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Everything posted by Metaphysician

  1. Re: Crowns of Krim vs Justice Squadron Except they are controlling blood, shadows, or the earth via magic, so. . . Its a GM's call, but I don't like separating power source and power effect like that. That said, if I used Tomahawk, the Vulnerability would be gone first thing. If he needs to be less resistant to non-Chippewa magic, give him some extra Armor and Power Defense only against Chippewa magic.
  2. Re: [Request] West Coast Avengers Write Ups There's this page, but the writeups are laughably bad.
  3. Re: Crowns of Krim vs Justice Squadron Speed 5, IIRC. OCV somewhere around 11 with physical, 14 with mental. Not much END, but his powers are fueled by a 300 END reserve.
  4. Re: Three Heroes to Save the Universe Dead and maimed; I'd like to see Digitak too.
  5. Re: Crowns of Krim vs Justice Squadron I wouldn't be so sure. The two biggest weaknesses the JS have: 1. Blink's most potent offensive options are useless against the Crowns ( they all have power defense ) 2. Tomahawk takes double Stun from all non-Chippewa magic. . . which is everything the Crowns have basically OTOH, all the Crowns take double damage from Holy attacks. . . and Tomahawk's hatchet is arguably that. Plus, Drifter should really be able to haul out such as well.
  6. Re: Godsend Agenda D6 by Khepera Publishing I gave it a brief look. The only thought I could manage is "Wow, somebody plagiarized Pendaran's Ancient Aberrant game."
  7. Re: Penalty Skill Levels for non-combat Skills Vs. Impossible Feat penalties. +10 worth of this type, and you can do literally impossible tricks with that skill.
  8. Re: Three Heroes to Save the Universe Which one's get -1/2? Only one I know is Dr Yin Wu, and thats because his is a somewhat more restricted set of magic ( Chinese sorcery, rather than generic thaumaturgy ).
  9. Same deal as with Eurostar vs Sentinels. Meeting engagement, neither side has surprise. How does it go?
  10. Re: Three Heroes to Save the Universe Probably just inconsistency, is my guess. The writeup makes it clear what his special effect is.
  11. Re: Three Heroes to Save the Universe Being fair, all the existing 150 Cosmic VPP types have something particular behind the VPP. The Drifter has a tie to a cosmic archetype, Luther Black stole the Power of Sharna-Gorak, both Takofanes and Dr Yin Wu are extremely long lived ( if to wildly differing extents ). "I achieved Archmagedom" could legitimately be one of these types of properties. That said, the Archmage also benefits from his status, in that there are at least some spells and effects that *only* the Archmage can use, notably the Quarternion Banishment.
  12. Re: Regrettable Disads Heh, this would be a great grey villain origin.
  13. Re: Eurostar vs Sentinels Well, not *all*types of rPD stop her cold. Combat Luck doesn't, and rPD with Limited Coverage is bypassable to a varying degree. Its just, if I were running things, I wouldn't let her bypass armor that has a SFX that includes uncovered locations, except for a considerable penalty. That said, yep, "Must Target Unarmored Hit Location" really should be worth more like -1. Switching to a 1/2d6 HKA or so wouldn't really make it *that* much more effective, except against people getting by one a single point of rPD; it would however make it clearer what constitutes protection and what doesn't. Oh, and checked. Scorpia is totally useless on Proteus anyway. He's got Life Support ( All Terrestrial Poisons and Diseases ).
  14. Re: Eurostar vs Sentinels 1. Bravo's is arguable ( 3 points or rPD should stop it as written, but not as defined by its SFX ), but its vaguely irrelevant, since she'd need to make a really unlikely called shot to bypass the cloak. Proteus? I'd have a hard time buying 15 points of resistant PD as *not* stopping it, regardless of the source ( unless you think she can throw her dart through an APC's plate ). 2. Called shot against Diadem works fine, except again, she needs to make a really unlikely called shot to pull it off. 3. Getting the FFs down on the members that have them requires somebody having already hit them fairly hard. . . and the same weakness applies to several members of Eurostar.
  15. Re: Eurostar vs Sentinels I'd buy AP, but honestly, add Penetrating only with *very* careful consideration. It turns her from "moderately potent martial artist with a few nasty tricks against other MAers" into "Walking Death." After all, remember, a 4d6 NND Does Body RKA is a 180 active point attack. The only reason its at all balanced currently is because its exceedingly hard to use, well beyond a normal NND.
  16. Re: Three Heroes to Save the Universe Oops, sorry about that.
  17. Re: Three Heroes to Save the Universe Um, neither Brawler nor Tetsuronin can possibly become Archmage. Neither are mystic in the slightest.
  18. Re: Eurostar vs Sentinels Well, she's underpowered for Eurostar, yes. The problem is, her main schtick is very much an all-or-nothing deal. Against foes she can tag with the curare darts, she's Living Death. Against other foes, she's generally useless. OTOH, any time you've got normals to threaten, she's a hazard. Technically speaking, her Curare Dart attack should probably be rewritten into something like a 1 pip HKA Ranged Based on Strength, with the NND Linked to it ( and with the requirement that the first attack does Body ). This better fits the special effect. . . but doesn't really help Scorpia in this fight any. The only foe with marginal enough defense to conceivably benefit from it is Bravo. . . and it'd still require her to target a location not covered by his Magic Cloak. Given it has no Limited Coverage weakness, this'd pretty much amount to a -8 OCV called shot. . . which given *Bravo's* DCV, means its basically a waste of effort.
  19. Re: Eurostar vs Sentinels Re: Scorpia's curare darts, they are defined as 'must target an unarmored hit location.' There are very few ways that this can be interpreted that allow her to hit many members of the Sentinels. Black Rose and Dr Vox both have Force Fields. Diamond, Bravo, and Proteus all have inherent, persistent resistant defense. The only one who could be effected is Diadem, whose resistant defense comes from Combat Luck ( non-persistent ) and a OIF suit ( non-fully covering by SFX ). To do otherwise requires arguing that possessing inherent resistant defense, or Force Field's that lack limited coverage, constitutes 'an unarmored hit location.'
  20. Re: Three Heroes to Save the Universe Those same occult legends claim Thanoro Azoic dated back to the banishing of the Kings of Edom, which would be well before the Turakian Age. OTOH, the applicable bit there is "legend." Its not canon fact he even ever existed.
  21. Re: Eurostar vs Sentinels *points up at earlier post* If, to use Eurostar as an example, the typical opposition facing Eurostar ( that is actually supposed to have a fair fight against them ) had Ego ratings in the 20-30 range, Mentalla would have alot harder time in general, and less effort would need be focused on smashing her. She can still Stun those who have low CON, but her usage of Mind Control and Mental Illusion would typically have to be tactically careful Ego+10 or Ego+20 actions, rather than fight-ending Ego+30 results. It also means her hit rate would go down from "always" to "merely the majority of the time."
  22. Re: Eurostar vs Sentinels Well, assuming even engagement and full Eurostar roster, best tactics I can name. . . -Have Pantera rush Diadem. Force the Sentinels' faster people to focus on keeping Diadem uneviscerated, rather than taking down Mentalla. -Have Mentalla focus on taking down Diamond -Have everyone else focus on taking down Diadem -Spread out, so as to minimize the effect of the various area powers ( Black Rose's darkness, Diamond's brick tricks, Dr Vox's area sound blasts ) There's still the problem that the Sentinels will have better coordination ( Diadem's psychic link, plus Black Rose actually has a higher Tactics rating than Fiacho ), plus Durak and Pantera likely going Berserk soon. Basically, I see a couple ways it can fall: -Mentalla and Diadem both go down: fight is ugly but generally bad for Eurostar, as evacuating Diadem is alot easier for the Sentinels than getting Mentalla clear. . . and with Mentalla down, Diamond is free to smash Eurostar up ( if I were him, I'd do alot of "grab enemy, throw at other enemy" ) -Mentalla down, Diadem up: Eurostar is screwed. Diamand is still free to rampage, and Diadem can basically one-hit anybody on the other team per attack -Mentalla up, Diadem down: Sentinels are in trouble. Mentalla can do nasty things to the Sentinels, one per round. -Mentalla up, Diadem up: Either they spend time stalemating each other, or they both go for the other team, and things turn really chaotic. Slight edge to the Sentinels though ( Diadem zapping Eurostar is going to run into fewer Psych Limit obstacles ) As for which is most likely, I'd say probably the "both down" scenario is most likely, depending on exact range ( Diadem's odds of staying up go up the further the starting distance ).
  23. Re: Eurostar vs Sentinels Oh, the other problem I forgot to mention: the initiative cycle favors the Sentinels. Pantera and Bravo both act on Dex 30, but aside from Pantera, Eurostar has to deal with Diadem and Proteus going before them. The chances of Mentalla in particular still being up and active when her phase comes around are slim.
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