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Everything posted by Eodin

  1. So much for my late night inspirations... That's a rap.
  2. More of an opinion question really... With the Delayed Endurance Cost from Fantasy Hero, if the character gets stunned or knocked out the power automatically fades next Segment. What do you think about allowing Delayed Persistence, probably for +1/4, so that the Spell fades at the end of the Turn rather than the end of the Segment, but still counts as needing to restart the spell at the end of the Turn ? (e.g. Marlin casts Feather Fall, which costs END per Turn, steps off cliff to flee orc army. Orc throws rock and hits Marlin in head as he's floating to ground...)
  3. zarglif69 and Xavier, I'll take a look for Hyperion next time I'm in Barnes & Noble or Half-Price Books and see. Redmenace, It's our pleasure. Long live Star Hero!
  4. Hyperion? Who's the author of Hyperion? How long has it been out?
  5. Oops The damage is missing alright. Darn those special effects people I'll fix it for the next posting; for anyone who wants to write it in before that , they should be 36 + 1d6 and 51 + 1d6 respectively. As far as the AVLD, that's just my personal take. Anyone who disagrees is certainly in their rights to change it. With NND, damage is all or nothing. So if the defense is resistant ED, then a 1PD/1ED force field around the target makes the phaser useless against that target. And in a couple of episodes, IIRC, a force field prevented the character from taking damage. On the other hand, if you look at starship combat, which is still phasers (just bigger), shield strength has a direct impact on the amount of damage the ship takes. Which is definitely not all-or-nothing. So it's a personal decision on each GM's part, as far as having characters run around with a device that can fire an RKA (51 + 1d6), AVLD, Does BODY. One shot would completely take out a Terran Empire Wasp fighter.
  6. I believe he's trying to increase his number of posts, as if this was a video game or something, instead of a communications board. Xavier, I hope the PDFs were no trouble this time. Imperial One, have you had any luck yet?
  7. I see. No offense, but if you're going to troll, please do so in a new thread. I won't dispute any of the "unrealisms." It's space opera, and entertaining to a large number of us Trek fans. 'nuff said.
  8. A Fifth of Trek Okay, I've posted a version of the TNGHero pdf in 5 parts. I stepped the Compatibility down to Adobe Reader 4, and stepped the Graphics Quality from High to Medium. Give those a try and let me know...
  9. Parts and Pieces I can export one or more selected chapters at a time, so that's no problem. The real problem is that the chapter on UFP races has a lot of pictures in it, and by itself it's a 2 Meg pdf file. I'll do a little experimenting and see what I come with for pieces and parts.
  10. PDFs When I export the PDFs from InDesign, I can select either Acrobat 4 or Acrobat 5 compatibility, and I've been selecting 5.
  11. Sample File to test Yeah, the TNGHero pdf is 4.5Meg, so on a dialup there could be problems... Xavier and ImperialOne, As a test, I have added a link on the Trek Hero web site to the 2 page Gorn chapter, which is only 195KB. Try that and let me know. By the way, when I tested it and it launched my Adobe Reader, there was a 2-4 second period where Adobe Reader was blank and the browser siad "Done". Then it finished loading and the file was fine. I have DSL, so if you're using dial-up, that may fool your browser. Anyway, let me know how the test goes - we'll try to get you fixed up somehow
  12. Adobe Reader 6.0.5 works... Hmmm...I was able to open both files with my Adobe 6.0.5 Reader directly from the web site.
  13. New site now ready The new site for the TrekHERO and TNGHero pdfs is http://www.starherofandom.com/h_trekhero/index.php thanks to Arooo. I have removed the files from my secondary site, and will be removing them from the tripod site in the next day or two. Change your bookmarks accordingly...
  14. Updated TNGHero is posted! The updated file is now posted at both locations. By the way, I've asked Arooo to host the files for me instead of leaving them on Tripod. When he and I get that done, I'll ask Ben to change the Star Hero links and post the changed URL here. Then, I'll remove the files from Tripod and the rbruce sites. Should (hopefully) make things easier all around. And if for some reason you don't know about Arooo's Star Hero Fandom site, go to http://www.starherofandom.com/ and check it out!
  15. Next update later this week Well, besides Foxiekins version1b of the Nerve Pinch, I've added some more stuff but have to format it to be easy to read. I should hopefully be able to post it in the next evening or two, if luck holds. I've added writeups for the Ferengi Energy Whip and the Jemhadar Polaron Beam pistol, added to the list of medicines/diseases/medical procedures in the Medicine chapter, and added some more information on the types of cons (Pigeon Drop, Block Party, etc.) and kidnappings (Golden Goose, Prisoner Swap, etc.) in the Crime and Criminals chapter. Whenever I get it posted, I'll let the group know.
  16. I've been looking over the writeup concept, and although it certainly brings down the Real cost, I'm not sure I'd ever allow autofire to be used only for costsavings this way. That doesn't make it wrong, just not something I'd personally use. However, I'm true to my word, and I'll include it in the next incarnation of TNGHero/TrekHero as version 1b of the Vulcan Neck Pinch.
  17. Yo... I got your email, no prob. (My antispam rules sometimes kill stuff I don't want killed.) I'll pop your writeup into my (just purchased) copy of HeroDesigner 2, and next chance I get...
  18. Steve, I have a question on END, specifically mixing Increased and Reduced END. I know the rules state you can't have both in the same power, and on the surface that seems obvious. Applying 1/2 END and x3 END just doesn't make any sense. But, using the train model, it takes a LOT of energy (END) to get the thing started, but much less to maintain its speed. Similarly, I have spells that are CONTINUOUS that as converted to HERO should cost x3 END only during the casting phase (the initially high effort) and 1 END per turn (maintenance) thereafter to maintain. From a rules standpoint, should this be a Reduced Endurance advantage with a GM fiat that the first phase costs extra END, or is there something else based on your rulings that makes sense?
  19. Steve, I'm converting spells from another game system to HERO, and one of the spells is a Globe of Regeneration. In effect, everyone in the globe (centered on the caster) heals 1 BODY per Minute for as long as they remain in the field and the caster maintains the globe. I know that you've said that Regeneration is basicly 'self-only', but is this one of those circumstances you mentioned in FH (your example was an air bubble Life Support Area Effect) where the normal prohibitions can be ignored?
  20. Cool! I'm registered now too! Even posted a couple 'what's out there' questions to help get the ball rolling.
  21. Strange ideas How about... hat-sized mechanical crabs that can be programmed to retrieve objects or attack things? baking-soda and lemonade powered missles, shaped like baby squid, that project clouds of ink (darkness) spring-loaded "wings" for gliding like a manta ray...
  22. Upload and comment I'm uploading the TNGHero.pdf file with Drakkenkin's tweak to the Tholians. There's nothing else new in the document at t his time. I'm finding myself somewhat burned-out on the TrekHero and TNGHero docs... there's stuff I want to add, but when I sit down to work on it, the inspiration just isn't there. IF I get requests to add things (like the Tholians and Gorn), I will do so as convenient, but my regular updates will be less frequent than in the past. At least until I get my inspiration back. As far as Enterprise, I fully expect the Romulan War to enter the picture unless they get prematurely cancelled. How they handle that as opposed to what ST:TOS says about the Romulan War, with nuclear warheads and such, will be interesting.
  23. That's been a criticism for some time --- even though Roddenberry had been in the Air Force, many of the writers had/have no idea what life in the service is like, with rules and regulations and procedures. Without that background, the crew [of Enterprise and even TNG sometimes] appears more of a band of people than a ship's crew. That's the feeling I have about Enterprise and ST:Nemesis. Enterprise is fine by itself, but it's strayed too far from TOS to be really canon-Trek. That's a good idea. I'll do a little research and see how big or small it should be. That's not a bad idea. I was thinking about spiders laying eggs, but, like rock candy, crystals can seed other crystals which grow. I'll give that some thought.
  24. Gorns & Tholians posted I have added the first draft of the Gorn and Tholians into the TNGHero.pdf at the 2 websites. I have not yet added it to the TrekHero.pdf. For those who are interested, please take a look and give me some 'tweaking' feedback.
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