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Diamond Spear

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Posts posted by Diamond Spear

  1. So I've gotten the itch to run a HERO game again after a long hiatus. I'd love it if there were enough HERO players in the Savannah area to run a  game but I'm perfectly willing to run one online, most likely a hybrid chat/PBP style. I've been working on a Dark Champions setting and would love to give it a shot.  It is, in fact, the one that I tried to recruit for last year but between hurricanes and a work schedule that usually had me working closer to sixty hours than forty I was never able to get it going. Things have calmed down now so I'd like to give it another try. 


    The Setting (spoiler blocked for length):





    This setting is designed to walk a fine line between Dark Champions, Horror and Urban Fantasy. Essentially the setting is Dark Champions without a dystopian background (or at least a traditional one) that is also sprinkled with bits of the unexplained, horrific and strange. The rich and powerful, both individuals and corporations, powerful criminal organizations and governments all struggle to gain more power and influence. To do so they recruit and employ both singular individuals and small groups to fight their proxy battles; they also find themselves in conflict with those trying to turn the world to a better, or at least better as they perceive it, course. Unlike in more traditional Dark Champions settings, their conflicts are largely unknown to the general public and the effects of their machinations, while felt by all, are almost never directly traced to these shadow conflicts. The overwhelming majority of the population will never know about the power struggles that shape the world they live in. Those that move in the shadows live in a world so complex, dangerous and fascinating that most who become involved in it never leave it.





    Soldiers Fight Soldiers

    Families, bystanders and other “non-combatants” are off limits. This isn’t to say that innocents are never killed or injured but wanton destruction without regard to collateral damage is strictly taboo. This is a central tenant of the setting and one of the major reasons that this complex, second society can exist alongside the more mundane, normal, one without being obvious. For instance, a hit may take place in a restaurant but the gunmen would target only the person they are after and not indiscriminately spray the room with bullets or simply use a large bomb. In extreme circumstances the family members of high-ranking individuals might be kidnapped and held but even then they will rarely, if ever, be mistreated. There is also an unwritten rule that even though killing is expected and accepted outright cruelty is frowned upon and people who cross the line into true psychopathy tend to find even their nominal allies out to remove them.


    The World Is Not All Doom And Gloom

    Assuming that one does not get involved in the shadowy second world it is entirely possible to live, work, raise a family and live to a ripe old age and never so much as suspect the struggle that goes on beneath the surface. Even the majority of wealthy individuals and politicians stay blissfully ignorant or at most skim the surface of the shadows without ever realizing how deep they go.


    Real World Tech…Mostly

    For the most part there is no “super technology”. There are no suits of power armor, artificial intelligences with distinct personalities or plasma rifles. This is not to say that large organizations or governments don’t have access to bleeding edge technology, it just means that such technology should, for the most part, be based on real world technology and research. A good rule of thumb is James Bone level tech and gadgets is about the limit.


    The Magic, Fantastical And Horrific

    The magical, fantastic and horrific are fringe of the fringe elements. Someone who claims to be a witch/wizard is going to be someone who uses 99% practical effects and real world magic tricks with just a trick or two that can’t be explained by conventional means. A psychic is a typical palm reader and tarot card diviner but when paid enough or otherwise greatly motivated their predictions are always accurate. Monstrous creatures are genetic experiments gone wrong except for the one per cent that can’t be explained as such. Devices and technology that are a quantum leap forward are one-offs that are normally either created by a Tesla-level fringe scientist or an accidental fusing of disparate technologies that just happened to work. Such things also tend to be single or limited use, have undesirable side effects and tend to be self-destructive.



    If you'd be interested let me know. Any group between one and six players works for me. As always, please post interest or questions here and I'll be happy to respond.

  2. I'm in the (very slow) process of designing a setting for Fantasy Hero and one of the things I'm including is different fighting styles for different regions. For instance, a traditional early middle ages land might have warriors wearing chain armor or the equivalent  and trained mostly in sword and shield, while another region might have developed a fighting style based on lighter armor and using a long weapon in the primary hand and a shorter one in the off hand and so on.


    The issue I'm facing is that I've always disliked how HERO automatically uses martial maneuvers to  build fighting styles. I think it works fine for "traditional" martial arts but for something like a sword and shield style I've always wondered why not just buy bonuses to the regular combat maneuvers along with designing things like a "shield bash" attack. Other than the martial maneuvers giving a cost break, combining several bonuses (and sometimes a penalty) to a single maneuver  and allowing the purchase of damage classes, all of which result in a lower cost than buying all of those individually, I don't see a compelling reason for me not to design the styles without using Martial Maneuvers. For instance a character might buy +3 OCV Only to Block with Sword or the like. So am I right? Does doing it my way mean the ability to create more customization by modifying existing maneuvers with the only drawback being that it costs more points?


    Thoughts? Comments? Observations?



  3. I'm trying to decide on how one would go about designing a magic system like that used in Glenn Cook's Black Company books. Variable Power Pools are the obvious answer and I'm fine with that but the size of those pools and how they can be utilized is what I'm struggling with. A cap of around 40 points for most "regular" sorcerers seems about right, perhaps with a 1/2 or x2 effect for illusions (based largely on how Goblin and One Eye's magic is described in the first three books). It's after that where things get tricky. For the most part the extremely powerful sorcerers in the books don't seem to use much "fast cast" magic and mostly weave spells that buff or debuff or protect an area. When they do cut loose with heavy duty magic it's usually when they have had time to prepare and it seems like they are mostly triggering prepared spells rather than casting them cold. My first thought was that for every "x" points over 40 you have to add one step on the time chart to reflect the amount of preparation that very powerful spells take. The problem there is that if I set "x" at 5 or 10 points then the kind of magic that the Taken or the Lady can wield would end up taking a month or more but if I raise "x" to 15 or 20 points per step on the time chart it doesn't limit lesser sorcerers like it should.


    I'm stuck. So please HEROdom assembled, hit me with your best suggestions, thoughts and ramblings. Thanks.

  4. For a less severe version you could create a side effect: Drain vs. BODY, with the return rate bumped down to once a week/ month/ year depending on how much of a hinderence you want it to be. That would allow the character some flexibility so they could use a lot of power in a short period of time if they really needed to but then would have to really restrict their usage for x period so they could recover. Otherwise they could go with low usage as their normal mode. It kind of reduces the drama factor but makes the character more viable for a long running campaign.

  5. So, first we get a Secretary of Education who has no public education experience whatsoever, and now we've got half a dozen Representatives (including one from my state) sponsoring a bill to eliminate the Department of Education entirely by the end of 2018.

    I have no words.

    May I ask why the federal government should have a department of education? What does it do better than individual states when it comes to education? I'm not trying to be hostile and I don't have strong opinions one way or the other it's just that I keep hearing how vital it is to have a deprartment of education but not really any reasons other than a) of course we do and b ) we have to keep certain states in line.
  6. Are those our only options?


    To put it another way, are the options in your poll limited to those you are actually interested in writing, or is there some other reason why the list is so... limited?


    If I have to pick from your list above, my vote will be for Urban Fantasy, with the caveat that it must be CC/FHC compliant to be of much use to me...

    Personally though, I'd much rather see somebody put out a really solid Dark Fantasy campaign setting for ​Fantasy Hero Complete.

    I hadn't considered Dark Fantasy. That's tricky to do well but, yeah, it's possible.

  7. You're welcome. I miss gaming with you guys but I've changed jobs and now work six days a week commuting from Annapolis to Mount Airy so I have little free time. If you ever decide to fun an online game though..... :winkgrin: 

    Thanks, D.S.!



  8. OK...it's unlikely that we'll be able to get away without any political discussion taking place in the forums (despite the fact that the forums are for an RPG and there are plenty of other arenas for political discourse) -- so we're going to make a dedicated spot for them to take place.  With rules that will be followed.


    Before I get into the rules, a little bit about self-policing.  You guys are a good group.  I'm assuming that, political differences aside, you'd like to keep each other around.  So you're going to be the first level of checks that will take place.  This is the ONLY US political discussion thread that is going to be around until after the 2016 election in November.  If you see someone start another thread for politics, or if you see another thread head that direction, it's in your best interest to shut it down quickly.  Once I get wind of it, the thread originator (or poster who diverted the thread) will be moderated or banned from the forums (depending on the nature of the post). No arguments, and no discussions.


    No, I'm not going to sticky this thread. No I'm not going to make a general announcement on the rules.  The rules are largely unchanged from the general rules of the forum -- ensuring that others are up to speed and don't unintentionally violate them is on you.  Talk to them before I do.


    Now, onto the rules for this thread:


    1. I will be monitoring this thread heavily. Email notifications, reading along as time allows, etc. I don't give warnings -- if you fail to follow the rules, you will be moderated or banned outright.  If this bothers you, I would suggest NOT participating in this thread.  Find any of the plethora of other areas of the interwebs for your political discussions.


    2. Lies or half-truths which are determined to be intentionally communicated on your part will not be tolerated.  You present the facts. If you're not sure of the facts, then you don't post.  If you want to post something that you saw and agree with, you will want to make sure you do your due diligence and research it first to ensure that you are not passing along lies and/or half-truths which happen to be in line with your political view. 


    3. Attacking of other forum members is subject to immediate banning.  Don't like what someone has to say? Great! Post a factually accurate counter point to their argument and make your case.  Discuss the topic, not the poster.


    4. This thread is meant to be a place where ADULTS can have a SANE, RATIONAL discussion of politics. Posts which are viewed to be in violation of this concept will not be tolerated.  Yes, this is a very general rule -- use your brain and interpret it to the best of your ability. If you feel that this makes it difficult to know where the "line" is and that you may accidentally cross it, then I would strongly advise that you not come anywhere near the line. If this means that you are uncomfortable posting in this thread for fear of crossing an arbitrary line, I would refer you to rule 1.

    Quick question: Where do you come down on hypotheticals? The classic "If this happens what do you think the effect will be?" kind of question? By their very nature they would not be fact based but there are some topics that could make for a lively, friendly discussion when it comes to hypothetical questions. Just wanted to check before posting one as I've no wish to run afoul of the rules. Thanks.

  9. I've set up a Yahoo Group for the project. Anyone who is interested in helping can subscribe to it here: http://herobegins-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


    If you were in volved in the PM discussions ealier you should have recieved this same message. I'd like anyone who wants to help to get in touch no later than this Thursday, April 7. If you have any questions or if the link is not working for you please feel freem to PM me or email me at Diamond_Spear@yahoo.com

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