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Posts posted by Badger

  1. Yankees need a new catcher. Hitting .128 doesn't cut after last year flop. (I always thought they were smoother when Romine was catching.


    Sanchez has improved on defense from horrible to below average. So, with that and power with no average. He can be a career backup in the mold of Mark Parent and Ramon Castro.

  2. 2 hours ago, Pariah said:

    So today we have the first day of NFL football in earnest. My two choices at the moment are Carolina-Oakland...er, Las Vegas, and Green Bay-Minnesota.


    The Green Bay-Minnesota game is effectively unwatchable because of the fake crowd noise they're pumping in. It's almost impossible to make out what the announcers are saying. I suppose I could go Cancer's route and just turn the volume off.


    The Raiders just scored a touchdown to take a 17-12 lead, but their first round wide receiver is now headed to the locker room. My distaste for the Raiders is of course well known, but you hate to see something like that happen to anybody in their 1st NFL game.

    Look like instead of canned fans, this would be perfect to show what is actually said on field by players and coaches (with tape delay obviously)

  3. 3 hours ago, Grailknight said:

    It's not the end of small ball, just an indictment of the Rockets' brand of it. You need mobile bigs  that can rim protect, rebound and deter the low post scoring of the other team. Regular season play masks the Rockets' lack of these these things since teams don't have as much specific focus as they do in the playoffs  The Lakers are Houston's worst match-up. They have personnel better suited to the Rockets style than the Rockets do.


    The Warriors did just fine with small ball, so did the Heat, the Spurs after Robinson were a small ball team that just happened to have a superstar big to be the pick and roll guy. Three(or four in the Warriors case) superstar/HOF level talents that play together will make any system look good and will dominate if the system actually complements their talents.


    It's all about talent with a greater emphasis on defensive versatility. Hakeem Olajuwon, Tim Duncan and David Robinson would be ideal bigs for the current NBA, Shaquille O'Neal and Alonzo Mourning would still be effective, Patrick Ewing would have a lesser offensive role but would still be a max player. We were spoiled because the era of great centers ended.

    I think 4 smalls are ok in the lineup, 5 smalls not so much. Someone has to rebound, play interior defense. Dantonio needs to go, too defensively indifferent to really do the requirements that lineup would need.


    Note: actually 5 smalls could work for 6 to 8 minutes at a time, at that moment the opposing bigs start getting tired to run them into the ground. So say 6 minutes each half.

    Just now, Badger said:

    I think 4 smalls are ok in the lineup, 5 smalls not so much. Someone has to rebound, play interior defense. Dantonio needs to go, too defensively indifferent to really do the requirements that lineup would need.


    Note: actually 5 smalls could work for 6 to 8 minutes at a time, at that moment the opposing bigs start getting tired to run them into the ground. So say 6 minutes each half.

    Edit: especially late 3rd and early 4th period.

  4. Well, I did get my numbering from an article  a few years ago. Basically around 10 percent of games went extra, and every subsequent inning had approximately  48 percent of ending it.


    So 16 extra innings, 8 past 10, 4 past 11, 2 past 12. Japan is known to call games after 12 inngs a tie. So, it seems hardly worth a drastic change in design for 2 or 3 games a year. The game has called games tied in the past anyway (rain, darkness in the old days)


  5. And for the gimmicks, the only one I like is the NL DH.  Hate the 3 batter minimum (even though my Royals got a rare win more or less by pinch hit HR on the 3rd batter of a hitter, doesn't seem fair to pinch hit with abandon and limit pitching changes, although modern roster construction netters the former.


    And for the the extra inning runner, pretty sure that in Futurama that was when the sport became blernball.  The Japan rule of 12 inning ties would be the better route for the reasons given.  On average games getting to the 13th only happen 2 or 3 times per season per team on average, 1+ for a 2020 season.  Plus, saw it in the last wbc turned 2 exciting into anti climatic mess.

  6. 11 hours ago, Ternaugh said:


    I voted for both of them in sequential presidential elections. Make of that what you will. Clinton was one of the best fiscal conservatives that we ever had. As for the Anti-Christ/Christ moniker, I really don't subscribe to that brand of mythology. 

    Well, it can be argued he was a fiscal conservative partly due to Gop Congress, which suggest my theory on gridlock been best to keep one party or the other from screwing us over.  Regardless Bush and Obama thought they were Richard Pryor in the movie Brewsters Millions.


    Course, for modern fiscal conservatives even they are drunken sailors letting themselves get fleeced by the local port prostitute.

    2 hours ago, Old Man said:

    I love hearing from people who think laws have any actual effect on Trump. I lost that  level of optimism over a year ago. 

    What made you think politicians were ever legally accountable.

  7. Hey, well I was thinking in particular when the Mets signed Bonilla. That gave them Bonilla a poor RF. Vince Coleman who had the speed but nowhere near the judgement for center. And Howard Johnson a converted 3B. They eventually decided on Johnson there, who would make the highlights routinely that year, on diving stabs..... on routine balls where he misjudged twice in the air, and the dive was pure desperation.


    To a lesser extent the Tigers when they got Prince Fielder. Forcing Cabrera back to 3rd 4 years removed from being a very bad fielder there, while also having Ryan Raburn an outfielder make believing at being a 2B.


    Note: How can I forget the Padres one winter getting Kemp, Justin Upton, and Will Myers, when only Kemp had played Cf, and that was before his body was totally wrecked.

    Just now, Badger said:

    Hey, well I was thinking in particular when the Mets signed Bonilla. That gave them Bonilla a poor RF. Vince Coleman who had the speed but nowhere near the judgement for center. And Howard Johnson a converted 3B. They eventually decided on Johnson there, who would make the highlights routinely that year, on diving stabs..... on routine balls where he misjudged twice in the air, and the dive was pure desperation.


    To a lesser extent the Tigers when they got Prince Fielder. Forcing Cabrera back to 3rd 4 years removed from being a very bad fielder there, while also having Ryan Raburn an outfielder make believing at being a 2B. And SS Johnny peralta who really should played at 3b during his career due to great hands, poor range disease. I was half expecting their Cf at that time to try and go Bugs Bunny 9 positions at the same time


    Note: How can I forget the Padres one winter getting Kemp, Justin Upton, and Will Myers, when only Kemp had played Cf, and that was before his body was totally wrecked.


  8. 6 hours ago, archer said:

    Neither side has a complete lock on the religious crazies.


    I remember back in the 1980's with my cousin trying to talk me into supporting Democrats because there was PROOF that Reagan is the Anti-Christ.


    Ronald - six letters

    Wilson - six letters

    Reagan - six letters


    So his name is "666" which is the Mark of the Beast and definitive proof that Reagan is the Anti-Christ!


    Go out and tell all your friends, else a Reagan election will doom the world!

    Ironically, there has been alternate interpretations that the actual number is 616.

    23 minutes ago, archer said:


    If you accept Reagan as the Anti-Christ, then after seven years, Christ Himself would have returned.


    Who do you like better as The Christ: George H.W. Bush or Bill Clinton?



    Cant see Hillary as Mary Magdalene, nor Barbara Bush really. Though, while I have some issues with the Bushes, I did find their wives likable.

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