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Everything posted by Mentor

  1. Most indispensable Trebuchet is a good team leader and all, but I sure do miss our investigator/detective. Nowdays we stumble around until the baddies get hacked off and attack us.
  2. I almost forgot about learning to say " Ay tank ay ban clobber dat guy." when I was a tyke. Yikes, spooky.
  3. Re: What Would (your character here) Do? My mentalist with a very empathetic outlook (ie. He is using Mind Control) convinces the guy that it is easier and far less messy to come along qietly to a place we can discuss this in orivate without that pesky package on his chest.
  4. Re: Homebrew Villain Teams Can't tell you. Trebuchet and team get to play with them in march. Bwa. ha ha.
  5. Re: Other People's Characters (and OIHID rant) I don't automatically consider "efficient" PCs an ubalancing situation, but some character concepts and constructs seem pretty boring if all they do is fight. As you said, it is pretty much up to the GM. If you have a skill heavy Character, just ask the GM to make sure you get to use them to good effect. Also, though I know that some players bristle, let Mr. Combat Suit get ambushed while he's brushing his teeth and roleplay his way to the UltimaArmor occasionaly just to rmind them that just because armor isn't bought as a focus, it still has to be worn to work. Likewise, Inferno Boy's Secret ID will prevent him from immolation in the middle of the Sox game. Just some thoughts.
  6. According to the Federation of American Scientist site, depleted uranium was only dangerous to the Iraqi tanks they destroyed because of the incredibly low radiation 9especially negligeble in a desert enviroment) and the incredibly high coalition tank gun hit rate.
  7. Re: Champions at War! One of my Characters has a Secret ID as a resreve Air Force Colonel/fighter pilot. Not much choice there. His Hero ID is that of a Power Armored guy a la Iron Man. don't know how he could sneak out of the cockpit to bash in Saddam's bunker door.
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