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Posts posted by Bengal

  1. One thing that sticks out for me is, a ton of his points are in characteristic and martial arts. This wouldn't be a problem for me is he had a lower strength. The "Speed-brick" or "Martial-brick" characters are overly cost-effective in many combat situations. If he were for my game, I'd make you drop the strength to at least 35, or lower if you were not also willing to drop some of the other characteristics. A rule of thumb I have (although not a strict official house rule) is that a character should not have characteristics totalling more than 60% of his total cost, not counting those characteristics bought as powers.


    Although he may not fit your conception perfectly, it's well within reason and believability to slice off some of those characteristics- there are plenty of super-powered fist-fighters in comics that are not classic martial artists, such as Spider-Man, Gambit, Beast and Wolverine. I would suggest to you to look to a source closer to these for further inspiration.


    Of course, the caveat is, this is already an established character, so most of this critique is moot. Please think a little on this though.

  2. There's nothing wrong with Black Paladin having a magic weapon- but does it have to be another sword? Think about a mace, hammer, military pick, flail, scourge, or even something whacky like a Lucern Hammer (the Babe Ruth of polearms)!

    You might even give him a modern equivalent of a sword, something like a long taser, or a monofilament whip.

    The one thing I would avoid with a character named "paladin" (good or evil), is a distance attack weapon. It's out of flavor I think.


    Have you thought about him changing his name to "Blackguard"? That's the name of evil ex-paladins in the D&D 3E.

  3. You know, Panther-Fern is pretty good. He'd fit right in with the Legion of Substitue Heroes, which is the benchmark for weirdness in comic books IMO.


    While I avoid "stock" character archetypes to some degree, I've got no one in my notebooks on par with Panther-Fern. The closest I have is Midget-Man, who I've posted here, who has no powers- he's just four inches tall and hangs out with superheroes so he can pretend to be a shrinker.

  4. Pym particles were originaly in serum form, then capsule form, then gaseous form, then Dr. Pym was able to produce them from his actual body instead of taking them in from an outside source. Wasp still uses the gas, presumably, as does the new Ant-Man. Some of Hank's DNA might be what you'r elooking for, since he creates them now.


    Gingold is a fruit from a rare type of tree.


    Don't forget The Strangler's radioactive fruitcake, I bet you could get some of that fairly easily.

  5. Ah, skip it, it's Restrainable (-1/4) and that's that. There were certainly powers associated with the bands (and not inheent in Cap himself), which makes them sort of like a Focus, but they sould only be removed by special means- which means they should count as Restrainable (-1/4).

    Dude is not gonna be happy when he has to cut out about 150 points from his character to fit under the point cap! But you have sure helped me think this one through appropriately.




    Originally, I had the Independent lim on them since they were an object of great power created by a cosmic being, imbued with his essence (character points), and useabe universally. Also, there were quite a few times people tried to kill Marv in order to get the bands- which indicates they'd function after his death, too. Seems Independent.


    But you're right- no one actually ever succeeded in getting the bands- something Quazar can't say for himself, but that's another matter for another thread.

  6. I always imagined it being useful when you were looking for a concealed object in an area hiding in plain sight, or in conjunction with a telescopic sense, like when Superman listens to everyone in the world from the edge of the ionosphere, searching for signs of trouble. It can also be useful to sift through a lot of incoming information (such as over a mind link or mind scan) to find the piece of data or thing you are looking for. But on its basic level, it should help to decipher a complex situation, such as for instance, the play a football team is running, or for that matter, the strategy of a team of supervillains. It perhaps should let people make multiple perception checks with a sense if it's important they spot something.

  7. I wrote up the (mostly) lame Batman vilain Ratcatcher last week or maybe the week before. I'll go dig him up and see what I wrote him up as.




    hamtaro time, laa laa laa



    okay, I tore up the sheet and trashed it, as I never, ever anticipated ever needing it. ever. for real. silly me.



    But, he had a running suppress, entangle (stops sight, smell, only affects the use of accessable Foci), small doses of NND (not vs armored boots), all AoE Selective, not vs opponents more than 1/2" above the ground, OAF Ratwhistle.

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