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Blue Jogger

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Posts posted by Blue Jogger

  1. Re: Champions games you've run


    You can do magic

    Age: Bronze

    Magic returns to Earth causing superheroes, supervillains, monsters and the dimensional travel. Players consisted of: Dryad, Golem, Dampyre (half-vampire), Enchanter (Gadgeteer), Efreet, Fae, and a Skilled Human.

  2. Re: Mixing Swords & Sorcery with Comedic Fantasy


    Encumbrance never counts unless a scroungy thief is trying to steal the barbarian's backpack, then the fact that it weighs 150 pounds makes it nearly impossible to steal.


    Warriors often have an amazingly weird bladed weapon that when thrown, will kill 1d6 people and returns to them, this should not be confused with a boomerang. Despite how deadly this weapon is, it is easily caught one-handed by the person who threw it, assuming they have mastered catching it. ("Darn, that's the 32nd time that it cut off my hand! Medic!")


    Apparently, no one can do anything without the heroes help. They will end up doing odds and ends for practically anybody they meet, ending up being the Postal Service. Despite this, they will always be surprised when assassins, ninjas or rival barbarians try to mugged them and take their package.


    No matter how straight the path seems, the bad guys will always know a quicker way to beat the hero. Conversely, if the heroes need to catch up with a caravan that left three days ago, they will also be able to catch up to it.

  3. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy


    (Yeah, I made sure he had a big giant hook that he could be dragged by.)


    It was a tough battle, not so much because of who we were fighting, but keeping track of who not to kill was a bit troublesome. I threw my body on the ground like it was the heaviest backpack I have ever worn. The phrase "dead tired" had gained a new respect for me. Were they every going to come and pick me up?


    "You know, Winterhope is under attack by monsters. Big nasty monsters."

    The second voice added, "And they really need a hero."


    My head turned slightly to listen to the group near the fire.


    "Isn't that the town with mostly women and children? The men had all left to fight in Forestriver."


    I would think they were playing me for a squire, except I knew Winterhope, and knew they were speaking the truth.


    "Well, our knight has certainly earned his final rest, he's not going anywhere."


    With a mournful groan, I lifted my body up and merged with it. "I'm not tired. I'll go." It was a lie, a minor one, but could I really just lay on the ground knowing that Winterhope was under attack?


    "You? You'll go and fight for Winterhope."

    "Does the necklace say I'm a liar?"

    "Only about the part about you not being tired."

    "Does it say I'm lying that I will not rest knowing that Winterhope is in danger?"

    "No, no it does not."

    I knew the necklace only tells them that I am not a monster, but some claim it can separate truth from lies.

    "Then I will go to Winterhope. Tonight, before sunrise."

    "No, you will go in the morning with the rest of your troops. Even if you need no sleep, your troop does."

    "Is that an order?"


    My body fell back to ground.


    The first person spoke again, "He's truely inhuman."

    The second answered him, "Aye, but he's a hero."

    "Your talking keeps the dead awake", I said with a tired tone. I was going to need to concentrate if I wanted to repair this damage before morning.

  4. Re: Play on words magic items/spells


    Walking Stick - 0 END on 3" Run (3 Active Points, 1 Real Point) Allows the user to walk at 4 MPH for hours at a time and not feel the least bit tired.


    Shopping Maul - The maul give the owner +3 on Trading (or basic 11 or less) if carried, but slowly gives him or her a pathological need to stop at towns to shop for bargains.


    Boots of Giantkind - When worn, the wearer's feet expand until they fit these giant-sized boots. However they do give a nice +4D6 HA to one's kick and +2 resistance to KB. "Those are some mighty big boots, you got there."


    Ten of Clubs - When using this club, nine other clubs appear and attempt to hit the opponent. Although, at most, three will hit the target successfully.

  5. Re: What happens in Vegas...


    Candy (a.k.a. Squid Girl) - Change into 9 foot tall squid form, ooze under the door, and let the nightmare begin.


    If Captain Z is too busy to go to the combat, then the combat will just have to go to him. With all ten tentacles.

  6. Re: Alien Bonding


    Most of my characters aren't very sane to begin with, so they would be rather poor choices.


    Captain Power - Spent most of his career bonded to a demon that gave him superpowers. When he finally expelled the demon, he realized that he was just as monstrous as his counterpart.


    Ultimatum - Has the remnants of an entire alien civilization already inside of him. Probably not a good choice for a bondmate.


    Starlight - Probably a good choice, but she's not around anymore.


    Starlight 2 - She's a teen hero, and can't make that choice.


    Candy (a.k.a. Squid girl) - She is a shapeshifting squid and although she likes to pretend to be a little girl, she is actually much older and would (out of all my characters) be able to deal with bonding with another lifeform.

  7. Re: Intergalactic distance


    Just to keep things in perspective' date=' while BJ's analysis of relative positions seems sound, the distances he's quoting are actually in [b']millions[/b] of light years. Hence his estimate of the likeliest distance between the two galaxies would be 10 million light years.


    As a point of comparison, the Andromeda Galaxy, largest spiral galaxy in our Local Group, is roughly 2.5 MLY distant from our Milky Way.


    Egads, you're right Liaden. I'm guessing 10 million light years with a factor of +/- 21 million light years. :eek:


    Definitely, your mileage WILL vary.

  8. Re: Intergalactic distance


    Ok, let me walk you through this, because I've never done this either.


    M87 is (12h 30m 49.4s, +12° 23′ 28″) and 52+-4 light years away.

    M91 is (12h 35m 26.4s, +14° 29′ 47″) and 63+-16 light years away.


    Now, they are both in relatively the same direction (the first measurement is right ascension, and both RA and longitude measure an east-west angle along the equator) and both are in the relatively the same height (the second measurement is declination, and Dec is comparable to latitude, projected onto the celestial sphere, and is measured in degrees north and south of the celestial equator. Therefore, points north of the celestial equator have positive declinations, while those to the south have negative declinations).


    Unfortuately, the distance isn't very accurate, so it's very hard to measure distance between them. Assuming M87 is 48 ly and M91 is 79 ly, that puts them roughly 31 ly apart. Assuming M87 is 56 ly and M91 is 47 ly, that puts them roughly 9 ly apart IN THE OTHER DIRECTION.


    So, very roughly, it looks like one of these three lines.


    A) Earth - (48) - M87 - (31) - M91

    B) Earth - (52) - M87 - (11) - M91 (assuming the averages)

    C) Earth - (47) - M91 - (9) - M87


    A seems unlikely compared to B and C. So, a compromise between B and C would put them 10 light years apart with them with them both being roughly 50 lys from Earth.


           -- 50 -- M91
    Earth            |   10 
          -- 50 -- M87


    (I apologize, in advance, to any earth-bound aliens who actually try and use this directions to get home to M87 or M91. )

  9. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy


    It was never a question of what was Right, what was Noble. There are few times when life was so straightforward. The monsters were attacking, we were but a few scattered Knights and several well-meaning farmers with whatever armor and weapons we could gather.


    Against every nightmare that had ever plagued mankind. This was our last battle. I vaguely remember the pain, and the blood, and then my body fell to the ground and I remember staring at it.


    It was a stupid pose, kind of bent and twisted. It was a stupid thing to worry about, but I was dead, and there was nothing else to do.


    Just wait.


    And wait.


    They didn't tell me about this part. Truly, this must be hell. It must have been hours, the battle was still going on, and all I could do is watch. I can't even completely leave my body.


    I heard a woman scream for help. I tried to run, but I just fell over, still attached to my lifeless body which was still staring at me.


    In sheer anger at my own corpse, I grabbed at it. It made a strange squishy sound as my hand passed through it. With a little effort, I managed to somehow drape it around me like a cheap cloak.


    Slowly, and with great effort, I hobbled towards the screaming. Lurching and stumbling along the ground. After what seemed like eternity, I managed to cross the few hundred yards. I never heard a demon laugh, but when it turned to saw me, it roared.


    "You've been dead for days, and now you think you can just drag your sorry ass in here and beat me? With what? Your dead corpse?"


    They say training goes down, down to the very bone. And that is the only explanation that I have. For my very bones moved without my assistance, it drew my sword, my eyes began to glow, and with my left hand, it grabbed me and slammed me back inside.


    And may heaven forgive me, if this is wrong, I never want to be right again. All I ever wanted to be was a Hero.


    And with a haunting voice I said, "Looks like I got some time... to kill."

  10. Re: Chocolate Orc


    Ok, but I think you forgot one.


    Hollow Chocolate Orc.

    -5 STR -5 (-1 PD, -1 REC, -2 STUN)

    -2 BODY -4

    8 5" Swim, 0 END

    6 +4" Superleap, 0 END

    -5 Physical Limitation: Hollow in the middle, +4 KB", weighs 1/4 as much.

  11. Re: Double The Hero Excitement!


    My guess.


    Marvel Universe Online has been officially canned (Microsoft's attempt at a City of Heroes with Marvel characters). That and the sheer cost of software development (even in an economic downturn) would suggest that it's not a MMORPG. (Although it would be a surprising twist, if the reason was because CofH got a better offer from/swore undying allegiance to Hero Games.)


    Umm, so that's my guess, not a MMORPG. I might have guessed an alliance with "2K Boston/2K Australia" the guys that did Freedom Force which would have been a cool engine to do a videogame featuring Hero Games, but that wouldn't be an "H".

  12. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy


    In the mean-time if anyone would like to make suggestions' date=' talk about character concepts or admit to being possibly interested in joining then that would be great. But there is no rush at present. ;)[/quote']


    I'd like to play, but there's just so many choices, it would be hard to play just one in that type of setting.


    Is there going to be rules for being near a weakpoint of reality, or a local reality zenith? "Don't be doing too much here, too quickly, you might set off a manulanche (mana-avalanche). You don't want to deal with shifting paradigms, do you?" :eek:

  13. Re: Time Travel Wish List?


    The library of Alexandria to rescue all those scrolls and papers before it is burned down.


    That is definitely tempting, but with my luck, I was the one that bumped the candle in the first place.


    "But, I, and then, but... So if I... but I did... so, therefore... DAMN!"

  14. Re: A Common Origin Story For An Entire Team ?


    Well, here's one that I played in that had a common origin for the entire universe.


    There is an alien virus that is transmitted through bodily fluids and when that person experiences a near-death experience, the virus kicks in and tries to save that person giving them superpowers.


    By the strangest of chances, two of the characters had similar near-death experiences. One had her brake cut and drove off a cliff, she gain invulnerability just seconds before the car impacted and exploded.


    The other, mine, was thrown out of an airplane, on the way down, developed flight and super-strength (touch based telekinesis).


    Even with that much in common, the characters had completely different backstories (she was a stunt double with a military background, I was a mob accountant who lost everything in the dot com collapse), different powers, and even different outlook on life (my character had a strange sort of empathy that made him a super boyscout, while she had been trained to kill).


    And together, We Fought Crime.

  15. Re: Modeling Parkour/Free Running


    For the most part, it's Acrobatics. Although, you could buy 3" Superleap, Requires Acrobatics Roll, for those Jackie Chan scramble up the wall or vaulting over them. For 10 STR, that means you can do 3" up* or 5" up if you want to go non-combat.


    Breakfall, Perfect Balance, and buying up one's PD, however, wouldn't hurt.


    * ((2+3)/2=2.5 rounds to 3)

  16. Re: Typical Base Character


    I'm going to be needing some genitals.


    Sean Waters' Genitals: Extra Limb (5 points), Inherent (+1/4), Extremely Limited and Specialized Manipulation (-2), Real Cost: 2 points. Minus 1 point Disadvantage*: Able to sire children. Total Cost: 1 Point


    Female Genitals: Extra Limb (5 points), Inherent (+1/4), Extremely Limited and Specialized Manipulation (-2), Real Cost: 2 points. Minus 1 point Disadvantage*: Able to bear children. Total Cost: 1 Points.


    For game balance, assume fully functional Hermaphrodites cost 2 points. However, they also have Distinctive Features depending on how common Hermaphrodites are in the campaign.




    * It is considered a 1 point Life Support to be temporarily unable to sire/bear children, therefore...

  17. Re: Discussion on costs of Characteristics


    Should we change it (and if so, how)? Should we leave it alone?


    Personally I doubt I'll change until the system changes it, which I predict will be never. I say this because I'm lazy and, despite everything I ever write on these boards, the Hero I play is 99% canon.


    (Rep to you.)


    Despite having prove a fairly strong argument that STR is too cheap at 1 to 1, I've never gotten the players to agree to 2pts for +1 STR. And, in fact, in heroic, they will never buy STR above 20 except with a limitation (to avoid 2 for 1 cost, as stated in the books and Hero Designer). Usually that limitation is either IIF (Magic Item) or No Figured Characteristics (Large Size).


    In the end, I don't change it (why fight city hall?) even though it means most characters can one-punch a normal straight into the ER without even trying.

  18. Re: Understanding Drow Creation


    1) That's called a Familiarity. Any 3 point skill can have an 8 or less for 1 point.


    2a) The reason +1 SPD costs 9 points is the +1 DEX supplies the last point. It really should be (IMHO) 12 points for +1 DEX and +1 SPD.


    2b) I believe that KillerShrike uses alternate rules for NCM, so its cost can be more or less than the standard 20 points.

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