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About VegasNomad

  • Birthday 02/13/1970

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VegasNomad's Achievements

  1. Re: CHAMPIONS 6E -- What Do *You* Want To See? I ... want ... WILD CARDS!!! Figure out how to get through the licensing pronto! :-)
  2. Re: Enough to Destroy A Planet? I seem to recall that since you can't get "cover" from an AOE attack...just do enough to destroy each individual hex...right? So since stone is 5 energy/10 physical defense plus 19 body you just need to do enough body to destroy that and megascale it enough to cover the earth...mebbe.
  3. Re: About 6th edition Well I am borrowing the books from a friend to look them over. I dunno though, from what I've seen I don't feel compelled to spend $70 to go to 6th edition (Ok cheaper if I buy it online but hey, support your local gaming store!). I'd love to see a concise summary of the various changes. I am already not thrilled about the points inflation issue people are talking about but will have to see more to form a better opinion. I do remember the days of the Enemies books with all the 200-300 point villains and how absolutely wimpy they'd be in many current games.
  4. Re: About 6th edition Actually, from what little I've read, I see plenty of reasons not to buy 6th edition and to just stick with the 5th. Characters with all previous editions were basically compatible with each other, but 6th edition has several changes in mechanics that worked perfectly fine before. Since I'm actually capable of critical thought and am not a raving fanboy, unless I see some compelling reasons to buy the new books (why TWO books to buy anyway??), I'm going to stick with the 5th edition...and this is from someone who's bought every previous edition when it came out. I'm really disappointed.
  5. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Hey folks...is anyone waiting to upgrade to CoV? The reason I ask is that I have an extra copy and I want to get the extra costume parts...etc... :-) -Michael Sir Nomad level 43 scrapper on Victory El Defensor level 29 Defender on Infinity The Arch Technocrat level 16 Mastermind on Infinity Mechanon IX level 10 Blaster on Victory Rainbow.Archer level 8 Blaster on Victory HAD to make some Champions characters on there. :-D
  6. GAMA? That's gonna be here in Vegas aint it? ::EVILGRIN:: MWAHAHAHAHAH!!!
  7. I have to say that although I do enjoy Buffy a lot, I'd still love to see Sarah Michelle Gellar as Supergirl, nobody else would do the part justice that I can think of. EXACTLY how I picture her.
  8. Ok, shouldn't an inanimate object have a base DCV of zero? It has no dex, and a live mobile character with a DEX of 2 still has a DCV of 1. DCV base 0 means that joe average (with OCV 3) is still gonna miss hitting that 1 hex sized piece of furniture (book shelf, dresser, whatever) on a 15, 16, 17, or 18. Plus an immobilized character is DCV 0. Am I right about this being a typo or error? This is the passage from the FAQs that I'm referring to: Q: What’s the base DCV of an inanimate object? A: A human-sized or hex-sized inanimate object typically has a DCV of 3. If the object is larger or smaller than that, you apply the Target Size modifiers (5E 252-53) to the attacker’s OCV, thus effectively “increasing†the object’s DCV.
  9. Me LIKE. I want that picture!!!! Without all the writing and junk and the big muscly guy in the background... LOL Supergirl... superhot! :-)
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