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Posts posted by TrickstaPriest

  1. 9 minutes ago, Hermit said:

    Get ready for a colossal brain drain from red states to blue ones among women, or for that matter, from our whole country. If Canada and the EU found themselves flooded with requests for immigration from American women after this I would not be surprised. 


    Most women can't afford that move, I'm afraid :( 

  2. 1 minute ago, Iuz the Evil said:


    Yeah.  A few, shockingly few, are starting to read the writing on the wall.


    But people have such a short memory.  It's worth reminding people (via old Tucker Carlson videos on Fox, for example) of how they were fighting to undermine this over the last ten years.  How unbelievable it is to have to see (as a leftist) Right-wing talk-show people and now politicians side-advocating literal violence against me for the last ten years.  And that they have literally hundreds of thousands of American dead on their hands for their constant attempts at undermining the pandemic response (you can even say it was Trump that finally started to try and walk them back... and couldn't) - possibly the single worst self-harming political act from this country in the last century.


    Because if we aren't actually showing people the videos, if we aren't advertising this actively, it might as well not have happened.

  3. Wonder why I'm still hearing stuff from the dems about Trump, not Abbott or DeSantis.  Or better yet, go for the source, Tucker.


    I kept on telling myself "you know, rejecting an ongoing pandemic would have to be the death of the R party, wouldn't it?  people having to bury their dead, killing hundreds of thousands of Americans due to negligence, that should surely end their popularity."

    "you know, inciting massive protests for counting the ballots AS THEY WERE BEING COUNTED would have to be the death of the R party for any sane individual, wouldn't it?" 

    "inciting an attempted revolt in the capital would have to be the..."


    The latest seems to be "siding with Russia as it literally murders thousands of Ukranians would have to be the..."


    At this point?  I think we have to concede that if these issues aren't heavily advertised, there's no expectation that people will accept 'reality'.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Pariah said:

    I haven't seen the numbers for a while, but the last data I saw showed that there were more illegals from Canada living in the United States than from Mexico or any other Latin American nation.


    So maybe we should be worried about an invasion at our northern border.  :angst:


    Last I checked, the trend via census data was that the rate of Mexican/Spanish had increased highest in 1990-2010, and has reduced in 2010-2020.  This being the rate, specifically... so the 'problem' is either sudden and recent (possibly b/c of I don't know climate change and economic instability) or that any increase in those population percentage markers is an undesired outcome...

  5. 2 hours ago, Pariah said:

    I can't remember where I read this or who said it, but it came to mind this morning:


    "Donald Trump and his followers believe that he's holding a royal flush. In reality he's holding the three of clubs, a Draw Four, the Hanged Man, a Community Chest, and an expired BOGO coupon for the all-you-can-eat buffet at Mar-A-Lago." 


    They've been talking about "the storm" forever - basically a pre-texting for arresting all of Congress.  When you psych up your supporters that you are going to arrest "all the bad people", it makes people think that you somehow can.  Can you imagine if the Justice department started arresting hundreds of members of Congress?

  6. 17 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

    But it also worries me.  I fear that Putin will view all of this as aggression against Russia, particularly if the economy continues down the tubes.  And if he thinks it's aggression against Russia...what will he NOT do?  


    Been thinking about the same.  Hopefully this will be what ousts him BEFORE he can do anything extreme.  ie- other people's fears he might try

  7. 10 minutes ago, Simon said:

    One of the more sobering pieces I've seen was a climate scientist being interviewed some months back, saying that it's not a matter of _if_ Florida will be lost, it's a matter of how quickly -- how much warning/time we'll have to move the population of an entire state.


    Yeah.  We are literally going to have inter-state refugees.  That's beyond drought and floods, which will destroy food/farmland (Australia had both mudslides destroying so much farmland that they lost almost a million cows and then those terrible fires right after, both just a half a year of each other).  And of course, keep in mind sea level rise occurs because of the loss of ice - our most reflective/white surface of sunlight that our planet-tilt creates.  It also increases the ocean surface area, which is almost black from space.  This makes the physics of climate change even worse 😕




    For the usual "climate cycles" criticism... it IS a physics driven thing, even if there are unpredictable factors that occur -because- of the physics-driven events => 


    What's going to inevitably happen is governments are just going to stop providing services/help to affected areas.  It literally won't be worth the effort/finances to help a state that's been hit by a hurricane.  I already see some channels, like Beau, talk about how 'government services are going to be scaled back in the future'.  But corporate services have no financial interest in bailing out an entire state and rebuilding it.

  8. 14 hours ago, unclevlad said:


    The nay-sayers will downplay it, saying they change their projections every week.

    So, while some things may be done, they'll be half-hearted at best, and nowhere near enough.


    Yep.  Nowhere near enough.


    To be clear, global warming is a physics problem.  We about as certain of it as we are that a person thrown out of an airplane will fall.  We can argue about exactly what the person will land on - a bathtub, a bed, concrete, a car, a pool, but we are pretty sure about a few things - impact, whereish, the fact that they fall at all.

  9. 1 hour ago, BarretWallace said:

    There you go thinking with silly concepts like logic and fairness.  If we were to demand the same for Trump, suddenly there would be significant screaming about infringing on his personal freedom.


    Pretty sure this was an actual thing with Reagan.


    If Biden was out, Harris would be in, with Pelosi.  Maybe they are hoping for Trump as speaker?  >_>


    I also don't generally approve of military vs civilian force, even with obnoxious truckers.  Though if the city is shut down and taking it, it kinda suggests the tactic (as an environmentally-themed blockade) has legitimacy...

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