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Everything posted by loraxxx

  1. i'd also have to agree with you about the size of her breasts--i did not initially intend to make them that large, but unfortunately, now i'm stuck with them--no way in hell the other pc's would let me give her a boob job now....
  2. i have to say "you're right"--but i was new to my group at the time i did the pic, and a little aprehensive about fitting in--i didn't want to be accused of "going overboard," and playing a silly character.... ....little did i suspect that as soon as the rest of the group saw the pic she was immediately dubbed "jamie jugg-stice....!" goes to prove ya should always go with your gut instinct.... btw--here's her latest costume, just to beat a dead horse dead-er....
  3. did i post this one? here's another pic of JAMIE JUSTICE--a character created in the aftermath of too many episodes of the POWERPUFF GIRLS....
  4. why not??--if "puerile sex fantasies" are endemic to the human mind (and let's face it, we're talking about the mind of hank pym, here) then why is it so impossible that ultron might suffer from them--especially if, as i proposed, his brain is a FLAWED COPY of the brain of a man with SERIOUS EMOTIONAL ISSUES.... the substance, i.e. positronic circuits, or whatever, the brain is made from really shouldn't make a difference, since it's hank pym's emotional malfunctions being transferred over to him that are probably at the roots of ultron's core anti-social, psychotic, and highly oedipal behavior.... keep in mind that the whole "ultron thing" is simply a metaphor--a means of exploring themes seen earlier in such works as "frankenstien" and "pinocchio"--don't get bogged down too heavily in the 'scientific' or 'science-fi-ctific' elements of the tale.... think about it this way--1) hank pym has a BUTTLOAD of emotional and pychological issues he is not dealing with very well; 2) hank pym makes a copy of this damaged pysche and puts it in a robot; 3) the copy itself is probably seriously flawed, due to: a) the complexity of what dr pym is attempting to duplicate; the limits of science at the time, and; c) that pym is such a mess emotionally that he wouldn't know a stable personality if it bit him tight-white-dupa; which results in 4) the robot developing a personality chock full of emotional and pyschological issues, none of which he is dealing with very well.... SING:....THE CIRCLE OF LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE!! or weirdo scientist+makes copy of his (ABBY-NORMAL) brain+puts (ABBY-NORMAL)brain in robot=robot becomes ultron; OR messed up parent=messed up kid.... the essential truth of THAT statement is probaly why the character resonates enough with us that he's still being debated nearly 40 years after he was created....
  5. i don't think that just because some antagonists are basically malevolent "forces of nature," prevents them from being "villans." at the very least they are, "villanous devices"--automatons brought to into existence by evil, for evil.... ...btw--we don't know enough about how the 'xenos' in "aliens" think to decide if they're vicious animals, or evil beings--they're obviously very dangerous (to us) and for the good of humanity should be left alone--except certain INTERSTELLAR CORPORATIONS (hint: the REAL villans of the piece) won't do that, wil they?
  6. isn't ultron's brain patterned off of pym's?--it could be he has a less advanced version of the vision's ability to handle emotions, and emotional stress? if so, then i would think that the way he's been portrayed to this point is not so much a waste of thematic potential, as it is a disagreement between you and his authors about what the character represents....
  7. check out current issues of the avengers--the skull is back, and with, and this time he means it.... the best thing about this current story is that THEY GIVE YOU ALL THE CLUES--!!!
  8. i had forgotten about this character, but i strongly second it's inclusion--and offer Ozymandius, another great villan created by Allen Moore, as well--why? well, because he was too smart for his, and about 2 million other peoples own good.... tragic, truly tragic....
  9. since most bricks are set up to take lots of regular PD/ED damage, go for their weak points--Flashes, NND's, and EGO only entangles.... picture this--a normal guy walks up to one of your bricks, grabs him/her and immediately begins to syphon off a bunch of the characters STR, CON, etc., leaving the victim lying in a glassy-eyed heap on the ground.... ....the power? absorbtion used at no range linked to an ego only entangle....
  10. since i agree with and would second all those already suggested, i'll add some from various sources not already on the list.... 1) frank gorshin as "the riddler'' from the batman 1960's tv series--a second rate comic villan made respectable by inventive writing, and a brilliant performance gorshin's riddler was a daring madman--his crime-sprees apparently unconnected acts of mayhem--until you put all the pieces together, and learned his true motive.... mr gorshin portayed him with nimble wit, and manic energy--whenever he was on the screen you couldn't help but watch him--he was magnetic.... 2) the magnificent ten--from ''giant robo, the animation'' besides having cool costumes and weird and mysterious powers, what made these guys rock was the fact that they didn't fall into the cliched villan behavior of in-fighting and back-stabbing (exept for 'red mask,' and 'komei'--both of whom could be accuratly described as sociopaths) for once the bad guys were not their own worst enemies--in fact, these guys were best of friends and loyal comrads, united in their belief that they should be the true rulers of the world, under the leadership of 'lord bigfire' as a result, they are really dangerous--their opposite numbers, 'the celestial nine' are pushed to their limits meerly keeping these guys in check--and they're losing ground against them rapidly....
  11. here's a pic of willow, another character in one of the games i'm in--she's a desol character with energy powers--and a bit of an attitude....
  12. poser does have a pretty steep learning curve, but you can also get really good results--it's mostly a matter of what figures, and props you have to work with--which means you need a good free source fo poser materials--i suggest: http://www.renderosity.com or http://www.animotions.com as they have lots of freebies and tutorials and such.... i especially reccommend animotions for champs characters, as they offer poser versions of most established super-folk for free download--if you've got a desent paint program you should be able to customize an existing hero, or mix and match....
  13. in the spirit of rogue johnson.... ....we once had a gm, who needed a name for an "aquaman-type'' character, and decided to call him ''THE SEA-MAN....'' we LITERALLY BEGGED him to change the name, which he wouldn't, so we proceded to waste a good 45 minutes of game time showing him the error of his ways....
  14. we were playing a group of up and coming young heroes sponsored by the FF in a campaign set in the 1960's marvel universe--therefore, teen angst was a regular part of every gaming session.... during one particularly tense meeting, as we are all standing around, staring angrily at each other, we get an unexpected call over the "visi-phone'' from ben grimm--the everlovin' blue-eyed THING.... ''hey--," he chimes in all chippper, and crap, "why all the long faces?" IMMEDIATELY, ZEPHYR--illegitimate brother of the X-MEN'S ANGEL, having all the same powers/problems as his more famous sibling, but NONE of the perks, and therefore, chief brooder of us all--raises his hands, shrugs his shoulders and says, "because they're more aerodynamic....?" needless to say, the mood became infinitely lighter, as all the players fell over-themselves, laughing, leaving poor old ben looking confused and bewildered (as was typical for him during that era....)
  15. another version of Jamie Justice (she changes costumes quite frequently)
  16. jamie justice ever wonder what a grown-up powerpuff girl would be like? meet jamie justice!!
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