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Posts posted by Mathew

  1. Re: 150 Point Project


    I actually did a few of those point levels for a BTVS setting.


    Buffybot - http://angel.fcpages.com/csbuffybot2.html

    Charles Gunn - http://angel.fcpages.com/cscharles2.html

    Daniel "Oz" Osborne - http://angel.fcpages.com/csoz2.html

    Dennis Pearson - http://angel.fcpages.com/csdennis2.html

    Harmony Kendall - http://angel.fcpages.com/csharmony2.html

    Tara Maclay - http://www.angelfire.com/hero/champions/cstara2.html


    I also wrote one 50+50 (100 point project?)

    Gravity Girl - http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/csgravitygirl.html

  2. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


    The Prohibitionist - Daughter's daughter's daughter of a 1920's prohibition activist, who thinks drinking is the root of all evil. Her mother and grandmother were both killed by drunk drivers in seperate accidents. A mutant pyrokinetic, She can sense the presence of alchol in the body and ignite it! Anyone who has had a drink of booze, wine, beer, anything, in the last 24-48 hours can be caused to spontaniously combust when she shoots them with her flame blast! People who didn't drink take minimal damage from her attacks.

  3. Re: 350 Point Project


    I probably should learn to use that other program some day. Oh well, I'm happy enough. Even with the changes in rules, I'm guessing a 350 point character will still be around 350 points in 5th or 6th edition until I update.

  4. Since so much fun was had with converting excisting character to 250 point characters, I decided to start a thread devoted to converting characters to 350 points. This thread is good for more powerful characters who just don't fit into 250 points, or versions of the 250 point characters who are now more experienced and more powerful than when they started.


    First up, Garganta from Femforce comic, as she currently exists, able to grow to 200 feet tall.





  5. Re: Have we ever seen the Hawken again?


    Among the Fifth Edition sources published to date: Thaar and the Birdpeople are described' date=' and a "Typical Birdman Warrior" template provided, in [i']Champions Universe: News Of The World[/i] p. 106. (Kestrel is written up in Digital Hero #11). CU: NOTW also briefly describes the Kingdom of the Apes on p. 155. No stats for its inhabitants are given, but Champions Universe recommends using the character sheet for the "Guardian Ape" from the 5E HERO System Bestiary p. 40.


    Beast Mountain and Lemuria are detailed in Hidden Lands. Two things to keep in mind about that book: the Manimals aren't statted there; and the Lemurians it describes are trapped in human form due to an ancient spell. However, Monster Island includes character sheets for several species of Manimals (and other animal-men appear in the Bestiary), and MI also writes up the reptilian, shapeshifting type of Lemurians. Note that the Sixth Edition version of the Bestiary will consolidate all the varieties of animal-men in one section.


    The Chunhu are mentioned in The Mystic World, and the were-jaguars of the Valley of Night briefly touched on in Champions Universe. No stats are provided for either, but the Weretiger on HSB pp. 101-102 would be a good template to start with. As for the Karkaradon, you'll find them in Book Of The Destroyer pp. 72-74.


    Thank you.

  6. Re: [Request] West Coast Avengers Write Ups


    I do write higher point characters on occasion, but only when they call for it, not just to keep pace with the power creep. Big points works for cosmic campaigns or overpowered supervillians. For instance I wrote a 700 point Graviton and a 645 point Absorbing Man.


    For my personal use, I see no season to give Captain America or Batman superhuman stats if you are tyring to adapt them. They're suppposed to be a peak NORMAL humans with lots of training and some gadgets. No reason for a 7 SPD, a 33 INT or a 26 DEX, as some people sometimes do:




    However, I've always felt that if 10 people adapt the same character into Champions, you'll probably end up getting 10 very different interpertations, and probably all 10 will be valid. I've always encouraged people who disagree with anything I write to write their own, submit it to the GNBORH, the Usenet or a message board. The more choice the merrier.


    Personally I'd love it if someone started a 350 or 450 point project. I still write stuff in 4th edition at 250 points because I'm old and set in my ways, and it's what I enjoy. Please let's see the same characters written for 5th or 6th edition Champions at higher point levels!

  7. Re: [Request] West Coast Avengers Write Ups


    My point though is that the majority of the 250 point writeups are within the realm of legitimate interpertation. They may not be on a power level people play at these days (thanks to power creap and munchkinism), but that's not their target.


    As the 250 point project originally described, these are interpertations of the characters based often times on their appearances in early group comics. Wolverine isn't the how-everything, speak every language, been everywhere, done everything, combat god of later Wolverine comics. He's the sawed-off, pissed-off little runt with claws from his first couple years X-Men appearances.


    You can ever write guys like Thor and Superman up, if if limit them to the powers and skills they had in their early appearances.

  8. Re: [Request] West Coast Avengers Write Ups


    The very fact that they were compressed into artificially low point levels.


    Who is changing point values artfically?


    I believe if you check the original characters, often times mine are MORE accurate than one of those 800+ point versions some people write. Look at The Thing. Is there any reason to make a version that can lift 3200 tons like this?




    Then he needs defenses to match his STR, so he ends up with 45 rED and rPD. He's artifically inflated so he can fight Grond and other high end Champions villians, but it's NOT accurate to the character. The Thing NEVER displayed anything like that kind of strength. A mere 59 STR is much more accurate.



  9. I have nore kept up with the books that lsst few years, but I did have Enemies for Hire, with Ultraviolet Sparrowhawk, and it also mentioned her race, the Hawken, and a racial package for them. I was curious has there been any official use of the Hawken since then? If so where?


    Also, has anyone made any Hawken characters?

  10. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


    I think Mathew was wanting to propose a new theme team, not add them to the Time Masters. Once we're done with the Time Masters, we could go on to create the members of the Gold Bandits.


    Mathew, the new team is proposed by whomever creates the last member of the current team. So, once three more characters are created for the Time Masters, they're done and we can go on to the next team.


    Sorry, I didn't read all the interviening posts, just the first few.

  11. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


    I alwasy wanted a super villian team who attempted to steal a machine from a mad sicentist that was supposed to turn lead into gold. The machine blows up and turns the villians into gold. One is a brick, one a speedster, one is stretchy, one has electricity generation. Sadly they can't make any money off their being gold as any part of their body seperates (like hair, fingernails, etc) turns right back into normal if removed from the main body. So now they do robberies as the Gold Bandits.

  12. I don't really have enough time to reopen the project properly, but while I have the time, if it's okay, I'm posting any new character sheets I come up with under the project.


    Just a quick review, this is interpertations of characters from various fictional sources under 4th edition Champions rules as 250 point characters.


    Here is the first of the new wave of characters, it's the walking stereotype, supposed comic relief, and overall annoying character from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Mudflap! He might be useful as an annoyance for your PCs.





  13. Re: Sersi for HERO


    Although, I'm so thrilled with this particular disad:


    5 Rivalry,"With whatever woman is handy.",romantic


    that I'll be stenciling it into FRED where it richly belongs.


    I'm immortalized in your FRED for that disad? Thanks!

  14. Re: Predator: rough draft. Any comments?


    Yes, I only went with a 5 point physical limitation myself. Point though is that it's legitimate and legal disad... but obviously no one is forcing you to take it. It's up to you whether your interpertation of the Predator can only eat that food, or he just prefers it. Maybe on his homeworld he mostly eats carrots and baked potatoes. We only know a little bit about them from a couple movies and comics... and had to fill in the blanks with our imaginations.

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