJM-V1DLSqg
  15. Re: Ctrl+V Commissar: "...The Party teaches that only the Communist way can show the true path through the tunnels..." Soldier: "Comrade Commissar, what does the party teach about the two-headed mutants that roam the Frontline?" Commissar: "Um... er..." Soldier: "Well, so much for the entertainment" Commisar: "SILENCE!!!"
  16. Re: Ctrl+V Maricel Soriano
  17. Re: Ctrl+V The one way most scientists gauge self-awareness is whether or not the subject can recognize their reflection as themselves as opposed to another animal. With animals, it can be a bit tricky to determine as they can't talk. However, one test is to put a mark on the animal which the animal cannot see but will be reflected in a mirror. Elephants have demonstrated recognition of their reflection by exploring the mark on their own head, not the elephant in the mirror, using the mirror to find it. So, elephants are self aware.
  18. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them? Off topic.
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