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Posts posted by Eyendasky80

  1. Re: "This is Aleph, and you're on the Global Frequency..."


    The one problem I foresee is that GF stories generally rely on having the person with the right skills present at the proper place and time. Not always, but generally so, and I think from a character creation standpoint, it would take a lot of the surprises out of sessions.


    Of course, it also would work best as a collection of linked one-shots.


    I see this as a great way to encourage your players to create different characters than they normally would and a great device to keep a campaign from becoming stale. I would do thusly:

    Each "story arc" would be anywhere from two sessions (episode) to ten (epic adventure) at the end of each arc I would tell my players that the next GF call will be to such and such types of experts and they can create new characters together to fit the niches or dig out old characters from previous adventures that fit the bill. I love the idea and I'm going to buy the trades this weekend and put something together. Thanks for the inspiration, Steve!

  2. Re: Tracking by scent


    How long did it take Nasty Man to traverse the A-B-A-away trail? If this happened two hours ago and the whole proceedure took 5 minutes' date=' SS might well have some difficulty. If it took him an hour, SS will likely pick up on it almost right away. It is a relative order of magnitude thing.[/quote']


    Closer to an hour than five minutes.

  3. Re: Tracking by scent


    Then it only matters if Nasty Man stepps off is backtracked trail before SS catches up with him.


    I'm not sure I understand what you're saying but he started at point A, walked the path to point B and walked back on the same path to point A where flew away.

  4. Re: Shazam!


    Part of me suggests a Multiform with Captian Marvel as the Main Form and Billy Batson as the second form. Billy would just be the "default" form.


    Part of this is it seems that Billy and Whitebread have displayed 2 sets of personalities. They are aware of each other, but there has always been a rather distinct seperation.


    You could argue that this doesn't really hold true much these days (especially after Kingdom Come, explored the child-like nature of Captain Marvel). In that case I would build all the Marvel Powers on an OIHID.


    Just my humble opinion.


    Cap is Billy with the Wisdom of Solomon trying his best to act like an adult. Actually, it seems to me he's gotten so used to it, he's matured as a person and isn't really "acting" so much. That's how I interpret the two entities.


    As far as power build, I think "How does it work?" His powers can be stripped, his transformation has been interrupted. The Lightning Bolt has been used as a weapon and a tool. I don't know how I'd model that. OHID I guess.

  5. Re: Tracking by scent


    If Super Smeller came upon the train part way' date=' he'd know what direction Nasty man most recenlty traveled in, and thus be on his current trail. If he'd been following the trail for some time (in this example, for 2 hours or more), he would have simply bumbed into Nasty Man as he walked back.[/quote']


    He's at the beginning/end of the trail and Nasty Man is two hours gone.

  6. Re: Tracking by scent


    Specifically, I mean would a tracker be able to tell if a group of people entered and exited along the same path definitively. Like Super Smeller X is tracking Nasty Man down a tunnel. What he doesn't know that Nasty Man walked back up the same tunnel after achieving his goal two hours ago. Can he tell that Nasty Man has since walked back out or does it just seem to him that Nasty Man has passed through this way and his trail continues in this direction?

  7. Re: Ww 219 / Omac 4 -- Spoilers!


    I think OMAC would have worked better if different characters had been used.


    In their roles in OMAC, Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Blue Beetle and Max Lord were all miscast.


    as examples:


    -Mr Jupiter (from late 60's Teen Titans), Commander Steel or Mr. Bones could've fulfilled the Batman/Max Lord role as a single character.

    They wanted a villian who would need to steal from Batman as opposed to someone who could do it themselves. Batman's paranoia hurting his friends is becoming his entire schitck.


    Snapper Carr had his hands cut off for goodness' sake.

    Back that train up. Huh? Who? What? Where? When? How?

  8. Re: Nomad Memorial Write-up (long)


    Yah, Nomad kicked ***. He was like Marvel's Blue Beetle for me. My favorite third string loser. I was alway shappy when he popped up as a guest star. I think I'll try and track down some of the back issues. I always wondered what would happen to Bucky if Jack fell down. I mean, I've got a pretty good idea, but the possibility of getting knocked down in a fight is something Jack would have had to consider and I wondered if he had some sort of plan.

  9. Re: New Avengers?


    You're absolutely right' date=' Spider Woman and Luke Cage being used in the Alias series was perfect, but now Bendis has the "New" Avengers and he is stuffing the team full of his favourites. I am not a huge Wolvie fan or Spiderman for that matter but loved the way Bendis was writing Cage and Spidrwoman. I just wish they were back in Alias (and not the lame "Pulse" that the series turned into), and really do you need two spider people on one team?[/quote']

    This is SOP for Avengers. I can't recall a writer who took over the series and didn't immediately bring in his favorite Avengers. Bendis just widen his search to include non-avengers. Which is not entirely unheard of either.

  10. Re: New Avengers?


    next he's telling spiderman he doesn't like him??

    Spidey and Wolerine have never got along.

    Agreed. I kind of LIKE Samuraii Logan' date=' loved the mini series with Claremont and Miller that showed him as such. Beserker wolverine was okay in his day, but lately it seems he's coming second to batman in needing to read "How to win friends and influence people"[/quote']

    My theory is Jean's death is making him pissy, it's really gotten bad since she died. We'll have to wait and see what happens when she comes back.

  11. Re: The Wheel of Time


    Just to keep things rolling while I consider the whole Channeling issues. Sniffing' date=' [i']a la[/i] Hurin the Thief-Catcher from Sheinar.


    Cost Power END
    45 Sniffing: Retrocognitive Smells the residue of violence done. Discriminatory, Tracking, Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (135 Active Points); Retrocognition Only (-1), Time Modifiers (-1/2), Always On (-1/2) 0
    Powers Cost: 45


    Only to detect violence should be worth some points as a modifier.

  12. Re: Powers of the BLUE BEETLE


    able to redirect his internal energies to fly' date=' exhibit superhuman strength, fire blasts of lightning, [u']fly[/u], or use telescopic vision.


    Boy that Blue Beetle sure can fly.


    Yah, he can fly too!


    That is awesome!

  13. Re: The Wheel of Time



    alefire: 1D6RKA(15) AVLD/body(+2.5) Autofire-5(+1/2) Transdimensional(+1/2) AE-1hex(+1/2) Continuous(+1) For a total of 90 active points: [note: the transdimensional is through time. The AVLD is vs Force Field]


    I would have built as a major transform, alive and well to erased from continuity with side-effects. I think side effects would be good because the more active points you put in a power, the worse it gets. So the more balefire, the more stuff falls apart.


    edit: Also, I'm pretty sure someone of the forsaken has said that balefire can cut through shields.

  14. Re: Team of second rate Villains


    There was this mini-series from Brian K. Vaughn called The Hood which featured some villains paid to work together. I thought they were awesome. The book was awesome. GO READ THE HOOD!!! Go now.


    Anyway, Constrictor, Jack-O-Lantern and someone else I can't recall. They would be good for a team like this. The whole book would be good to get a feel of how Super-Villains interact and their mentality. You should check it out.

  15. Re: Check out my minatures


    Whoa! Nice job. Are you going to post your secret recipies? :thumbup:






    Goblin: Ultimate Hulk (or mutant mayhem, can't remember) Abomination's ears (think he's in Clobberin' time) Gave him a more subtle chin with green stuff, a bald head and some flames.


    Electro, Kraven, Doc Ock: Repaints. I did use fat black lines to highlight things to give them a more comic-booky feel. Was inspired by the X-Men Legends game to do so.


    Sandman: used real sand in a couple places to give him a rocky texture. Dremeled the strips off his body and painted him on solid color.


    Spidey: Didn't do much with him, new base and some touch ups. But he was the one hero-clix figure I didn't think I could improve on.


    Cyclops, Storm, Marvel Girl, Colossus: Repaints.


    Wolverine: Logan figure from Clobberin' Times which a very subtly moved his hand a little.


    Iceman: Glued an Elektra bandanna on a Xplosion Iceman's head.


    Kitty Pryde: Kitty Pryde with a skirt made from green stuff (and repainted)


    Nightcrawler: Ugh, this was a pain. Intergang thug torso, (believe it or not) Boom Boom's legs and arms, Quicksilver's head, Catwoman's whip for a tail, green stuff should pad extensions, hands, feet and a little fattening of his torso that looked odd after I shaved it down a little. He had a very hourglass like figure.


    I have some other figs finished as well, I'll post them later.

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