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Posts posted by Wolf

  1. I've started a Vicorianish/ Fantasy/ Steampunk game in our own world, and I was wondering if there is anyone who has some good places (internet) that I can find some decent quality political maps, hopefully with cities etc. that I can use for my campaign.

    The year is 1822, and I'll be darned if I can't find a real good one. I have the general idea of the political climate, but to see it would help so much.

    Thank you to anyone.


  2. Re: Cool Guns for your Games


    Wish I could tell you more but about all I can tell you is that I picked them up off a Japanese website somewhere.


    yah, thanks. I found a few sites, but it looks like their out of production... witch is a pisser, but once you could get a nonfiring one for about 250 American, and a firing one for about a hundred more (by firing, I mean 6mm plastic pellets).

    There is also one that is a smaller scale than the middle one (off my reply) closer to a carbine/smg variation... all very cool looking... apparently based on the weapons from Dominion.

    Thanks again, I never would have known the conversions were out there otherwise, but now that I do, I'll be on the look for them.

    Here is the site that has the conversions, there is also a large boar type weapon at the top that looks fun...



  3. Re: Cool Guns for your Games


    I love this thread!:winkgrin:


    Here are the firearms my current Pulp heroine, Veronica Dare, uses the most. She's a total gun bunny.{snip}

    and some of my favorite "fantasy" arms. Mostly "Shirow" inspired weapons.








    I play airsoft, and I was wondering if you had any idea where you found these mods. I'd love to have one sitting around the house.

  4. Re: Strange "UFO"


    Looks neat, however way too clear in the pictures, like it doesn't have any of the granularity that the photo does... I'm guessing fake, but it's a nice fake.

  5. Re: Twilight 2007 Campaign.


    Sure' date=' the idea isn't for everyone. But, remember; there are wargames in the Pentagon that would make this seem quite amateur![/quote']


    I got to play one of the 82nd ABN's High Tech simulations, and it's like Command an Conquer with out the ability to click and drag multiple units... and a whole battle is crazy. We have one LT commanding, like, 3-5 Companies, and one Enlisted man on each Company. We had one screen each and a Projection screen displaying the whole shi-bang... it was fun to be a part of at least.

    From the position of being in the military, it wasn't as High-tech as the movies make it...In basic, Rifle Practice was on an old super Nintendo playing a variation of duck hunt, with a Mock M-16.

  6. Re: What the heck is "The Sigularity" (not black hole)


    I like William Gibson's take on it... That's how I see a lot of it. Boom, advance, some on one side, the rest just don't give a F**k, and try to get the most bling bling, chromed out, suped up, etc. History doesn't matter, Just the now for the rest of us, just survival... by whatever theory you can use to make sense of it all.... Personally, I want to take down the Tessier-Ashpools, or become them.. lol, sorry had to geek out for a sec.


    Emergent technology is, by its very nature, out of control, and leads to unpredictable outcomes. -- from a talk given at the Directors Guild of America's Digital Day, Los Angeles, May 17, 2003. - William Gibson

  7. Re: Megascale Move(damage) question


    What I'm getting so far is that this is a bit of a "fringe" thought. Up to GM interpretation, kinda like.

    I think for a point total of between 350-450 points I'd let give them both (regardless of the defenses involved) a Con roll, with some negatives for the one being hit. If they succeed they are at 1 body above death (BODY 15 = -14), and at near to negative 50-100 stun. If they fail, that is death, the misty red pop of death. However it does allow for some entrance (for any who failed) of individuals having speed zone powers. LOL, think if Doc Destroyer with a few levels of speed zone, yah, that would be a nice break into high point adventures, "Shatterzone, I thought you pulverized him?" "No, Nimbus, Look at the way he moves, he's been trapped in the speed zone this whole time... God that must have been like ages, but now he's back, and faster than me!"

    LOL, I dunno if I'd allow it, but if I did this would make a hell of a repercussion.

  8. Ok, so I've got a speedster in my game, and I was wondering, because he asked, then it got us into a discussion... he's got the Movement multipower of flight only on ground for normal and megascale, that is given as an example in TUSp (I think, The Ultimate Speedster) page unknown.


    He's got a 10" Megascaled run. If he decided to do a Move by/through on a very tough baddie, (sure during one of those, "We've got to take him down, even if it costs my life." moments) What would the damage be,

    1) if he just ran for it (say 5- 15 hexes away, real hexes not megascaled)? or

    2) if he ran away for a turn, and then came back at full velocities?


    Now we understand that he'd probably be atomized by this, but the second part comes after thinking of using some sort of resistance, damage reduction, or intangibility vs. self sustained move by/through (only when doing a move by/through).


    Now I know that would be massively wrong, and way to powerful, but the conversation went there so I was wondering what the hero community would say... I don't have my Ultimate Speedster on hand, so I don't know if it's covered... I was going to put this in the rules questions, but I thought it would be better in here.

  9. Re: Twilight 2007 Campaign.


    As a side note, if you wish a miniature line there is Mongoose's (Battlefield Evo.) prepainted line, and The Assualt group's nonpainted line. both are nice an cheep for a largeish force. The Battlefield Evo, is actually a WWIII fight in the desert with modern troops... heck how can you beat a group of desert dwellers, a group of Technicals, a squad of US military, and one Abrams for around $100.00 all pre-painted so you can focus on the game.

    Wow, I honestly don't work for them... nor have I bough any YET, I just don't have enough cash to get what I want.... :thumbdown

  10. Re: Twilight 2007 Campaign.


    Sounds goodish, I agree with some of the political opinions and disagree with others, that's the problem with being semi-educated in America today, everyone thinks it's going to go differently. However I love games like this, being what I love to use hero for... I'd love to see where you go, and I'll probably take some ideas from everyone here as far as the fall of civilization as we know it. On a similar thought, just one of these conversations above a gaming table (not RP, but gaming none the less) is what got us Tom Clancy's "Red Storm Rising", great book if you want to see a WWIII cold war style.

  11. Re: Top 10 Action Hero One-Liners


    Spence: You ever kill anybody?

    Sam: I hurt somebody's feelings once.


    Vincent: Everyone's your brother until the rent comes due.


    [sam accepts a cigarette offered by Vincent]

    Sam: So, are you labor or management?

    Vincent: If I were management, I would not offer you a cigarette!


    [discussing interrogation techniques]

    Larry: How did they finally get to you?

    Sam: They gave me a grasshopper.

    Larry: What's a grasshopper?

    Sam: Lessee, two parts gin, one part brandy, one part Creme de Menthe...


    Spence: You worried about saving your own skin?

    Sam: Yeah, I am. It covers my body.


    this is chock full of one liners by De Nero, me thinks.

  12. Re: Top 10 Action Hero One-Liners


    I'm angry. I'm very angry, Ralph. You know, you can [edit] my wife if she wants you to. You can lounge around here on her sofa, in her ex-husband's dead-tech, post-modernistic bulls**t house if you want to. But you do not get to watch my f***ing television set!

    -Al Pacino


  13. Re: Top 10 Action Hero One-Liners


    Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Do you want to run this ship?

    Jayne Cobb: Yes!

    Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: [caught off guard] Well... you can't...



    Lenore: Mal. That guy killed me, Mal. He killed me with a sword. How weird is that?


    one more,

    Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Y'all got on this boat for different reasons, but y'all come to the same place. So now I'm asking more of you than I have before. Maybe all. Sure as I know anything, I know this - they will try again. Maybe on another world, maybe on this very ground swept clean. A year from now, ten? They'll swing back to the belief that they can make people... better. And I do not hold to that. So no more runnin'. I aim to misbehave.


  14. Re: Imperialize it!


    Blazing Starship;

    A certain World is in the path of a "Hyperspace lane" (or other similar reason) in the middle of nowhere and it must be destroyed to make room... however there is a settlement of Miners, who have just requested the need of a new local Magistrate... so a member of a prejudiced species is brought as said law officer, good times ensue, "Dock that Endosun a day's pay, for napping on the job".

  15. Re: Imperialize it!


    The Dozen

    12 Prisoners of "place reason here" on death row, are given the choice to perform a "certain death mission" and get off death row, or die now. Then they are trained in specially forcey ways and are set free to perform the mission.

  16. Re: UnCaped: February Issue


    this is good, I remeber seeing your other one, and will use them in my campaign... however I was wondering if you were going to put them in proximity so that we can "compare and contrast" issues?



  17. Re: You practice what-o-mancy?


    Dracomancy- Sorceries based on Dragons, or Draconic abilities.

    Pedomancy- Sorceries based on Feet.

    Buddamancy- Gut magic.

    Whiskymancy- originally a form of nordic tribal magic, however very little modern meadomancy is performed, mostly involving altering the physical beauty of a person, or a Illusionary Weight loss, these spells normally only last for an evening. A subset of this also allows for the stealth like ability to disappear from a bed.:drink:


    and uh Vaginomancy- potent spells that a friend of mine is currently under, also known as altering the male mind with any Fem attribute, or being strait #@%y-whipped.:hush:

  18. If I use Auto-fire (2) on a hand weapon (Kukri) to represent dual wielding, and my character has a weapon element (Kukri), off hand element, and increased DCs (2 Damage Classes) with her form, and I use a Sacrifice Strike 9d6 Strike (Str. 15 [3d6], 2 DCs [2d6, general DCs], 4 DCs [4d6, maneuver DCs] ); can I add any/all/none of that to the auto-fire with the Kukri, if it’s stats are given in normal damage, lets say 4d6 for a total of 13d6x2 if both attacks hit the target? Or is it just 4d6x2 (if both attacks go off) with the OCV/DCV mods from the attack? Or none of the above?

    I hope this makes sense, because I’m even a little confused at this point, but I think I did it right.:idjit::nonp::ugly:

  19. Re: Star Hero Minis?


    I also have gone to the Tau, and 40K in general for my sci-Fi Mini's here are some thoughts:

    First you asked about a skiff, Try the Dark Eldar Ravager

    or Dark Eldar Lord, Asdrubael Vect there is also the Dark Eldar Raider.

    For my money I love Grey Knight Terminators For a more elite "house guard" type, like the imperial guards that Palpitine has in star wars. And you can't beat IG (Imperial Guard for joe shmoe sci-fi troops, however I love the Death Korps of Krieg for that extra little something, but Forge World can be expensive, prohibitively, thankfully their making a US based plant (I don't know if that's what you'd call it) soon.

    There is also the Starship Troopers Line.

    For a more modern look, Battlefield Evo. Armored Core both smaller and larger

    for a shot. For cheapish but preprinted there is always Rackham's new future lineup AT-43.

    Hope I've been of some help.


  20. Re: Evolution of a Leader


    In my group that has played together for the past 15+ years we have two main GM's, and oddly enough we tend to lead when we aren't Gming.

    I tend to get the leader when I'm playing (D&D3.5e) A Paladin, human and I got the position then, but I think that's because I wasn't lawful stupiding it.

    I've noticed in my Old Teen champions game they all rejected the leadership, though not for trying... they want one... but they just can't get it together. Now we're restarting it, however they want me to make a leader NPC. I don't like that Idea due to personal philosophy, "it's no fun if you know the defense and the plan of attack" even if your good at separating the two halves of yourself, it's still a little weird. Not to mention I like to throw the PC's a problem, as complicated as I can make it, and have them think their way out... not really having one planned.

    My opinion, Groups differ. I think this one is too scare of stepping on peoples feet, or angering the player by giving orders.

  21. Re: AVLD vs. NND What's the dif?


    Got it, thanks all... I think I just wasn't getting it... now I see... The way I kept reading it it all started to sound the same. So thank again.



    I hope I don't come across as treating you like you don't know the rules or something but I don't believe there are any finer points to it.


    Naw, don't worry about it... I work 14 hour days driving a rather heavy truck, so it takes a few times for me. As long as I've been playing I should know, but... well... it's never come up.. believe it or not, so Thanks again.. I was asking because I didn't know, so you treated me right... LOL, sorry another long day... :):D

  22. I'm sure that this has come up before, however I was just looking, couldn't really find it, so maybe it's just me, and maybe it's just too close to bedtime, however I was wondering what the finer points of the real difference between ALVD and NND? or I should say what's the more subtle difference, and how it would affect powers.


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