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Everything posted by TrickstaPriest

  1. Yeah. But for emergencies at the national level, it's up to the federal government to secure supplies, provide instruction/training, coordinate response, at the very minimum. There's a lot of responsibilities that state-level response literally doesn't have the training/authority/etc for. ...Not that I know much about that. Just my expectations on how response systems would run.
  2. Also, this. I'm glad you raised the vital context in understanding what's going on. People like playing meme games. To those still on this thread - memes are a liar's dream. They literally are the best gift for information deception campaigns in a society like ours. Play with them, joke about them, but be aware that they mean absolutely nothing about reality without context.
  3. Well! He ain't here now, but. Pretty much. Rather, they hate establishment dems so much that they literally believe everything said from the same groups that suggest/tease/imply that 'the only good dem is a dead dem' and somehow believe it to be unbiased news. I could go on -why- that hate is easy when they listen to decades of conservabubble news, but... Someone can claim turnabout is fair play, but I'm pretty sure my "Climate Change is my primary issue" stance makes it pretty clear there's no turnabout on that stance. Every politician I judge by a pretty basic line of "how likely are they to be participating in killing the human race and destroying society" >_> After judging from that basis, I can make room to talk about political biases.
  4. It's almost like 'everyone who argued trump wasn't doing a pandemic response was lying!' has been spoonfed to them over the last year-ish. To be fair, if you were looking at Trump's last couple months versus Biden's first couple months, this would be a fair comparison. Most of the EOs were in response to Trump's, unless I'm mistaken. I could be mistaken!
  5. I know. This is literally the scenario I'd have to expect based on the attempt fizzling out so quickly. Which means in the next ten years there'll be more attempts, and possibly a success... edit: Going to be a busy few years for the FBI >_>
  6. We are going to hear about this 'silencing conservative voices' soon.
  7. RICO might fit for someone like Fuentes, who was bussing people down to the location (while sharing about how much he wants to "give flight attendants a handshake" and "no one can touch people in Congress. I mean, other than killing them. Oh no, I'm just joking about that." )
  8. I gotta start using formal citations and stuff again So people can track back the information to the original sources.
  9. Okay. So it's definitely a possibility. Especially when misinformation is involved (by one party or another) I like to double check people's sources. I don't do it often enough. I don't discredit your instinct, just that I am looking for sources I can reference and share myself.
  10. Stuff happens. Is Melvin's portfolio public? How did that happen? I didn't think you could actually see that might be long on silver.
  11. Yeah, literally this. They've said about as much again, this time around. Not to mention the Supreme Court throwing out emoluments investigations as a separate issue, which is what I was interested in the first time around to begin with. Basically Trump is making all the worst decisions to actually protect himself and is being actively protected by both voting "base" and by Republican Congress and media. Again. It sounds familiar. Like (openly taking government funds/open bribery through hotels/legendarily bad military mishandling/coronavirus preparation/vaccine preparation/elections/election lawsuits) This isn't the story of an underdog, it's the story of someone rich being bailed out no matter how many mistakes they make as long as there's a perceived benefit. For reference, see Robinhood LLC.
  12. Got it. At that age, it's not good...
  13. I'm not even involved and this whole incident drove me off Robinhood
  14. That's literally the problem. In any other situation he'd be a laughing stock. But because the party behind him has literally abandoned any pretense of trying to run this country as anything more than a mono-party that shuts down everything not on their agenda, they are utterly fine with enabling him.
  15. "The Capitol Hill attack was Antifa/Anti-trump" people is already becoming a commonplace thing I'm seeing On top of that, I'm seeing people saying that Biden should apologize for the 44k+ people who've died because of coronavirus more often than not. Food for thought. /s I'm honestly a little relieved my trump-loving close family member doesn't think the Capitol Hill riot was a false flag operation
  16. “When the rich rob the poor, it’s called business. When the poor fight back, it’s called violence.” - R2D2 I found this... somewhere ;D
  17. I can't honk the battlecry of stonk, but I can work on giving robinhood the middle finger. ...Time to find a new platform >_>
  18. Yeah, a legitimate concern. But arbitrarily selling people's stock (and at half or less of what it was valued at the time) is...
  19. Yes and no? It's not like futures, or shorts, the money they put in is the maximum owed. So if they lose it all, unless they were raiding their own investments/coffers...
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