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Everything posted by TrickstaPriest

  1. Interesting, probably better take, of how the race issue actually impacted this. As opposed to the generally worse takes?
  2. Don't agree with this guy on a lot of things, but he's directly talking about what I am. Literally minimizing a literal coup (obviously warier of the latter half)
  3. My sympathies. I've hit my Last Straw moment five times now. The literal denial of the pandemic, and the denial denial (edit: denying the denial while simultaneously promoting an anti-mask culture, literally the least you could possibly do), and the direct interference with the election (USPS) while forewarning about it, the post election consequences, the Georgia call, and now this. This crappy coup was the most recorded/streamed single event in American history (except for the George Floyd protests, arguably). There's no excuse for people not to actually look at what happened. I've seen six angles of the officer being caught in the door during the door breach 'push' alone. I am running into a shocking amount of people who insist the coup wasn't a real thing, it's not Trump's fault, etc etc.
  4. From what I saw, it wasn't clear. They weren't saying where she was, just that she had been moved. Which is still cagey as ef. --- You would not believe how many old friends of mine are saying effectively "coup?? that doesn't pass the sniff test. No way the elite police in DC would let that happen. lololol if it wasn't trespassing why weren't all the protesters shot???" I swear, OAN/Fox News is utterly culpable now.
  5. I'm seeing a LOT of people equivocate how unfair it is that the left forgives the protests and riots but gets upset at this one. A literally childish "whaaaaaat's the difffff." ex: they didn't attempt a coup, it was just trespassing. None of the members of Congress were in any danger. If there was someone being inappropriate, why weren't they immediately arrested?!?!?! after all they have the best police there
  6. I really think those people don't realize how irrational he is... Not that I think acting out of pure fear is appropriate, but at this point?
  7. I won't fault you for being upset. I'll leave off here. Oops. Too late. But understandable.
  8. To be fair, I'd deserve the banning this time around.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong. The means to accuse a sexual assaulter at a workplace has to do with pattern of behavior as much as anything else. His pattern of behavior is a required key to anything else. Patterns of behavior are highly important for stopping chronic criminal offenders. Which is another way to say, if people let him walk away from this, he will most certainly try again. So there is the approach for consequences. A constant pattern of behavior suggesting and inciting violence. Culminating in Guilliani offered trial by combat at that last speech. Before an armed crowd that was when literally pointed at congress. The chant of kill the traitors and hang mike pence was pretty clear by the people at the building. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler In 1923, he attempted to seize governmental power in a failed coup in Munich and was imprisoned with a sentence of five years https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_on_Rome We've, as a society, continuously and constantly accepted this behavior from major officials and our own government. We should not be surprised at the consequences of ignoring it. I'm well for fair play. I'm not for pretending there are no limits to fair play. (edited my last rant out)
  10. I literally cannot put to words what my opinion of this without having this thread closed.
  11. No. Biden and Obama never, never said "Punch a Protester" at one of his rallies. They never said an attempted murder of a congressmen was deserved. (deleting my more personal comment. it is too direct and emotionally charged)
  12. His campaign, and the media of the right wing, have been continuously 'joking/not-saying' about 'inevitable' civil war and literal murdering liberals for a while. From major and official mouthpieces. If you forgive someone for 'joke starting' a civil war, or you know attempted coup, you'll have them try it again. And again. And again. Until they win. It's not hard to be 'emotional' about it when you literally watch his twitter and see what he says and how the Michigan gov 'deserved' having a plot to kill her. So yes, in complete isolation I'm sure you can completely forgive what he did, by ignoring his entire history in accepting the call for murdering politically disagreeable people as fine.
  13. People are emotional driven. But it's false equivalency from a pragmatic perspective. If the BLM riots and protests were about something like overthrowing our government to install a dictator, I might agree with you about equivalency. If the BLM riots and protests grew worse, they'd do further damage to buildings. (edit: and yes, there would be more casualties) If the Capitol Hill riot grew worse, much of Congress would be slaughtered and we wouldn't be in a democracy any more. If you don't believe me, watch the "KILL THE TRAITORS" chant as they enter the building. The comparison is the same as playing with a grenade a few times (when the bigwig leftist media is ever purely on the side of BLM, which was incredibly rare except for that one event) versus playing with a nuclear bomb (which the bigwig rightwing media pushes for, frequently) One of those will hurt those around you. One of those will collapse the nation.
  14. https://web.archive.org/web/20210108152220/https://thedonald.win/p/11ROGtZe33/these-are-tunnels-from-capitol-h/c/ for those who don't click archive from thedonald.win containing a map of the capitol hill tunnels and a few comments talking about how best to trap/etc the fleeing congressmen.
  15. This is interesting and pretty pragmatic I will try to be less alarmist. I strongly suspect the FBI will have their hands full for years with this though.
  16. It's not particularly controversial to say military or ex military or cops or ex cops were there. That becomes a statistical probability with so many there in a party that largely has them involved. It's a matter of whether they were on the 'front lines' or not. And whether they will continue back home, and then try this again... How many serial killers were cops/ex cops? How many murders did they have? How many will try to continue their cause after this? I remember we posted about a group caught somewhere in Europe planning on rounding people up, executing them, and destroying the bodies with acid baths. We are going to see stuff happening in this country. It's going to be pretty bad no matter what. 😕 The only saving grace is also the curse - we have a lot of federal government investigative power... as long as the federal government deems its worthy to do so.
  17. Exactly. I don't blame the officers that were there... except for the ones breaching it https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/benking/capitol-dc-riot-trump [ While some of the images from that day appeared to show officers standing by to let the mob into the Capitol building, the veteran officer said that they had fought them off for two hours before the attackers eventually gained access. The officer said that many of the widely spread images of smiling marauders, wandering the halls dressed in absurd costumes, had the effect of downplaying how well prepared some of the rioters were to overtake the building, and even to capture and kill Congress members. “That was a heavily trained group of militia terrorists that attacked us,” said the officer, who has been with the department for more than a decade. “They had radios, we found them, they had two-way communicators and earpieces. They had bear spray. They had flash bangs ... They were prepared. They strategically put two IEDs, pipe bombs, in two different locations. These guys were military trained. A lot of them were former military,” the officer said, referring to two suspected pipe bombs that were found outside the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee. The officer even described coming face-to-face with police officers from across the country in the mob. He said some of them flashed their badges, telling him to let them through, and trying to explain that this was all part of a movement that was supposed to help. “You have the nerve to be holding a Blue Lives Matter flag, and you are out there fucking us up,” he told one group of protesters he encountered inside the Capitol. “[One guy] pulled out his badge and he said, ‘We’re doing this for you.’ Another guy had his badge. So I was like, ‘Well, you gotta be kidding.’” Another officer, a newer recruit, echoed these sentiments, saying that where he was on the steps to the Rotunda on the east side of the Capitol, he was engaged in hand-to-hand battles trying to fight the attackers off. But he said they were outnumbered 10 to 1, and described extraordinary scenes in which protesters holding Blue Lives Matter flags launched themselves at police officers. “We were telling them to back up and get away and stop, and they’re telling us they are on our side, and they’re doing this for us, and they’re saying this as I’m getting punched in my face by one of them … That happened to a lot of us. We were getting pepper-sprayed in the face by those protesters — I'm not going to even call them protesters — by those domestic terrorists,” said the officer. ]
  18. That video might be from the protest pre-party after all. Hard to tell from the screens
  19. Just found this Giving myself another pat on the back
  20. Hey look, literally what I've been ranting about. At a second look, this is from the rally, not the protest/riot/insurrection. My line below still stands, even if we don't have direct video of it He said they were going to all 'walk down to the Capitol and fight to take their country back' and then he promptly ****ed off and went to watch it on the telly.
  21. This is the discourse level the political youth are having. It's gone a long way from the old days. So I'm not sure how I'm supposed to 'work with this'. For everyone else, sure.
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