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Posts posted by farik

  1. Husky would probably go tackle the team mate because a brawl is better than giving up hopefully during the insueing fight the forcewall might suffer from a few "accidental" move throughs best case scenario any more cool headed team members would try and take advantage of the chaos created by Husky brawling with a fellow super.


    Unfortunately there's a good chance Husky was the one who would blindly attack the force wall in the first place.

  2. I'm trying to develop a magic system that simulates precognitive contemplation. So a practitionar meditates and is given flashes and clues to future events. Now I don't want the GM to plan every move the players are going to take so I was thinking the character would make a RSR PS:Divination during the meditation and then use the "delayed" advantage to dictate how many "hints" the character is trying to interpret now when the character wants to use one of his hints he would make a second RSR Deduction to see if the hint is recognized as being relevant. Now here are the problems I'm having:


    1) How do I dictate a time frame for the hints to be effective since several would normally be persistent (like Find Weakness)?


    2) How should I handle hints that are effectively skills the character doesn't have, bonuses to skills the character does have, and/or CSLs?


    Now I'd be treating each type of hint as a different spell so the player would decide if he wants a Find Weakness hint, or an Unknown skill hints,... etc.


    Thoughts? Suggestions?

  3. This kind of game group explosion can be a good thing as everyone involved realizes the complexity of the GM player dynamic. I'd encourage giving the current GM a break and having other people run some one shot scenarios until emotions have cooled than after a few beer and pretzel sessions start a new campaign with everyone contributing to the setting. In our Fantasy campaign we're setting up we're having everyone make characters without a firm world description in place and we're going to fill in the details based on the characters for instance of someone takes "dis feat extreme reaction: Ogre " then that establishes that Ogres are easily recognized and cause an extreme reaction. A fellow GM did the same thing with a Superhero game and that established a prejudice against mutants while there was praise for altered humans (conversly the government felt the opposite way about both groups). It's an intersting campaign setting and not only did everyone get to play the character they expected but they can feel invested in the campaign world.


    As far as failing to accept campaign limits I try to keep the same campaign limits in place for both Players and npcs. More powerful NPCs are usually more skilled or more diverse rather than doing more damage or having higher defenses.

  4. I think gem creation would be more like an art form. I mean the average person can't melt down a gem and shape it and if a mage doesn't have the necessary lapidary skill his gems would be rather flawed from a monetary value. This of course assumes gems are simply baubles and not a utilitarian resource like traditional metals.

  5. I really like the suggestion that gold and silver can't be created with magic that would establish a nice basis for the currency. Although I'd also be tempted to have iron replace copper since iron commonly effects certain mystical creatures. I'll have to bring this up at our next campaign planning session.

  6. If Husky was stuck as Husky he'd roam the land looking for adventure and women and since his powers are all based on his physical abilities he can't really be stripped of his powers. Now if by taking away his powers you mean he would be transformed back into Kenneth Clark then Kenneth would rely on his super intelligence to either build a time machine or replicate his Husky formula so he could roam the land looking for adventure and women.


    Now if he character was turned into Kenneth and his natural genius was stripped away then he's a sickly teenager with no survival training and he would die relatively quickly unless rescued.



    "Hello my name is Husky, I was raised here on Earth by wolves after my parents saved me from the destruction of Huskton I draw my amazing strength, toughness, and shiny coat from the power of your yellow sun. My only weakness is Huskinite."

    --Husky whenever being interviewed about his origin

  7. Re: I Don't Feel Anything


    Originally posted by Zaratustra

    What would be the best way to make the power to block the nerves to a person's hands, making them numb (and hopefully causing them to drop whatever they're holding)?


    How about a limited form of ranged disarm manuever with TK? Unless you want the hands to stay numb in which case I'd link with a supress or drain as suggested.

  8. First of all don't take this response the wrong way. You can make your character however you like I'd just like to make a few points.


    Originally posted by phydaux

    He already has one unusual sense, Radar. I don't want to load-up to much on unusual senses, as that isn't what the character is about. Same with the unusual defenses.

    I thought your character was a scientist who worked with energy why wouldn't someone who works with energy have a huge suite of discriminatory detects I mean everything from discriminatory IR to Discriminatory UV (heck even sonar could be justified as analyis of kentic energy waves) let alone a variable effect detect "energy signature" that could be calibrated from adventure to adventure.


    Originally posted by phydaux

    I don't want to re-engineer the character and make his attack a multi-power. First, because I don't think I have the points. Second because the Champions universe already has that character - Defender. And lastly because it isn't the character concept.

    I can see the concern about points although generally I've found MPs are usually cheaper than ECs but I could see a preference for EC if your concept is limitless energy.


    As far as not wanting to be Defender all I can say is a hero is more than his power suite (heh heh I punned [please shoot me]). I mean compare War Machine and Iron Man they even look similar but their powers are different and more importantly their character concepts are different one's a scientist who's changes his suite for the appropriate occasion and the other is soldier who almost never has modifications made.


    Could you elaborate on your character concept it seems you've described the concepts behind your power construction but what motivated the character to include some features while leaving out others? Does the character want to avoid being comfused with Defender? In which case that could be an intersting Disadvantage.

  9. First of all make sure you take the sense disadvantage for being able to be flashed by two sense groups (sight and hearing)


    Second decide if not being able to see normally is actually a disadvantage. If the person can take off the goggles at will I wouldn't give a limitation at all.


    On the other hand if their built into a very cumbersome focus like an integrated helmet that takes several phases to remove I'd look at the "Black Out limitation" listed for clairsentience as a guideline.


    Now if the goggles are the only way the person can see because they're blind then it's not a limitation on the goggles at all it's a minor physical disadvantage (5 pt at most) since they can still see most objects but can't distinguish color or read flat print.

  10. Re: Another player of John515's Game


    Originally posted by RandomPlayer01

    I have no doubts he tried to ease our group into the HERO system to the best of his abilities. While it is an interesting system simulating a genre, I dont believe its the system for me.


    I'd like to say "STOP!" I don't believe you've really played the HERO system. At most you played Champions which is one type of HERO game (admitedly it's the most popular type but still). We're just wrapping up a fine espionage game and we're about to start playing Fantasy Hero. Please don't let your experience with an unsatisfying campaign ruin your opinion of a fine game system.

  11. Marcdok(sp?) said "fancy dress might cost x"


    "a fancy dress historically cost."


    I'm not challenging the details or reasons of your campaign setting. I'm just saying since we're talking about fantasy games the GM should think about a variety of factors when setting prices and they may not have any comparable historical reference. I'm reminded of the Xanth novels at one point a person had the ability to turn lead to gold, after a short time lead became more valuable than gold, until another person surfaced who had the ability to turn gold to lead and eventually the market stabilized.

  12. I've used EDM for time stopping power write ups I always use one of two rules either

    A) Everything is invulnerable and imovable relative to the character (in fact I often describe everything as appearing to be covered in a sheet of chrome so you can't even spy effectively.


    B) Everything is intangible and slightly hazy relative to the character.


    With either of these limitations stepping out of time seemed like a reasonable extra dimension still allowing characters to do things like rest or come up with a plan.


    The only way I'd see being able to allow manipulation (especially harm) during frozen time would be some kind of massive transform with variable effects on it but even then I'd be prepared to remove the power from the campaign if it started to appear to powerful.

  13. Husky would rush out into the streets and roam around looking for the fight until he got bored after he transformed into his alter Ego "Kenneth Clark" he'd use his lab to calculate where to locate this rogue super then he'd take his injection and Husky would rush off to tangle with the superbabe after all chicks in power armor are hot...

  14. If you really want to throw the players for a loop have a villain who learns from his mistakes. If the players stopped the villains blackmail scheme by blowing up his transoloescope. Then have him build a new one in a more secure location. Have characters face the same problem but have the old solution taken away. Now don't overdo this either because if it happens too often the players may feel the only way to stop the villain is to kill them (of course this may be when the villains more competent heir steps out of the shadows with just as many resources and a fresh dose of vengeance running through their viens).

  15. I think the cost of "Fancy dress" is highly variable since it's really a matter of art. I mean you can buy a poster for $10 but you can't exactly find the Mona Lisa at the local mall.


    Any feature the buyer desires is a feature that can increase the price regardless of how useful that feature really is.


    Remember the economic model is called


    supply and "demand"


    supply and "need"

  16. I think we all agree books were expensive and a worthy treasure. What I'm really asking though is:


    Has the expensive nature of books ever had a negative effect on your Fantasy Campaign?


    I mean have you ever had a player get upset when you tell them the blank book they want to write spells in will cost them 1000 SP (200 blank pages at 5 SP per page) before the expense of binding the book?

  17. So how many of you include books in your fantasy campaigns and if you do how much are they worth?


    I've decided the prices of paper, parchment, and vellum in the FH book must be a typo and I'm treating the listed price as being the cost of 1 kg of paper rather than the cost of 1 sheet. At a rate of 1 sp per double page (using a nonmovable type press or 2 SP per page if hand written) and a cost of 10 SP for binding. Books are still worth 100's of SP each (I'm completely ignoring the prices listed for reference libraries since I can't seem to resolve them at all). While as gamemaster this means I will use books as a very compact form of treasure only really appreciated by the educated it would also mean traditional fantasy concepts of wizards learning spells from books could become very expensive (even more so if magical texts are considered more valuable than other reference or literary texts)



  18. Originally posted by NuSoardGraphite

    You are correct though, no need to use Multiform. Merely buy additional skills, characteristics and powers as usable Only While Jacked In (-1) or some such custom limitation. (I'd go with -1/2 if the majority of the adventures were in The Matrix)


    I would suggest people make their Matrix Characters and then simply define the "dimension" that is reality as reducing characters to X points (I'd reccomend a number like 75 with no points spent on equipment.) As I've discussed with others that it's not clear if the "skill downlaods" are actual skills or if they are simply matrix equivalents of "hot keys" that make the Matrix icon perform a sequence of actions that are percieved as performing the skill. If that's the case then Matrix characters could have a wide variety of skills (powers, talents, perks) that the "real" person can't actually do. Of course this is not the case with Neo; but if your playing a group of Neo characters then it's not really going to be a "Matrix" game for very long before the setting is forced to change, such is the nature of Neo like characters.

  19. Please note I didn't say "you should avoid history" I'm just saying when you set up your economy make sure your group is going to enjoy how it works. Some players hate haggling other players when faced with a harshly historical setting will constantly ask "Why do we bother adventuring? Our last job paid us enough money to start our own fief and we get no respect as mercenaries." If your players like the idea of playing the character driven by wanderlust that's one thing but others want to seek fame and fortune something hard to achieve in a very strict historical perspective.


    All I'm really saying is rather than argueing the historical facts we should be presenting cause effect economic relationships and theories as they could apply in a Fantasy setting.


    Points like

    "Standard currency implies X about the setting"


    are generally more useful than

    "Historical City" imported 5000 "product" per "time period"


    while these detailed facts can demonstrate a point I know the reason I'm keeping an eye on this thread is to get new ideas for fantasy economies instead of reading a historical reference like "Start with a thousand eggs" (FYI: This is a cool cookbook of recipes from the middle ages)

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