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Everything posted by Mentor

  1. Re: How do people feel about multi-power attacks? Ultimately that is the only fair approach. Don't automatically penalize imagination and originality. As a GM, I am certainly capable of designing a villain team where some of the baddies have the defense to the hypothetical three 6D6 NND attacks which equal the 18D6 attack. Then the points and endurance spent on an unbalanced power design for the PC are completely wasted. Too many of these point balance concerns assume some sort of arena battle a la Dragon Ball, and that VERY seldom occurs in our campaign. Champions is not chess. I challenge any GM to be able to always predict the action, number of hits and dice of damage our team would be taking or dishing out in a twelve phase turn, especially with the challenges of things like protecting innocents, villains trying to escape with the swag and heroes saving the hostages getting in the way of straight up fighting. Number crunch all you want, they will do more than the GM expexts.
  2. Re: Golden Age Heroes Question. Comics vs. RPGs - Is a combat heavy Campaign "in genre"? Conflict and combat are pretty much the reason for the existence of the superheroes in the first place, even in a golden age setting. Preemptive combat in order to forestall a catastrophe or just to prevent any innocents from harm is well within genre. I am sure that a team made up of Sister Marian the Healer, The Zen Master, Negotiation Man, and Professor Pacifist would be legitemate concepts, but they wouldn't make for a very exiting game.
  3. Re: New Villain Organization. Please comment. Great concept and even the acronym leaves wide open to change their ideals and tactics to suit any changes required by the game plot. Any group engaged in furthering the "true" goals in the face of "corrupted" mainstream church or societal "heresies" will have infiltrated all levels of society, of course. Any parallel with the Illuminati would be purely coincidental, of course.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Dammit, I missed another Millenial Milestone. 2000 posts. (lemming, Zornwill, Agent X, and Von D Man all yawn.)
  5. Re: The cranky thread He does seem to be working his way in, you gotta admit.
  6. Re: GMs, which character concepts did not make the cut in your game?
  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER OK, Tina. Whodat? (Super Squirrel is scaring me )
  8. Re: The cranky thread Jeez, girl. That avatar change in midpost kinda' freaked me out. Anyway, some people can pull off perky better than others. (and I ain't one of them )
  9. Re: GMs, which character concepts did not make the cut in your game? I did once design an Arnold Schwartzenegger clone heoric level PC. The actor, not any of his roles. A really strong bodybuilder athelete with familiarities in all of the movie weapons he used as well as basic martial arts with no skill levels. I the added movie making skills, lots of money, perks (connections and the like), and reputation type disads. I never did get to play him so I don't know how lame he would have been. Amusing concept to build, though.
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Well considering how Shaq has been moving this year, that might not be a bad thing.
  11. Re: GMs, which character concepts did not make the cut in your game? I am more objecting to the lame concept than legality of the construction. While a player could easily build a legal D&D Ranger for 350 points in Champions, making the character fit well into a modern Hero campaign is going to be a stretch.
  12. Re: Block Maneuver Silliness... Yah, what Black Rose said. I do agree that block represents a wide array of SFX, but, as previous posters so well stated, some attacks are just to be avoided and without any combat advantage for the next phase. I realize some players think they can use a block maneuver on a locomotive and still have their movement and combat bonuses intact, but if the PC doesn't dodge or get out of the way in our campaign, they better be a Brick because they are going to have a lot of dice fall on their head if the attack hits.
  13. Re: Origins Award Nomination Absolutely agree. I am amazed that it wasn't the software buzz of the industry. That was a tremendous oversight.
  14. Re: Fiddling With 6th - Skills (first of ??) Very nice. While I am not really looking to change anything yet in our campaign, which is very skill intensive, there is an elegant logic to your suggestion.
  15. Re: GMs, which character concepts did not make the cut in your game? Unquestionably, the concept which rankles me most is the D&D class built for Champions. "C'mon, a Dwarf in chainmail with a battleaxe could blend in in Hollywood." " Harrumph. Wizards are a staple of the comic genre. And I'm Chaotic Neutral, OK." Yuck. Talk about no imagination.
  16. Re: Lady May Chiltren Cool, especially with the Wynona pics. Very period. I almost expected Physical Disad: Subject to the vapors.
  17. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I am not at all sure that I disagree with everything said on the subject of NGD and rep, but it seems that starting the conversation off with insults is not the way to win a debate.
  18. Re: Your Gaming Group's Jargon One of my favorites is when some villain has the hero in a spot where the bad guy is gonna put a real hurt on him, the final maneuver before rolling the damage is to "abort to a Martial Cringe"
  19. Re: After the Ultimate Evil... what? Sometimes all you need is a change of scenery. "Heroes assembled. The Zeboidian ambassador's final words after her extrication from the wreckage of her Diplomatic transport were a dire warning to the Earth. Ravager World fleets will embark for Earth in just one of our years and obliterate humanity unless someone can preempt their launch. They have a secret base somewhere in the Gl'rst Cluster guarded by Superions and their multidimensional energy hounds. If only a force of sufficient might can be mobilized in the short time required, we have enough energy in the Zeboidian hyper portal to transport a team once and quickly. There is a further catch. This council doesn't know how the team will return unless they luck upon a sufficiently advanced alien technology." "Not to worry Professor Quest. Midguard is ready willing and able. When do we leave?" "We knew we could count on you, Cyberknight" "Hello, Papa. I'm gonna be out of touch for a while. Yah, Mongolia to investigate that meteor crash. Yah, you know how secretive the Chinese can be. I'll call you when we get back. OK. Dasvidanya, Papa." An extended space adventure is just the ticket to give Earthbound supers a fresh feel and new set of challenges.
  20. Re: What would your heroes do about this...? Cyberknight is a power armored industrialist/scientist in the USAF reserves until recently activated for Bosnia peacekeeping duty, but since returned stateside. He is a total idealist and would cut no slack whatsoever to protect crimes by the US. Prodigy is a 900 year old Psionic and one of the founders of the Knights Templar. Following the atrocities of the Crusades, some commited by himself, he has renounced killing absolutely. He feels no more affiliation to the US than to the no longer existent Outremer of his birth, and while not a killer, has happily been involved in manipulation of governments for centuries to further the cause of good. He is almost as cynical as Cyberknight is idealistic. Thus crimes by the US would be as readily dealt with as crimes by Nigeria or Bulgaria.
  21. Re: Misinterpretation Why did you single out broad brushes? Very disrepectful terminology for a female. I still think you have a problem with women.
  22. Re: Misinterpretation Cogito ergo sum. Which clearly proves that any individual or society which opposes my will is by definition oppressive and immoral.
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