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Posts posted by nblade

  1. What you are looking for is in the rule FAQ


    Q: If a character has a Multipower with Charges for the entire Multipower, how can he have a slot that requires more than 1 Charge per use? How much of a Limitation would that be?


    A: Use the following table:

    Limitation Value Number Of Charges Used

    -1/4 2 per use

    -1/2 3-7 per use

    -3/4 8-12 per use

    -1 13-17 per use

    ... and so on

    This chart assumes the character has a fairly high number of Charges — 65 or more — for his Multipower. For each step up the Charges Table, add an additional -1/4 Limitation value (though a slot can never require more Charges than the entire Multipower has at full strength). Thus, for a Multipower that has 16 Charges for the entire Multipower, a slot that costs 4 Charges per use gets a -1 1/4 Limitation.

    Write this Limitation as Requires # Charges Per Use.



  2. Don't use Hardened. Use the Cannot Be Escaped With Teleporation Advantage on 5E 150. __________________ Steve Long HERO System Line Developer


    I knew that applied to entangles, but would that apply to other types of defenses?

    For example, an area is completely surrounded by a force wall on all side including top and bottom. It seems to me that as long a person with teleporation has LOS, they could teleport inside the force wall, or for that matter if he has Useable as Attack, teleport a person out of the force wall area. Can the force wall have the Can not be escaped with teleporation advantages, so that some can not teleport in or out of the area? Or am I overthinking this and just should apply SFX reasoning to the situation, as I can see cases where some types of teleporation SFX could get in and other types of teleporation SFX could not?

  3. Originally posted by Supreme


    My problem with most of the write-ups I've seen is that the older and more beloved the character is, the more insane the write-up. I'm sorry, I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but I just do not believe that Batman has a 30 DEX. That is 4x the human limit (with the doubling every 5 points rule). 20 DEX with 8 overall levels, sure. But not 30. [/b]


    Well I've had a problem with most of the write-ups I've seen for a simliar reason. I think many people give them higher stats than have especially in the SPD arena. Or they try to give them every "power stunt" that they have ever done as a power. I guess that's why I always like the Project 250 (now defunct due to obvisous reasons).

  4. Originally posted by DarkGreen

    I'm not really sure how that applies to talents/powers that use characteristics to simulate powers. Does lightning reflexes double in value if it takes your "initiative DEX" above the max? I'll post a question to Steve on that one.




    From what I can remember any Characteristic brought as a power is not effected by NCM. So in the case of lightning reflexes, it never doubles. Of course because of this issue (also sometimes called "The Defender Exploit"), a GM needs to carefully monitor any characteristic brought as a power.

  5. Originally posted by Toadmaster

    Ran across this site today, looks like it might be what you are looking for, it includes several methods of "measuring" cartridge effectiveness and the pros and cons of using them. Be warned it is mostly showing the problems of many including the TKO but it explains why and offers some solutions.




    Hope you find it useful.


    Well it is a least an interesting read and it does point out some of the major ballistic myths.

  6. Originally posted by feywulf

    If a character moves v inches per turn, then their velocity is:

    (v inches/turn * 2 meters/inch * 300 turns/1hr)*(1km /1000 meters) =


    (600* v inches* meters * turns * km )/(1000 inch*meters*turn*hr) =


    (600* v * km )/(1000 *hr) =


    600/1000 * v kph =


    0.6 * v kph


    Excellent, at least I wasn't as fuzzy on my math as I thought.

  7. I know those are the conversions from the BBB, but I was doing it by hand one day and it came out a bit different.


    We know the following

    1 turn = 12 seconds

    5 turns = 1 min

    300 turns = 1 hour

    1" = 2 meters

    1000 meters = 1 km

    X = inches per turn



    Here where I start to make some assumptions along the lines.


    Inches per turn * 2 meters * 300 Turns = meters per hour

    meters per hour /1000 meters = km per hour


    At least that seems right to me, I'd like to know if I've messed up some basic math again.

  8. Well I'd suggest you get a book on Black Powder Loading. The FPS varies by the actual grain of powder you use. As a side note, I think you are falling in the the trap of trying to equate FPS to DCs. To be truthful, in the firearm community, there is much debate about what really causes damage from a bullet. Is it the damages caused by the cavity that the bullet makes? Does a bullet that stop cause the most damages because all its energy is deposited in the target? Do you use gelatin test to measure the Cavity? Do hollow points really work? Is it the shock that kills you? (As a note, I'd rather be shoot than stabbed, going into system shock from the gunshot can save your life) Trust me you can spend hours trying to decide.

  9. You are correct sir. For Villain, I don't see the point in trying to work out the numbers.


    Now here is a questions, what do you expect to do with the gun? (There might be another way to get what you are looking for) If its mostly there to say spray an area, then It might be better to have zero end and AOE non-selective advantages. I think I went that way with one of the guys I was designing but never used.

  10. Re: ship speeds


    Originally posted by Aroooo

    What counts (from Hero System perspective) is how fast ships are to each other, not to the universe. For example, in working up B5, I use the Starfury as a base speed, call it 20 combat inches of flight. Then, just give faster ships more fllight. The Minbari fighter would have 25-30 inches, Narn fighters would be around 15-18 inches, etc. Then, if you build the engines as a multipower (per SH reccommendations), your non-combat slot just has a big megascale advantage; 1"=lots of km. No one is ever going to map out traveling from a jump point to a planet's surface, so those 'numbers' just become GM description/color. You have the MP slot to represent non-combat travel, and be done. In this instance, don't sweat the big stuff :)


    Actually that's a good point for the HERO system in general. I think people tend to get caught up what the real values are and not what the playable values should be. While I don't use AP limits in my games (they are just silly), I do have a list of ranges that I use to gauge a character. They can be over or under those ranges, but I supply them to PC when designing thier characters to help them see what numbers are averages for Supers in my world.

  11. Personally, I've run across this issue when designing a villain. I finally decided to go the zero end route. Not really because of the point cost, but because I try to keep things simple. The last thing I need to do as GM is worry about charges. For a player it might be different, but unless the ammo issue is really important I wouldn't worry about it. (Its just a SFX)

  12. You know I've thought on this recently, since I was starting a new Champions game. For me time will rougly flow more or along with actual time. While session to session might cover only a few days, the "time" between adventures will cover the required lag time to make up for the difference between Game time and actual time. At least that is what I'm thinking about right now.

  13. Re: Re: Steel Guardian


    Originally posted by Trebuchet

    I didn't even know Hero Machine had a paid version. Does it do anything the free version doesn't?


    It's not really a paid version actually. If you "donate", you get access to the Beta 2.0 version. While a big improvement over the first, there hasn't been any work on it that I'm aware of for at least the last 6+ months.

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