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Posts posted by Syberdwarf2

  1. Originally posted by Tom McCarthy

    Maybe buy him an incompetent duplicate who can only exist inside the armour ?


    Maybe buy an AI who can pilot the armour, and a mind link to the AI ?


    Literally buy a follower to pilot the armour ?


    I'd go with option number two; and make sure that the AI had a Subject To Orders psych lim (total), and extensive knowledge of the user (or possibly the aforementioned Mind Link).

  2. Originally posted by Killer Shrike

    Ah, well youve come to the right place.


    Winzip is FREE! Or at least it used to be in a trial version.


    Windows XP has zip files built right into the OS by the way, and treats them like folders.



    HTML is super simple to learn if you arent trying to produce a complicated/facified version with lots of bells and whistles. I got involved with the net in 93 but stopped doing web development in around 99 so Im several years out of date. Im not on top of what tools are out there today, but if you are having trouble with HTML then just get a WYSIWYG editor like Front Page. Its not perfect but it will certainly simplify things for you.


    Yup, in fact I just went through this in the Star HERO Master Resource List thread....


    Just downloaded the trial version of WinZip and am attempting to figure it out. I'm working on putting it up on my (fledgling) website.


    To do that, I needed to learn HTML. Okay, now I'm no expert (obviuosly)...but after a couple hours of free time last night I was able to learn most of the basics. This stuff is so simple a chimp could learn how to do it.

  3. Originally posted by Fuzzy Gnome

    I'm sure there's a mess of free zip utilities on the Web. If not, you can just get the trial version of Winzip and not have to pay for it until later.


    Just downloaded the free trial of winzip 8.1 (Thank you Google!), and am attempting to get familiar with it. Wish me luck. Also, in the interest of, well, saving time and (hopefully) when posting the updated list, I'll be doing so once per page. In other words, when I have enough posts on the thread to 'roll over', then I'll post a new, updated list.


    Unless of course things get really slow, ...then I'll post as needed, but heck... In the first day alone I had enough to fill one whole page of a word processor document (plus change).


    Anyway, as noted previously, until I figure out attachments. posting/linking to websites or dechiphering WinZip, I'll be happy to email the list to anyone that wants it. BTW, maybe I could send the list to someone out there who could convert it for me? At least until I figure out what my problem is? {{{activates Armor 100 PD / 100 ED; Only Versus Sarcastic Humor Attacks}}}



  4. Okay folx, here's the problem. I'm still having trouble getting my computer to convert the list into a format the discussion boards will accept for attachment. (seems my computer never came with WinZip).


    Anyway, I'll be maintaining the list as a wordperfect doc which I'll periodically be updating to PDF. Also, if and when I can figure out how, I'll be trying to post it on my website.

    Please bear in mind that I've never done a website or HTML before, so that may take some time also.


    HOWEVER,......this doesnt by any means indicate that I'm giving up beacause (insert whiney voice here):"it's too haaarrrrrddddd...."


    I said I'd work on this, with help from others, and that's just what I'll do. In the mean time, until the attachment question is solved, if you'd like a copy of the list so far, email me or keep an eye out for it on my fledgling website.


    email: syberdwarf@yahoo.com

    website: Syberdwarf's Homepage


    (yes, I hate geocities too)

  5. Oops, I intended for this post to be put in the Star HERO discussion thread for the "Master resource list". My bad.


    Anyway, it still applies to the Mutnant Hysteria documents, so as noted above, if you would like to see it, email me as per the last post.

  6. Okay folx, I've been having a bit of trouble getting the list converted into a format that's acceptable for attachment to posting replies. I've also been working on my first website.


    Seems that my computer (xmas gift from the misses) doesn't have winzip, so I'll have to save my pennies. Until then, unless I find another alternative; I'm gonna work on getting the list up on my website. Until THAT happens, I'll be maintaining it as a PDF from here, available as an attachment from my regular email.


    email me at: syberdwarf@yahoo.com

    website (default for now): Syberdwarf's Homepage


    Note: I hate geocities, and AM working on getting a site up and running at Brinkster.com (still rusty on my HTML).

  7. Originally posted by DrunkyMcSwerven



    gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife...


    and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...........


    (sorry to go OT)

  8. Heeeellllllllppppppp


    Okay, folks. I've been working on the list in WordPerfect, and plan to convert it to PDF. But I can't seem to get it to attach to a post. Anyone out there with a little more computer experience than I that can help?


    Also, if someone could start compiling a list of websites, that would be excellent.

  9. Re: Re: Star HERO Master Resource List


    Originally posted by Doug Limmer

    A list of everything that might possibly inspire a Star Hero campaign, from The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton through Buck Rogers in the 25th Century to Spaceballs?


    You don't think small, do you?


    Like a Klingon with a G'orch , I do nothing small.....:D


    Seriously, why not? Some would say it can't be done. I say they're wrong. All it takes is a little commitment, a little patience and a whole lot of determination.

  10. As I sat here over my cup of coffee, I began to think back to the 'Project 3000' thread that set out to gather all of the names used by everyone for supers. Well, as I've been working on several SH campaigns and settings in various stages of development, I found myself looking through the same old links and the same books on my shelf. More and more I was starting to wonder if I had exhausted all of my potential targets for mining ideas.

    Instead, I thought, why not start a thread similar to Project 3000 that lists all of the books, movies, videos, DVDs, magazines and all related media in one place. At the very least it might make the idea seach a little easier for people, therby bolstering support for one of the (arguably) most popular genres.


    So post anything in the media that you like; print media, video/ movies, computer games, whatever. I'll try to keep a master list going of all the stuff posted.


    Whatcha think, fellow Herophiles?

  11. Originally posted by grymlocke

    there's a website?.....




    ....to prove my mousey worth.....(its a pinky & the brain thing)





    So what're we gonna do tonight, Brain?

    Same thing we do every night, Pinky..........TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!!! :D


    What's wrong with gaming at an age that doesn't end with the suffix "teen"? Myself I'm pushing thirty, still watch cartoons, I probably play more with my kids toys than I do my own, and don't plan to stop playing until they can pry FREd from my cold, dead fingers....

  12. I never really had to worry about harassment as the GM. When I first started gaming, there was a tool my friends and I used; the good old "blue-lightening-bolt-of-death-from-the-sky" which as immature fledgling players playing DnD for the first time, came in handy to keep players from becoming jerks.


    Of course, back then we didn't undersatand the advantages of not corraling your players' actions......


    I still use it to this day, but mainly as a running gag that only the veteran gamers seem to get. Seems it was one of those anachronistic phrases that's right up there with "You're in a bar...."

  13. Originally posted by sachmo

    Thank you so very much. Since everything is 70% off, I may just go back and buy the resource kit, too! I can always use this book for source material.


    I would suggest buying up as much of the new line (anything marked "DOJHERO###" on the spine) as possible, especially considering it's at 70% off (((drooling with envy)))))....

    That way, even if you want to go back and get the early stuff (assuming they have any of it besides C:NM, even if it's bought at "full price" it's still gonna be a bargain.

    Old stuff makes for great source material.

  14. Originally posted by bushido11

    Thanks Syberdwarf2. I figured it was pretty much like that, counting off the segments. I'm pretty comfortable with Zero-Phase, Half Phase, and Full Phase actions as they have similar counterparts in d20 (free action, half action, and full action). One thing I keep forgeting is to mark off END whenever a character does an attack or some other type of action. I think it would be too much a bother for counting the END loss for attacks and such, as they usually get recovered with a post-segment 12 recovery. I just wanted a basis of comparison on how other HERO players do it (since I've never run HERO). Also, with a sheet, it'll be easier to remember which phase everyone is on.


    As for the link to Fitz's HERO System Stuff, I'm checking that out right now.


    Thanks guys (and gals).


    Since you've never run HERO, why not just ignore END for right now? That way, you get used to the other stuff to the point it becomes second nature. Just make sure that the players understand that you'll be using it later (if you want to that is). We had a group that lasted (core members only) for about five years and we never once IIRC used END (except at conventions).

  15. Chameleon - Team's Predator Alien / Romulan science experiment gone awry

    Black Dragon (I & II) - Martial artist / Team mentalist

    LaGrange - Power Aromored Knight

    Badger - Wolverine clone / team brick

    Unit - Android / Team government liason

    Wildfire - Plasma-based energy projector

    Siren - Sonic based projector / Team artillery. Wife of Black Dragon II

  16. Re: Running Combat & Combat Management Sheet


    Originally posted by bushido11

    Can anyone give me an example narration of how combat is run in HERO?


    Also, does anyone know where I can find some sort of combat management sheet?


    Hero 4th had a combat management sheet, as does the 5th edition supplement HERO System Resource Kit .


    List the characters names, DEX, SPD, OCV, DCV, ECV, and have a little chart subdivided into 12 sections to represent the 12 segments.


    Start by listing the characters in order of DEX from highest to lowest. If the same DEX comes up, then rank them by SPD (otherwise it doesnt matter).


    Mark of in the subdivided chart when they have their Phases.


    That way, you don't have to call out "Okay, DEX 19,18,17... character X it's your turn". As this allows others to determine the DEX of another character (beleive me it happens).


    Just go by segment, looking at the first segment in which a character has a phase, starting at the top of the list. And don't forget to make them roll to see who goes first if they have the same DEX and SPD.


    That's pretty much it. I would then suggest familiarizing yourself with the difference between zero, half, and full phase actions. Get comfortable with that, and then use the suggestions presented in FREd to help speed up combat and you're good to go.


    Hope this helps.

  17. Originally posted by Al_Beddow

    Besides the fact that y'all can go look at the original B5 RPG rules, I just saw an add in the current Dragon Magazine for "B5 d20"


    The darkness spreads...


    And so it begins.....

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