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Everything posted by Metaphysician

  1. Re: Armed Forces write ups Alternatively, if you are willing to fudge some and would like lots of stuff in one place, either VIPER or ( to a lesser extent ) UNTIL could be used to draw from for military personnel and resources.
  2. Re: Dr Destroyer really did die. What now? I believe Dr Destroyer retained contact with his organization; he just had them all hunker down and not do anything for years. So, Menton couldn't take it over, because that'd require coming onto hostile territory thats still against him. I would also assume that Dr Destroyer went big with the Anti-Menton propaganda, so any post-real-death takeover would require either considerable effort or indirection.
  3. Re: Dr Destroyer really did die. What now? Given that Destroyer's resources took a major hit before and during Detroit, Gigaton will probably have less to give than otherwise might be obvious. IIRC, Rakshasa was picked up post-Detroit, so, he remains out there as a solo villain. With Destroyer gone, Mentalla has less incentive to stay with Eurostar. With Destroyer gone, Menton has more freedom of activity. With Destroyer gone, one major enemy of VIPER is caput, so they have more available resources.
  4. Re: Eurostar vs Sentinels Good point re: Howler. Black Rose's UAA EDM is not as useful as you might think, however. It sends the victim to the corresponding location in Lythrum. This could be an entirely useful battlefield removal. . . or a catastrophically stupid move if, say, the corresponding point is inside a city. So, in Sentinels vs Eurostar, its usage is limited. . . at least one *Eurostar.* Sending any *hostages* to Lythrum might not be a bad move. . .
  5. Re: Alien Race question And then there's Kayli the Destroyer's race, whose name escapes me at the moment. . .
  6. Re: Godsend Agenda D6 by Khepera Publishing Oh, chargen was sucky in Marvel, but it was even worse in WEG DCU. They gave guidelines for a wide variety of starting character levels ranging from Rank 1 to Rank 5. . . and even Rank 5 would leave you with a character weaker and less useful than Robin. In fact, Robin could probably solo all five example characters at once.
  7. Re: Crowns of Krim vs Justice Squadron Actually, he stands a chance. Baykok has a 1.5x vulnerability to blessed weapons. . . like the Dawn Fire Hatchet. If he can get into melee range and land one blow, Baykok is quite thoroughly Stunned. It just becomes a question of whether he can do this or not.
  8. Re: Countries that don't exist (but should) In my game? Once he finishes consolidating in Zimbabwe and getting the infrastructure repaired to something resembling adequate levels. Oh, wait, thats Ogun. . . *cough*
  9. Re: Crowns of Krim vs Justice Squadron OTOH, its not heroic at all to get your ass kicked by those things you are specifically supposed to protect others against. Which is exactly what this would mean the first time he fought Baykok, thus leading to him never getting a rematch. . . because he'd be dead. If the Dawn Fire Ritual added such a counterproductive weakness, than the Chippewa gods are thus remarkably sadistic jerks.
  10. Re: Countries that don't exist (but should)
  11. Re: WWYCD: Grrrl Power- emphasis on Grrr
  12. Re: 4th Edition books? No, you see, sending only one opponent at him would be implying one opponent is a challenge for him. Now *that* is disrespect. Dr Yin Wu: "Okay, kids, be at your best, this is going to get ugly." "But father, he's only one man!" "He's one man, who took on Dr Destroyer, while not even wearing a shirt. So remember: human wave."
  13. Re: Eurostar vs Sentinels Some ideas: -Get rid of the usage of Presence to defend against Presence Attacks -Make resistance to Stunning be "Con or Ego, whichever is higher"
  14. Re: 4th Edition books? Exception: "Watchers of the Dragon", where Seeker is wearing a shirt, and confronting Dr Yin Wu and all four Sons of the Dragon. Lots of respect, and one of the best 4e books, period.
  15. Re: [Request] West Coast Avengers Write Ups But. . . not an accurate portrayal of Thor. A proper Thor writeup won't look balanced next to, say, the Champions, because Thor *isn't* balanced next to the Champions. He's not really especially balanced next to the *Avengers*.
  16. Re: [Request] West Coast Avengers Write Ups
  17. Re: Godsend Agenda D6 by Khepera Publishing Hopefully it has better rules than the WEG d6 DC Universe game. Worst supers game I've ever seen. . .
  18. Re: Crowns of Krim vs Justice Squadron Actually, I think you *are* allowed to define a narrow Dispel as "versus focus" essentially, or in this case, something like "any one black magic foci." And when used on a Focus, Dispel lasts 'until repaired.' OTOH, I'd judge the Crowns to count as Indestructible Foci, which means they get a boatload of Power Defense free against such attacks. A 12d6 Selective Area EB that inflicts Holy damage would probably be a better pick. Everybody except Dark Seraph will get Stunned by it. . . and even Dark Seraph has 50% chance of being Stunned.
  19. Re: Crowns of Krim vs Justice Squadron Problem is, that doesn't make sense either. He's supposed to be a defender primarily *against* Native American evil spirits. Having him be vulnerable to all their powers, is kind of silly. And, re: the Juggernaut, bad example. In the Juggernaut's case, the magic is effecting him. In the case of, say, Bloodstone, his magic is actively being used on the other guy's blood.
  20. Re: Eurostar vs Sentinels Honestly, if BOECV were +1 1/2, you probably wouldn't see many mentalists. While that does fit with the cost of AVLD, the problem is, in your system *everyone* would have mental defense, reducing the value of an 'AVLD' versus that defense. Plus, IMO, you'd still run into the problem of Mind Control and Mental Illusions being all-or-nothing instaKOs. As an aside, though, I tend to think that having a power based on ECV rather than CV should be a +0 advantage. Yeah, Ego is cheaper to buy up than Dex, but is also doesn't provide Speed, and its just as cheap for the enemy to buy up, too. All the beneficial properties of using Ego rather than Dex as your base are highly contingent on circumstances, or are just as present for a CV based attack ( except that you don't have to pay points to be able to use your high Dex based CV ).
  21. Re: [Request] West Coast Avengers Write Ups Only if the player doesn't want to actually play that character, but some horribly bastardized clone thats not capable of doing a tenth what the actual character can. If the player wants to play a 350 point character loosely based on, oh, Thor, thats fine. . . but no one involved should mistake that this is only a very weak clone.
  22. Re: [Request] West Coast Avengers Write Ups The very fact that they were compressed into artificially low point levels.
  23. Re: Eurostar vs Sentinels Hmm. . . how much do EDCV levels cost?
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