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Posts posted by Syberdwarf2

  1. Re: New to Star Hero


    Originally posted by verbosity

    Back in the day, I used to play Gamma World, Traveller, and Star Frontiers. I was also a Champions fan somewhere about 1983-86. I'd like to get back into gaming, particularly Sci-Fi, that being my favorite genre.


    I've never seen Star Hero, would some of you long time players offer up how Star Hero expands on Fred? Are you satisfied with it? What makes it worth buying? What do you wish were included but is not? Are there good supplements for it? If I try it, is there a campaign or setting that I might look at to get things launched?


    Thanks in advance.


    Sci-Fi is also my favorite genre. When I recently learned back in Sept '02 that FREd had been released, I decided to give it a try because everyone I talked to said that things were made much more clearer and cleaner. I was amazed. I started thinking of all of the neat things I could do with it.


    That was also the same time I started collecting the DVDs for my favorite (at the time) TV show, Andromeda. I started doing writeups for a space campaign when I heard SH was coming out.


    I ended up doing a homebrewed campaign instead of a straight TV rip-off, but still managed to do plenty of plagiarism...:)


    The sheer amount of information alonme makes it worth buying. If nothing else it is an amazing read. Even if I hated HERO system, (which I don't, but that's neither here nor there) I would read this book.


    I wouldn't really say that it expands on FREd as far as rules. But it offers up a vast wealth of stuff on which to build a sci-fi game. Star HERO is as important IMO to sci-fi gaming as Champions is to Supers.


    It has aliens, ships, equipment, sugestions on creating societies/civilizations, new alien races, and cross-genre gaming. It offers some rules for mecha. It has an extensive section on random sector generation for if you want to make up your own star systems.


    Do I like this book? You bet your FREd I do....

  2. Unfortunately,.....

    With two kids, a wife, and no local players as yet... It'll be a while before I can play any Star HERO.


    Because it will be a while, I have plenty of time to develop my setting AND I get to take my time doing so.


    My setting thus far is set in the distant distant future. The pan-galactic Empire has long since fallen, and Sentientkind is just beginning to even come close to restoring civilization to it's former glory. There's a few elder races, B5 style jump gates in low-tech regions, and huge wars brewing. Earth, at least as far as anyone knows, is a myth at best.

    The truth, however, is that Earth is recovering from a strict and long-drawn out isolationist period from which it was "cleansing itself". The Das Reich Noveau du Terra (the New Reign of Earth) story arc deals with genship priests catching up with the worlds in which humanity has spread. However, during their travels, the world had changed and in place of their enlightened peacful tolerant democracy, is a self-serving iron empire bent on reunification of the True human species... wheteher they like it or not. Anyone not cooperative with the eugenics program,well....... ;)



    If done right, it should feel like a combination of Andromeda, Outer Limts, Babylon 5, and Stargate SG-1

  3. Originally posted by Aroooo

    True. Something that takes a long time to target, or is really big, I would build as a vehicle. But for B5 anyway, most ship-to-ship missiles I plan on just making various RKA's.




    I just wanted to clarify my earlier post. I see your point as well as Vanguard's. Big Stuff gets built as a vehicle (possibly with a computer etc) where a 'dumb' missile would be an RKA.

    My point I was trying to make before was mainly concerned with ICBMs and the like. Sorry if I was unclear.... was just trying to make a point about the 'Big Stuff'.

  4. Al, just be sure to give the PCs some leeway on point totals, especially if this is the very first character(s) the group will be making. If you're running 350 point characters (200 base plus 150 in disads), and the player goes over by 4 points (or falls shy, or the character is just too good to re-do) let them get away with the extra couple of points.

    If they really must worry about point balance that badly, have them pay for those points 'on credit', Just deduct say 1 character point from their experience when it's doled out at session's end. But I wouldn't reccommend anything past 5 points over, no matter how good the character was... Usually.

  5. Most people seem to be pleased with the current state of affairs at Hero Games, as well as with their current line of products. Now, I admit, looking at the titles from your point of view, they aren't really geared to a "cool" sounding name like "dungeons and dragons" or whathaveyou.

    However, as a long-time Herophile, I'm impressed with their stuff. I've pretty much come to expect a very well put together product. Thus far, DOJ has delivered on that expectation.


    That's fine for someone like myself, but what about Hero-Newbies?


    As someone familiar with the rules, it would fall on me to present them with a "title"; probably the title of the campaign or my personal setting.


    Of course, this does absolutely no good if everyone in the group are complete newbies to the system.

  6. Originally posted by JmOz

    Archer: Could you tell me where it says that? My understanding was that the Str of the vehicle represented how much over its own weight it could carry.


    HERO Sytem Rulebook 5th edition; page 314;


    (under "STRENGTH")

    "This is the lifting STR of the vehicle; it indicates how much the vehicle can carry (in addition to it's own mass)."

  7. Originally posted by Agent Escafarc

    FRP is great:D As much as I would like to support the local guys they wouldn't even meet me half way:( I'm a cyber-shopper now:D


    Preach it, Brother!

    I too fould like to support my F#@$!#& Local Game Store, but the only 'local guys within driving distance (the ones noted in my earlier post) are almost an hour away. On a Sunday. In mild traffic...:rolleyes:


    Oh, I'll still buy from them. But only if I have the time (and money) to drive there and back.

  8. Originally posted by tiger

    IF you like SH your love the new book. The Terran Empire is great as well. Your want to get TUV, there are some space ships in that book.


    It seems the work just gets better and better with each new release.


    I agree, it does seem to get better with each new release. In fact today was a wonderful, wonderful day for me. I finally found a game store within driving distance of my home. They had all of the books that I'm looking for.


    I finally got my copy of UMA form FRP Games.com.

    I love that website!!! I can get my books at a great price and.....

    but I digress...


    The point is that I now have the book I've been waiting on for over 3 months. The question now is; what do i get now? Champions or TUV?

  9. Re: New to Hero


    Originally posted by Al_Beddow

    I played Champions back in 1983, but am now vigously reading over the Hero 5th Ed. I like what I am reading (way better than GURPS... more complete characters, more options to customize, etc.)


    Unfortunately, even though I have about 20 years of gaming experiance (on both sides of the GM's screen), I am having a little trouble digesting all of the information for character creation.


    One of the nice things that is in the GURPS:Basic book is they take one of the pregenerated characters (supplied in the back of the book) and use its creation as an example of how to use the system.


    Might there be a tutorial out there, say creating a sample character?



    HERO character creation has always been and always will be an organic process not entirely unlike creating a character for a short story or a novel. If you've done something like that before, then you that of which I speak. If not...


    Before getting bent outta shape on game mechanics, develop the concept first. FREd offers some suggestions on where to draw inspiration, but doesn't really detail the how of conception. (get your mind out of the gutter on that one.....;) )


    Having written a few short stories myself, I've spent a lot of time reading writing books. One of the best ones that I've read was "Characters" form the Writer's Digest Writing Series by Orson Scott Card. It described an exercise he had performed with a group of grade school kids.


    Basically, you start by asking questions. But it's nothing like "what is your character like?"

    No, my friend, it is far easier than that. You remove all of the potential snags by making the questions as simple as possible.



    Q: Is the character male or female?

    A: Male

    Q: How old is he?

    A: 18

    Q: Where does he live?



    et cetera, ad naseum.


    Write down the first answers that come to mind. If others appear, write those down too, leaving nothing out. Take what you like, and leave the rest.

    Now, at some point, you'll probably ask what does the PC do? What abilities does he have? Write them down as you would if you were describing what your favorite comic book character. Then work backards from that. By this, I mean "reason from the abilities" (a phrase you'll see quite a bit if you spend any amount of time on this website).

    Look at what the character does, what he's good at, and define the abilites, skills and powers based on the result. Try to avoid building characters from the ground up from a list of 'whatever'.


    As always, I hope this helps. If not, then I apologize.



  10. I may not have all of the info right, but here's what I remember of the list we used to use....... here goes;


    1. Predator S/T

    2. Star Trek V S/T.....used with a champs/rifts crossover where the team leader was ressurected

    3. Main Theme from Back to The Future

    4. Klingon Attack Theme from Star Trek III.... theme song of a Predator-Type PC

    5. Metallica's "black album"

    6. Nine Inch Nails; Pretty Hate Machine


    and (not from our old group.....)


    7. March of the High Guard.....(main theme from season one of Andromeda)

    8. Anything by RUSH

    9. The Batman (I&II) S/T

    10. Opening Theme from Deep Space Nine

    11. Welcome To The Jungle..... Guns n Roses

    12. Primal Scream... Motley Crue

    13. Dragula.... Rob Zombie

    14. Insane in the Brain... Cypress Hill

    15. I'm Afraid Of Americans..... David Bowie (featuring Trent Reznor)

    16. Magic Carpet Ride... Stepphenwolf

    17. The Lethal Weapon S/Ts

    18. I Still Believe.... the version from "The Lost Boys" S/T


    That's all I got so far.......

  11. Maybe I'm beatin' a dead horse here, I assume this Golden Age campaign is set in the Champs Universe? If so do you have any plans to use VIPER? VIPER, IIRC, got its start sometime after WWI or WWII. Anyhow, say this guy is sucessful, at least to the degree that he doesnt get 'outted'. He could be one of the driving forces behind that organizations inception. After all, VIPER was started by international corporate types....(again, IIRC)


    [/dead horse mode OFF]

  12. I apolozie ahead of time if I'm treading on ground already covered; I have yet to read all of the posts...


    Back when I still played DnD, there was a great article on 'making orcs a threat again' or something like that. Anyway, the thing that sticks out in my mind is that if you had 10 orcs in a room with the heavily armored paladin blocking the only entrance, then the paladin wins hands-down.


    However, put that same paladin in full plate, and stick him in the middle of a dense, humid, hot forest. Now take those same orcs, give them bows and stick 'em in the trees. Even if they only hit part of the time, a scared orc can outrun a larger humanoid in full plate. Especially a wounded one. The little buggers could pick him off and wear him down.

    Orcs, contrary to popular depiction, are not mindless cannon fodder. A species must have intelligence if it is to develop any reasonably effective technology such as bows, arrows, and swords.


    10 orcs wearing little if any armor, unencumbered, firing missile weapons from hidden, mobile positions.


    Reminds me also of Robin Hood: Prince of Theives. Robin/Kevin Costner says something like "Even this small boy can be taught to find the chinks in a suit of armor". Even a stupid creature built on 25 points, armed with a bow and arrow, in part of a group, firing from all directions is a VERY real threat to a fully armored character.


    To put it in a more modern perspective (sorry, I realize this is Fantasy HERO, but still)....

    A group of poorly trained rebel Afghani fighters armed with simple infantry weapons can take down a tank. Just ask the Russians.....:D

  13. Re: Re: Geezers unite!!!


    Originally posted by Osprey

    I use them and a bunch of outlines I traced from my fave comics (the weed copies)!


    I get in on 2 out of three!!


    How many geezers out there are dying to teach their kids how to play??


    I'm not a geezer yet...... but I do have morning back pain everyday. :mad:


    I can't wait to teach my kids to play. I just have to wait a few years. Gotta teach them to read first. The oldest is only 1.


    ((lightbulb appears over head))


    Hey, I could always use the game books to teach them to read...... heh heh heh.;)

  14. I just got UMA on Monday, and I'm thinking of getting TUV because I want to make sure that I get the entire Ultimates series. They're just too darned useful.

    BUt I also wanna get the other stuff just as bad for different , but just as compelling reasons.


    I so confoozed

  15. Greetings Herophiles!

    I need your help deiciding something; which book should I get next? Now, I have a bit of the 4th ed stuff (BBB, Viper, DC, CU, Classic Org, and Shadows of the City). And I have some of the 5th stuff (FREd, Resource Kit, SH, and UMA). I often hear (and have given) the advice that it all depends on what you plan on doing game-wise should determine what you get next. I'm currently designing a SH setting, and running a Dark Champs campaign for my wife. I really wanna get TE, but I need to get caught up on the other books as well. I want to focus more on the genre books than anything, but..... oh well.


    I also want to make sure that I have the books before they reach the end of their print run. Furthermore I also need to buy the book for my favorite genre (SH) in order to support the line and increase the demand for the books so that they'll publish more material for that line.


    Whatdya think I should do?

  16. Forgive me, I've been going on almost no sleep and am now on my 2nd pot of coffee.....

    Motivations for Elven characters? How about some form of wanderlust, similar to the desire of most sentient adolescents to 'do their own thing'? Or perhaps they want to see the world which the Culture that begat them in before the infestation that is man destroys it. Thus, they can preserve true History for the Culture (the People) to be passed on to another generation........


    just my $0.02.

  17. Originally posted by JmOz

    Okay, a little more details: What I am looking fo r is something similar to the disad in DC Heroes (From Mayfair) called Traumatic Flashbacks


    The character is pictured as behaving like this, at random times (GM Discresion) he will experience flashes of someone elses life. The whole story, is that he is a robot and that the reason for the AI is that the spirit of a real person has bounded to him, sometimes it creates glitches...


    25 Psychological Limitation: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; Freezes Up When Experiencing Past Life(Very Common, Total)

  18. I too, have had a similar experience with d20 players. My sister will soon be joining my group which is strictly HERO only. I figure it this way.... I'm not in High School anymore, so I really only have time for one system. I'd also really not have to lug around 50 different books to each session on the off chance that I'll need to make some obscure reference.

    That being said,...make mine HERO.


    >>>prospective member of the Old Farts Chamions League<<<<

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