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Everything posted by Powerhouse

  1. Re: Darkfire & Brainwave Jr. That's just adorable!!!! Really cute! Here's hoping that pairing makes it into the show (at least if it gets another seasons which I heard is in doubt)
  2. Re: Sick of Wolverine I have to admit, I haven't heard of Wolverine killing hundreds of people - what were the circumstances? I'm trying to forget the story to be honest. Wolverine had been found badly hurt I think and was on a US warship for treatment. He recovers and is in brainwashed mode. After cutting his way through some soldiers, I think he blows up the boiler to sink the ship. I forget exactly why.
  3. Re: Sick of Wolverine Of course if we follow this logic no one would trust basically ANY Superhero by now. At least if we count attempted murder while under mind control. Yes and No. It depends on the situation: *A mind-controlled Powerman is about to splatter the non powered Crusader* Crusader: I won't fight back! I KNOW that you're stronger than this and won't kill me!" Powerman: I'll kill- ki- kill.... you.... Oh my God! What did I almost do! Most people forgive there. Wolvie went on a damn rampage that killed hundreds in a rather efficient and controlled manner and lacking the typical mind control fog that we see in these comic book situations. Even those who would want to give the benefit of the doubt would always be fearful that he would go back. How do we know the brainwashing is gone? Can we take the chance? Consider that he: 1. killed about 1000 Shield agents and other military personnel by sinking a warship. 2. Killed a fellow Xman 3. Tried to kill the President of the US by hijacking Cerebro (and got that tech by threatening Phoenix that he would kill the X students) 4. Infiltrated the Fantastic Four building to steal plan for world devestating technology. Sorry but Wolvie wouldn't get a by. People might try to forgive him, but no one would ever work with him again. No one would want to take the chance. Yet in the end he goes on because he makes money.
  4. Re: Sick of Wolverine My take is that I like Wolverine. He's a great character when used correctly for a few reasons: 1. Mysterious past 2. Attitude 3. He's often the rebel of the team 4. Empowerment- let's be honest, haven't we all wanted to be like Wolverine just once? The big problem is that he's been used too much by too many writers which has not only created boredom with the character but confusion with all of the multiple interpretations. There hasn't been an effort to keep the character consistent that I can see. Personally, the biggest problem I have right now is the terrible continuity of Logan. He killed tons of people when he was under Hydra control yet has been welcomed back with open arms. I'm sorry but "I was mind controlled" just doesn't cut it. I don't think anyone could ever trust him again or be comfortable around him. Heck, he's still in the mansion despite having killed Northstar- you can't tell me the student could see him and not run screaming in the other direction. Edit: I just thought of something. Henry Pym gets more grief even today for having hit the Wasp once after he was exposed to mind altering chemicals thatn Wolverine does for being a mind controlled assassin who killed hundreds. WTH?
  5. Re: New Avengers Personally I think it sucks. Partly because this team from built of the foundation that was "Avenger Disassembled" which laid waste to 40 years of tradition. Furthermore though, the team isn't what the Avengers should be. Yeah, Cap and IM are there but Wolverine and Spidey don't fit with the team: they're just there to boost sales. Also, the whole focus has changed from the best of the best to just another super team that's trying too hard to be kewl.
  6. Re: Creating the Silver Age Team Here's is Athena herself. As you can see, she's a little light on Disadvantages so if someone could mention some possibilities, that'd be great. I need to come up with a personal nemesis for her. Also another psych limit would help. While I could give her something like Protect Innocents (Protect Innocents/Code of her Hero and CvK I tend to overuse), something else would be nice. Again, thanks. And as always, comments and suggestions are great. Athena Player: Val Char Cost 10/50 STR 0 13/23 DEX 9 13/25 CON 6 10/13 BODY 0 18 INT 8 18 EGO 2 25 PRE 5 24 COM 2 3/22 PD 1 3/20 ED 0 4/5 SPD 7 5/15 REC 0 26/50 END 0 22/51 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 2"/10" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 40 Cost Power Transformation to Athena 32 1) +40 STR (40 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 24 2) +10 DEX (30 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 19 3) +12 CON (24 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 5 4) +3 BODY (6 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 11 5) +7 EGO (14 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 8 6) +10 PRE (10 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4 7) +10 COM (5 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 9 8) +11 PD (11 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 12 9) +15 ED (15 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 8 10) +1 SPD (10 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 24 Divine Flight: Flight 15" (30 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 40 Aegis Shield: Multipower, 50-point reserve, (50 Active Points); all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4u 1) Thrown Shield: Energy Blast 10d6 (50 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4u 2) Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), + 5 levels, Adjacent Hex (+1/2) (45 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4 Damage Resistance (5 PD/5 ED) (5 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 5 See through lies: Detect Lies 14- (Unusual Group), Sense (6 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 5 See the Truth: +3 PER with all Sense Groups (9 Active Points); Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 8 Know the Enemy: Find Weakness 11- with Martial Strike (10 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4 Divine Mind: Mental Defense (9 points total) (5 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 6 Instant Change: Cosmetic Transform 2d6 (10 Active Points); Limited Target (clothes) (-1/2), Incantation: Prayer of Athena (-1/4) Powers Cost: 236 Cost Martial Arts Maneuver Ancient Greek Martial Arts, Only in Heroic ID 4 1) Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 25 STR / 65 STR vs. Grabs 3 2) Hold: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 20 STR / 60 STR for holding on 3 3) Sacrifice Throw: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 / 10d6 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls 3 4) Slam: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 / 10d6 +v/5, Target Falls 4 5) Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort 4 6) Martial Strike (Punch/Kick): 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 4d6 / 12d6 Strike Martial Arts Cost: 16 Cost Skill 2 Acrobatics 12- (14-) (3 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 2 Breakfall 12- (14-) (3 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 3 Deduction 13- 3 Scholar 1 1) KS: General Art (3 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 13- 1 2) KS: General Culture (3 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 13- 1 3) KS: General History (3 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 13- 2 4) KS: Greek History (3 Active Points) 13- 2 5) KS: Greek Mythology (3 Active Points) 13- 4 Defense Maneuver I-II (5 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4 Language: Greek (idiomatic) 3 PS: Artist 13- 2 SS: General Science 13- (3 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 2 Tactics 13- (3 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 3 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons (4 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (4 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 16 +2 Overall (20 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 6 +1 with All Combat (8 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) Skills Cost: 57 Total Character Cost: 349 Pts. Disadvantage 15 Accidental Change: If takes BODY damage 11- (Common) 20 Psychological Limitation: Cods vs Killing (Common, Total) 10 Psychological Limitation: Shy and Withdrawn (suffers a -2 penalty on most Interaction Skill rolls) (Common, Strong, Not in superhero form) 15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of the Weak and Helpless (Common, Total) 15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently, Major) 10 Social Limitation: 15 year old minor (Frequently, Minor) 5 Money: Poor 15 Dependent NPC: Aleisa Galanis (aging aunt) 8- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID) 15 Hunted: Legion of Evil 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish) 5 Hunted: School bullies 11- (Less Pow, Mildly Punish (taunting and cruel tricks)) Disadvantage Points: 125 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 24 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  7. Re: Creating the Silver Age Team In case you were wondering, I didn't abandon the thread but got caught up working on Athena (I decided to go with the Greek name). Her powers were a little tough to define (and thank you everyone who made suggestions, they were wonderful and those that aren't on the 350 pt version may make it to a higher point one). I made her character a little more complex than originally intended but I think it's ok, kinda a more Marvel Silver Age personality and problems than DC. I'll post the character sheet shortly but decided to toss her background out. It's kinda crude but I think keeping with the Silver Age (best I could whip up in less than an hour anyway). As always, comments and advice is great, thanks. History: Life didn't start out easy for Cassandra "Cassie" Galanis of New York City. Her father died in a manufacturing accident before she was born and her mother, died in childbirth. Although raised by her kind aunt Aleisa, Cassie would often be alone as her guardian worked a variety of jobs to support them. In her poor and rough Greek neighborhood, Cassie was an easy target for the other children and some adults who taunted her for lacking parents. Sometimes the taunts turned to violence until she found it easier to stay away everyone. Alone in her aunt's small apartment, Cassie would read tales of adventures, far off places, and heroes. Often, she would even pretend to be in the stories on these grand quests and lose herself in these fantastic worlds, which seemed to hold far more for her than the cruel and mundane world. Her favorite stories were the myths from her native Greece and in these she could immerse herself for hours amidst visions of centaurs, warriors, and gods. As time went on, she became more studious and poured her heart into increasingly sophisticated drawings. Her studies paid off, earning a scholarship to a prestigious girl's school in the heart of Manhattan. This, she hoped, would be a ticket to a better life and she was partly right. Although she fit in well with the academics, socially she was as miserable as ever. Her accent and customs were an ill fit with the well-heeled girls of her classes. Still, Cassie preserved. A lucky break came her way when a paper won her a paid spot on a class trip to Greece. Visiting the lands of her culture, Cassie felt a connection as if she was almost home. These feelings came to a head one day when the class was visiting some old ruins and an earthquake struck, burying her with several classmates. Although most of the girls were either unconscious or in shock, Cassie felt strangely at peace with her attention instead upon an antechamber that had not been there before. Within was an altar of bronze with a shield that she recognized as Athena's Aegis shield. Drawn to its irresistibly, Cassie touched it and felt power flow through her. Transformed into a powerhouse, she knew that she could free herself and the others. But a voice whispered that she must be careful lest her actions bring down the ceiling. With this guidance, she found a safe spot and tunneled to safety. As the light and fresh air hit her, Cassie felt the power leave her and she passed out. In her dreams, the goddess came to her and told her that she was worthy to be Athena's avatar. A time of turmoil was coming to Earth and guardians would be needed. She could call upon Athena and be filled with the goddess' strength, courage and wisdom. Back in New York, Cassie has taken her first steps as a hero as she learns how to use her powers and tries to figure out what this strange destiny of hers is. Personality: Cassie is a very shy and studious girl who wanted little more than to make a better life for herself and her aunt. Now, she has been entrusted with great power and responsibility and she worries that she will be found wanting. Perhaps her greatest fear is that she will get angry and unleash her powers on her tormentors. To avoid this, she continues to be meek around them but occasionally she grows frustrated. It would be so easy… but she knows that it would be wrong and that is not why she was given these powers. Instead, she is to be the protector to the powerless. As Athena, Cassandra is much more confident and assured. She enjoys the momentary freedom from the fear and the thrill of the adventure that she gets as well as the chance to help others. She's smart enough to realize that this is strange and worries at times. The wisdom and courage of Athena is an incredible boon but she is never sure whether it is her own thoughts or Athena's that guide her. Powers: Cassandra can transform herself into an avatar of Athena. Besides significantly heightened physical attributes, she also gains some of the goddess' knowledge which manifests itself in a number of ways. The aegis shield she can use for defense or throw boomerang style. Appearance: in her normal appearance, Cassandra is a thin 15 year old girl with a dark complexion and black hair. She is cute in a shy and geeky way with glasses. As Athena, she is a six feet tall woman with an athletic figure and clad in a classic Greek toga (cut for performance) with simple adornments of gold. She is very beautiful with wavy black hair, gray eyes, and a commanding presence. Notes: Cassie is unaware than Buffy Vanderbilt, one of her chief tormentors, saw her transform into Athena to free them from the ruins. Buffy is keeping that secret to herself… for now. Regarding Athena's shield, this is only one of four artifacts wherin her powers are locked away. Her spear, helmet, and armor wait to be found by Cassie. Also, some of the aegis shield's powers are locked away. As she gains more experience, proves worthy, and find the other three artifacts, she will grow more powerful
  8. Re: What's the Big Difference? *ack* Double post
  9. Re: What's the Big Difference? This is from my evil twin post. Only some of my characters are here though: Some of my own characters who in their universe are the Silver Knights. Here they are the Dark Lords, a powerful super villain team who aim to eventually take over the world. To reach their goals, they do anything from stealing mystical artifacts to destabilizing governments. The Black Lady's more mundane connections only give them yet another tool in their arsenal though she is careful to funnel such efforts through other channels so as to not connect the two. Over the past few years they have perform a litany of evil deeds including but not limited to: 1. Devastating the Knights of Krim: the healer Cadeus (Bloodstone), Force, and Phoenix were all killed in a bloodsoaked ambush. Light Angel (Dark Seraphim), Tremblor, and Starlight (Eclipse) have struggled to carry on the fight ever since. 2. The Black Lady sold the souls of three Senators to demonic powers. One she intends to run for President in 2008. 3. Crippled Professor Preserver (Doctor Destroyer) when he and his forces prevented the team from killing 90% of the population. The good Professor has been forced to retire from active duty though his first lieutenant Doctor Sol (Professor Muerte) is still active. 4. Slaughtered a UN military force that tried to affect regime change in Zumunda, the land where Earth Lord rules with an iron first. Some feel that the invasion may have suceeded with US support but key Senators voted against funding US troops for such purposes. The international team of Eurostar suffered heavy losses and two are still missing. The government denies holding Sentry (Durak) or Bora though the Black Lady herself smirked when answering. 5. Beat to death the well respected superhero Bulldozer. The Harvard professor who gained super strength in a freak accident, the man never forgot his humble upbringing where he worked as a blue collar worker to go to school. 6. Nearly converted the world to an extension of hell when working with the Destroyers (Champions). Only a falling over and epic spell battle with Blackfire (Witchfire) prevented its success. Since then, the two teams have been mortal enemies. 7. Tyr setting the original Constitution on fire and leveling the Supreme Court. 1. Lady Silver becomes the Black Lady: raised among good sorcerers hidden away in a pocket dimension, she would from an early age seek power of any type. Eventually, she made a pact with a demon lord for the power to slay her brethren and steal their magic. From that point, it was an easy matter to force the portal to Earth. From day one, she has sought to increase her magical power by stealing artifacts, making pacts with dark powers, and murdering other wizards to steal their secrets. No fool, she also valued the more mundane paths to influence and used her natural beauty and charm to make friends in high place. Claming her family's pharmaceutical holdings (her mother was original an outsider before wandering into the pocket dimension) only enhanced her wealth and status. In general, the Black Lady is a ruthless opponent who delights in causing her foes great agony through the darkest of magic. Although a cunning planner with long term goals, she can find herself distracted by petty vengeance and will use her influence to drive a foe through a personal hell of financial ruin and slander. She takes what she can, destroys what stands before her, and manipulates allies through charm and sex for her own aims. Good aligned magicians, including the Light Angel (ie Dark Seraph) are very worried given the extent of her evil and ruthlessness in addition to a deadly combination of incredible natural talent for magic and her stolen arcane secrets which seems to increase her power in leaps and bounds. 2. Nova: an alien whose peaceful race was annihilated by a war-like race of conquerors, she learned quickly that good and evil are irrelevant in the universe. Instead, only strength is important. Only the strong survive and all others weaker than her have no right to leave save to please her. Stranded on the backwater Earth, Nova is a raging engine of destruction who vents her rage against any who stand against her. As a result, Nova thinks nothing of killing for the slightest of insults and her body count is past 100. The only person who can keep her in line is the Black Lady, the one who first defeated her on Earth. Recognizing this strength, Nova pledged her service to dark wizardress. This bond has been strengthened over the years through charm spells and a number of intimate encounters. She is the Black Lady's most loyal bodyguard and enforcer, a living weapon to use against others. 3. Star Knight becomes: Star Marauder: an ace pilot who was court-martialed for targeting civilians in order to make a bombing run, Ameiko was on her way to execution when a mysterious light filled her with the power of the Order of the Celestial Knights. Intended to be a force of good due to an innate talent for the power, she instead chose to break out of jail and slay the judges who had found her guilty. For a while she used her powers to steal on a grand scale whatever struck her fancy and kill any who opposed her. Eventually, several Celestial Knights of the order of 11 were dispatched to bring in the woman only to be ambushed by the Black Lady and the rest of her Dark Lords. Together with Star Marauder, they slew the knights, leaving the Order so devastated that billions have died across the galaxy in the wake of evil left unopposed. Star Marauder neither knows nor cares about any of this but instead concentrates on working with the Dark Lords to keep her bank account filled, her posh pent house stocked with the most expensive treats, and her bed kept warm by beautiful paramours. 4. Sentinel becomes the Ravager: an ex-Special Forces operative, Esteban Del Hoyo had a terrible cruel streak but also a talent for getting the job done no matter what he had to do or whom he needed to kill. Eventually though, his war crimes were discovered and he was sentenced to death. Saved from death row secretly by the CIA he would spend several years in the dirtiest and most dangerous places on Earth to kill whomever the US government wanted. One day he picked the wrong target, a shadowy figure who seemed to wield power over some key Senators. His assassination of the Black Lady was defeated but she offered the man the choice to work with her instead and his first assignment would be to help her kill the man's handlers. He accepted without a second thought. The Ravager is a bitter man, someone who did his duty to his country only to be betrayed. The reality though is that he is also a complete sociopath who cared little for country but instead elected for any path that let him exercise brutal power over another. He is the Black Lady's tactical leader though he has designs for her throne. He will be patient and in the mean time ruthlessly trains the rest of the Black Lords to be as efficient as possible. In combat, he will often rig a battle field with explosives and set off one, killing innocents, just to show he's not bluffing. Tyr: once a god of justice, Ragnorak perverted the being into a demon of sin. Clad in bloody armor and often seen with his once missing hand now whole but gloved and with a rotting stench emanating from it. He is the team's most powerful member and wildcard. Proud and arrogant, he is also their most difficult to control and it takes constant soothing by the Black Lady to keep the god in line. As long as he is provided with strong drink, beautiful women (willing or otherwise), battle, and justice to usurp he remains content. Few things give him greater joy than raiding a town for what he wants though his favored act is humiliating and maiming so-called champions of "justice." The head of Lord Brightsword (Dark Paladin) currently adorns the god's wall.
  10. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if... also, Grant Morrison turns down writing your adventures because he can't go epic enough to suit your team.
  11. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if... Batman has time to prepare... and he still can't beat your PC's.
  12. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if... 1. If the combined forces of the Avengers and Justice League visit your dimension to ask you for help against a force they can't handle. 2. And you decided to loan them your sidekick. 3. And 10 minutes later your sidekick returns muttering how if someone wanna-be heroes are going to waste his time, it should at least be a challenge.
  13. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if... Your team mystic wakes up to a prostate Takofanes who trembles while saying something about "great and terrible mistress..."
  14. Re: Golden Age Champions Would this be the third GA supplement? I think that there was one Pre 4th edition, one during 4th edition, and now this one.
  15. Re: Creating the Silver Age Team Glamour Girl? perhaps Hmm.. I don't know if I like that. Actually, I'm wondering whether to make her older given the seductive aura she tends to give off. Then again, that might be interesting in having this younger character (say 18 if she is a freshman in college) acting older. Hmm... I feel the urge to raise her now to 21. Would be fun with Minvera who looks older (and has a high amount of wisdom like Solomon's wisdom from Captain Marvel) but is in reality is a 15 year old girl.
  16. Re: How to simulate the Wisdom of Minerva? Hm... I'll do some thinking about your suggestions. The overall levels might work but only if I already have the required skills.
  17. Yet another thread to harass everyone with. I'm writing up a Silver Age team right now and the current homage/rip-off is a Wonder Woman/Captain Marvel clone. Basically a young girl has the power to change into an Avatar of Minvera (ie Athena). Athena was a goddess of wisdom (and tactics) so I'm trying to figure out how to work that into a power. I was thinking of a small VPP with activation and uncontrolled limits to create the required knowledge skills. Basically if the heroine is confounded and accesses Athena's wisdom, she might be able to figure out what to do next. As always, thanks.
  18. Re: Creating the Silver Age Team And somebackground. I wonder if the "icy fury" when facing true evil is ok although I figure it's a bit Marvel-esque in giving her a bit of diversity to the personality instead of being a one-note vainy flirt. Brief History: Once, Glamour was a product of British aristocracy. A privileged background combined with her intelligence, charm, and devastating beauty promised Anna an easy life. Also a boring one. That would change when she turned 13 and her grandmother began taking her away for the summers. They were from a long line of spell casters and sometimes the gift was inherited still. A good student, despite her propensity for boredom, Anna learned her powers well. The wisdom to use them properly never quite sank in though and she used them for the occasional prank or revenge against a rival. That would backfire one day near the end of her senior year of high school when casting an illusion on a particularly arrogant boy of the Lutherion clan. A sorcerer himself, he resisted it easily. Although at first Anna thought that she might have found a kindred spirit, her hopes were dashed when his clan kidnapped her. Her magical bloodline would make for the perfect sacrifice. The sacrifice was interrupted by Anna's grandmother and in the battle that followed, the mansion burned down, killing all of the cultists and her grandmother. Only Anna survived but not before her grandmother named her Glamour, the traditional name of a sorcerer of their line. This would not be the end though. Research lead her to discover that the bulk of the clan lived now in America where they would continue their evil ways to dominate the world. Vowing to stop the Dark Cabal from hurting others but also interested in adventure, Anna left for America. During the day she is a student studying literature at Columbia but at night she is Glamour, mystical superheroine. Personality: raised in privilege, Anna can be arrogant at times but her natural charms and friendliness tends to compensate. She does to be somewhat vain though, particularly when she is around another beautiful woman. Her motivations are a bit mixed in that she understands that there are few besides her who can battle and understand the evil side of mysticism and thus is falls to her, especially after her grandmother's death. However, she also is an adventurous sort who hates boredom than just about anything else. This, along with her flirty nature, leads people to underestimate her. They would be surprised how she is when confronted by true evil, when an icy fury overtakes her. Appearance: Anna is a very beautiful young woman with a willowy build and model's stance. Her most striking feature is nearly fire-red hair which seems to shimmer in the light. A minor charm dampens this in her secret ID but in her superheroine guise her mane unfurls to its full glory. Her costume tends to vary since she can reshape them at will but she likes stuff that is rather revealing and sensual. Notes: the Dark Cabal is a group of families with a strong history of magic. They work in the shadows more often than not to accumulate power. At present, they have been commanded to pursue Glamour by the demon who was summoned in the ceremony mentioned above. He is enchanted by her and seeks her for his bride. Given his nature though, the creature is unaware of anything resembling Anna's secret ID but instead only knows her as Glamour. The Legion of Evil is a super team of various villains who oppose the Sentinels of Justice Lord Dreadblade is an evil knight who is one of the more prominent members of Glamour's rogue gallery. Jennifer Jones is Anna's roommate and journalism student. She's convinced that there is something that Anna is hiding and is always pestering her to try to find out what it is. She has a tendency to try to follow Anna around to discover the "secret."
  19. Re: Creating the Silver Age Team Here's another character: Glamour. I included a brief history and personality. As before, it's all kinda first draft so comments as always are appreciated. Glamour is basically a sorceroress specializing in illusion. I hoped that the mystical angle and treatment of the character (a little vain and flighty) is Silver Age enough. Glamour Player: Val Char Cost 10 STR 0 23 DEX 39 20 CON 20 10 BODY 0 18 INT 8 23 EGO 26 20 PRE 10 24 COM 7 5 PD 3 5 ED 1 5 SPD 17 6 REC 0 42 END 1 26 STUN 1 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 2" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 133 Cost Power 62 Enchantments: Multipower, 62-point reserve 6u 1) Illusion: Mental Illusions 12d6 (60 Active Points) 6u 2) Mass Illusion: Sight , Hearing and Smell/Taste Groups Images Increased Size (8" radius; +3/4), +/-4 to PER Rolls (32 Active Points) 6u 3) Charm: Mind Control 12d6 (60 Active Points) 6u 4) Sleep: Ego Attack 6d6 (60 Active Points) 6u 5) Bliss: Entangle 2 1/2d6, 2 DEF, (Works against Ego, not Strength; +1/4), Takes No Damage From Physical Attacks Limited Group (+1/4), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (62 Active Points) 5u 6) Walk Unseen: Invisibility to Sight and Hearing Groups , No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (52 Active Points) 23 Disguise Self: Shape Shift (Sight and Hearing Groups, any humanoid), Imitation, Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4) (41 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4) 4 See Through Illusion: +3 PER with all Sense Groups (9 Active Points); Only to see through illusions and magical concealments (-1) 5 Mage Sense: Detect Magic 13- (no Sense Group), Discriminatory (8 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2) 5 Trained Mind: Mental Defense (10 points total) 16 Enchanted Amulet: Armor (8 PD/8 ED) (24 Active Points); IAF (-1/2) 8 Instant Change: Cosmetic Transform 2d6, Improved Target Group: costume and any clothes (+1/4) (12 Active Points); Limited Target (clothes) (-1/2) 16 Reposistioning: +4 with DCV (20 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) Powers Cost: 174 Cost Skill 2 Animal Handler (Equines) 13- 2 CK: London 11- 3 Conversation 13- 3 Riding 14- 3 PS: Dancing 14- 3 Scholar 2 1) KS: Animal Husbandry (3 Active Points) 13- 2 2) KS: Arcane and Occult Lore (3 Active Points) 13- 2 3) KS: Mystic World (3 Active Points) 13- 3 Seduction 13- 0 TF: Equines 6 +2 with Enchantments multipower Skills Cost: 31 Cost Perk 2 Reputation: Popular Superheroine (A large group) 11-, +1/+1d6 2 Fringe Benefit: Member of the Lower Nobility 2 Money: Well Off 3 Well-Connected 3 3 points spent on Contacts Perks Cost: 12 Total Character Cost: 350 Pts. Disadvantage 20 Psychological Limitation: Code vs Killing (Common, Total) 15 Psychological Limitation: ThrillSeeker (Common, Strong) 15 Psychological Limitation: Has vowed to bring down the Dark Cabal (Common, Strong) 0 Psychological Limitation: Vain and flirty (Common, Moderate) 20 Hunted: Dark Cabal 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish) 15 Hunted: Legion of Evil 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish) 10 Hunted: Lord Dreadblade 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish) 5 Rivalry: Professional (Other beautiful women), Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry 15 Dependent NPC: Jennifer Jones (roommate) 8- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID) 15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently, Major) 10 Reputation: Flighty and flirtatious heroine, 11- 5 Distinctive Features: Very vivid, almost flame-like, red hair (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 5 Unluck: 1d6 Disadvantage Points: 150 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  20. Re: Mystic Masters campaign (old vs. new) OTOH I greatly prefer the Clairsentience-based Astral Form from Mystic Masters to the later Duplication/ Desolid designs. IMHO it perfectly captured how Astral Forms are depicted in comics, particularly Dr. Strange (the king of AF), without having to modify how the base Power works. If not for the default rule in 5E that Mental Powers can't be targeted via Clairsentience, I would recommend the MM approach for this type of campaign. I like the targeting idea but does the old 4th editon astral form allow the astral form to be targeted itself? For example, in the comic books an astral form can be attacked and possibly killed. In MM, I think that if an astral can be percieved (in 5E, with a Detect Astral or Transdimensional on Senses), it can get attacked with Ego based attacks, correct? BTW, nice ideas and comments Lightray.
  21. Re: Creating the Silver Age Team Cool Character. Thanks! Quick question: 44 Atomic Fission: Duplication (creates 600-point form) (120 Active Points); Limited Power Can be used only once a day for a total of ten minutes (-1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Side Effects (Reduces Atomics Powers Multipower and STR by 15 active points; -1/4) Wouldn't this be Costs Endurance (-1/2; Costs End during entire time); 1 CC (5 minutes = -3/4; or 20 minues = -1/2)? [same total limitation, just using the rules that are already there] Good idea, thanks! It's more elegant and matches what I thought before in that he doesn't fission too often since it's draining. I though that burn END every phase was kinda much though so let me look into shifting down the time chart (I didn't know you could do that!) Also, rather than the side effect, why don't you just buy 15 Strength with the limitation Not while duplicated (-1/4)? Or more accurately, that with the MP. That could work. Let me think about it. Thanks. It does seem like it would work better. Finally, is the duplicate supposed to be an accurate duplicate? If so, don't you need to up the total number of points in the form to 710 (750 less the cost of duplication)? True dat. I was building him up from 350 pts and kept adding stuff. One problem is trying to figure out how powerful I want him to be although if he's this world's superman, it should be pretty high. He still can't go one on one with Dr. D but then again I wouldn't have Dr. D be THAT powerful anyway. So I'm trying to decide total power levels (between 600-750 pts) I look forward to seeing the rest of the write ups. Thank you. I hope that I do not dissapoint.
  22. Re: Creating the Silver Age Team Here's the first version of the 750 pts Doctor Atomic (it's fun going from 350 to 750 pts!). He's REALLY powerful but then again he is intended to be like Superman. Doctor Atomic Player: Val Char Cost 75 STR 65 23 DEX 39 35 CON 50 17 BODY 14 23 INT 13 20 EGO 20 25 PRE 15 14 COM 2 35 PD 20 35 ED 28 5 SPD 17 22 REC 0 70 END 0 73 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 15" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 283 Cost Power 80 Atomic Powers: Multipower, 80-point reserve 8u 1) Atomic Blast: Energy Blast 16d6 (80 Active Points) 8u 2) Atomic Drain: Drain CON 5d6+1, Ranged (+1/2) (79 Active Points) 7u 3) Atomic Field: Drain CON 3 1/2d6, Area Of Effect (4" Radius; +1) (70 Active Points) 7u 4) Atomic Shield: Drain CON 2 1/2d6, Damage Shield (+1/2), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (75 Active Points) 4u 5) Atomic Powered Punch: Energy Blast 8 1/2d6, Hole In The Middle (+1/4), Explosion (Cone; -1 DC/2"; +1/2) (75 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Only affects grounded targets; -1/4), Gestures (Must punch ground; -1/4) 5u 6) Induce Radioactivity: Major Transform 4d6, Improved Target Group (Any radioactive material; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Requires A Science Skill: Nuclear Physics Roll (-1/2) 3u 7) Transmutation: Major Transform 2 1/2d6, Improved Target Group (One element into another; +1) (80 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Minute, -1 1/2), Requires A Science Skill: Nuclear Physics Roll (-1/2) 3u 8) Atomic Powering: Succor END 16d6 (80 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (Only to nuclear powered devices; -1 1/2) 50 Atomic Flight: Multipower, 50-point reserve 5u 1) Atomic Flight: Flight 25" (50 Active Points) 2u 2) Atomic Flight Overdrive: Flight 10", MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4) (25 Active Points) 44 Atomic Fission: Duplication (creates 600-point form) (120 Active Points); Limited Power Can be used only once a day for a total of ten minutes (-1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Side Effects (Reduces Atomics Powers Multipower and STR by 15 active points; -1/4) 30 Atomic Hardened Skin: Damage Resistance (30 PD/30 ED) 17 Atomic Hardened Skin: PD and ED Hardened (17 Active Points) 30 Radiation Resistance: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75%, Limited Power Not against Argonite (+0) (60 Active Points); Limited Power Only against Radiation (-1) 22 Atomic Powered Physiology: Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) 10 Radiation Resistance: Power Defense (20 points) (20 Active Points); Limited Power Only against radiation attacks (-1) 18 Radiation Sense: Detect Radiation 14- (No Sense Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Range Powers Cost: 353 Cost Skill 3 Computer Programming 14- 3 Conversation 14- 3 Criminology 14- 3 Electronics 14- 3 KS: Superhuman World 14- 3 Oratory 14- 3 Paramedics 14- 3 Persuasion 14- 3 Tactics 14- 3 Teamwork 14- 3 Scientist 3 1) SS: Nuclear Physics 15- (4 Active Points) 2 2) SS: Physics 14- (3 Active Points) 2 3) SS: SubATomic Physics 14- (3 Active Points) 9 +3 punch, grab, or haymaker 12 +4 with Atomic Powers Skills Cost: 61 Cost Perk 12 Reputation: Popular Superhero (A large group) 14-, +4/+4d6 3 Well-Connected 25 25 pts spent on Contacts 5 Fringe Benefit: International Police Powers 5 Fringe Benefit: Membership: Sentinels of Justice Perks Cost: 50 Cost Talent 3 Lightning Calculator Talents Cost: 3 Total Character Cost: 750 Pts. Disadvantage 25 Susceptibility: Argonite, 3d6 damage per Phase (Uncommon) 20 Psychological Limitation: Code vs Killing (Common, Total) 20 Psychological Limitation: Code of the Hero (Very Common, Strong) 10 Psychological Limitation: Tries to outthink normal opponents rather than hurt them (Common, Moderate) 15 Hunted: The Mad Doctor Murdock 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish) 10 Hunted: Nuclear Nightmare 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish) 10 Hunted: Rogue's Gallery 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish) 10 Dependent NPC: Scientist Girlfriend 11- (Normal; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills) 15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently, Major) 15 Reputation: Heroic Superhero who will help anyone, 14- Disadvantage Points: 150 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 400 Total Experience Available: 400 Experience Unspent: 0
  23. Re: Creating the Silver Age Team Minor update: First of all, thanks everyone for your advice and I look foward to more! A new, tentative line up for the Sentinels of Justice: 1. Doctor Atomic, the Nuclear Wonder! A humble scientist becomes endowed with incredible nuclear abilities to make him one of the most powerful beings on the planet. Fortunately, his sense of nobility points him to the path of right and service. A Superman clone with some tweaks, especially the 750 pt version 2. Minerva (the Merciful): a high school girl is empowered by the ancient Greek goddess to bring justice and wisdom to the world. When she chants the ancient pray, she becomes the goddess on earth with enough strenght to lift tanks, the combat skills of ancient Greece, and the wisdom of the ages! A bit of a Thor/Wonder Woman/Captain Marvel homage. 3. Glamour: a bored British lady, she sought excitement by studying with her eccentric uncle. Too late did she discovere his links with the occult. After escaping from the cult (and dealing it a major blow), she now battles evil and protects this dimension from threats. Although the seductive lass is flirty, even with the villains, never underestimate her resolve. Her powers center around charms and illusions. A bit of Zatanna but even more charming. 4. Solaris (*cough* name change *cough*): known to be almost fearless, this astronaut volunteered to be the first man to visit the inner planets (yeah, it's weak... I'll work on it). Sabotage by Communist spies caused his ship to slowly spiral into the sun. He should have died but instead an unknown force gave the choice to become the Guardian of the Galaxy. Accepting, Solaris was born with the powers of the sun itself! Able to generate intense solar radiation, manipulate gravity, and alter his density, this new protector patrols the cosmic spaceways! Basically the team's GL. 5. The Stranger: on a planet far away, hungry eyes look upon earth. This race of shape-shifters infiltrated earth and attempted to take it over. They would have succeeded had not one of its own warned the heroes of Earth. He paid a terrible price though: exile from his home and family. On Earth he must now stay and learn. His powers include super strength and durability as well as the ability to shift into a variety of "war shapes" to make him incredible versitale. A combination of the Martian Manhunter and the Vision. He might turn later in the invasion and lead the fight back to his people, kinda like how Vision turned on Ulton. 6. Hornet: insect powers: shrinking, flight, energy blasts with chemistry skills: Atom/Henry Pym. 7. Silver Archer: same as before, ie no powers except for his skill and feels kinda insecure among such powerful beings but he soldiers on with bravado. Needs work. Gee... who could THIS be based on? 8. Blue Bolt: second generation speedster. Nothing else right now. And yeah, think Flash or Quicksilver. Other possibilities: 1. Tyr: Norse god of justice and law 2. Oynx: archaelogist with the power of Bast 3. Nightingale: singer with super human voice (and later artificial wings) 4. Johnny Adventure! An overconfident and omnicompetent human I might not use Tyr and Onyx since we already have a "god" slot filled with Minerva. I really like them though and they have long histories stretching back to the Golden Age so it's possible that they might have been on the Sentinels. Nightingale I like since she goes from being a girlfriend to one of the modern age's most prominent, skilled, and respected supers. She might be a bit more bronze age but it gets tough to tell since time gets all funky in comics. Again, I look foward to comments and suggestions. Also, I am still considering stuff that has already been posted so this is all in flux.
  24. Hi everyone! As an outgrowth of my "Building the Silver Age Team" thread, I'm statting Doctor Atomic, the nuclear powered wonder. One of his powers is "Atomic Fission" where he splits into two forms. It's hokey admittedly but I'm trying to capture a Silver Age Superman type feel and Duplication sure helps with the secret ID! Right now I have: Atomic Fission: Duplication (creates 600-point form) (120 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4) I wanted to make this a more limited power though, ie a kinda last resort thing and not often used (kinda like a plot device or something to bust out when stuff really starts to hit the fan). I was considering having a use endurance every phase limit but this would knock the character out pretty fast I think (12 END/phase which takes a toll even with 70 end and 21 rec). I was thinking of a charge limit or once per day but I'm not sure if that really works since you could duplicate first thing in the morning and be set... not much of a limit. The other thing I considered was that the original duplicate lose about 10 active points from powers and strengths to represent a sharing of their power for -1/4. Comments and suggestions as always are appreciated, thanks!
  25. Re: Creating the Silver Age Team Hm... on second thought, I might make the guy with solar-like powers more of a GL type (perhaps empowered by the forces of the universe) and just come up with something else for the MM/Vision homage/rip-off. Might call him the Stranger or something... need some cool powers though that are kinda out there.
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