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Posts posted by Eodin

  1. Re: Star Hero:?


    As someone has already said in this thread, the best we can do is buy and spread the word for others to buy. If the line becomes profitable, Steve can write more SH to fill our need.


    I too hope the SH line starts to take off, and hope that Traveller Hero will bolster those sales as people buy the recommended Hero Books in the SH line (Star Hero, Terran Empire, Alien Wars, etc.), in addition to related books (Dark Champions, Post Apocalyptic Hero, etc.)


    The more marketing we Hero-ites can do for Star Hero, the better.

  2. Re: Energy Absorber


    It really depends on what you're going to do with that absorbed energy. If the idea is just to absorb attacks, just create a FF with a limitation of only up to #x BODY.


    If the absorbed energy actually turns the crystal into a battery of sorts, then it's probably Absorbtion with the "acts as defense" advantage that absorbs the Energy as END. The upper limit then becomes whatever buy in dice of Absorbtion.

  3. Re: Star Hero:?


    Yes, it's those "wow" settings that I keep looking for, to convert. I'm keeping an eye out at my local Half Price Books for a copy of the Serenity RPG book, so I can convert it to HERO ;)

    On the other hand, I don't think I could stand playing in a Red Dwarf Hero campaign, even though I enjoyed the first few seasons of Red Dwarf. :(


    Even if we don't play in Terran Empire campaigns, though, it DOES provide good thought-provoking detail on what we need to consider if we're going to build our own. The overall problem is we all have different tastes. One of my most successful sci-fi campaigns was my Star Trek Hero campaign, but not everyone likes Star Trek. I was intrigued by the Homeworld books, but when I broached the idea with my gaming group, they were a unanimous thumbs down.


    So what does Hero games have to produce? Things with the greatest general appeal, that can be tweaked or borrowed from for individualized campaigns. Steve has expounded many times on the problems of licensing specific properties like Star Trek or LOTR.


    I think at this point I'm rambling, but the point I'm trying to make is that Hero provides the basics, and the wow campaigns are up to us, because what is wow to you may be ho-hum to me.

  4. Re: New Campiagn World


    Hmmm, as Thia said, "where's the beef?"

    Here's some things to consider in fleshing this out.


    Tone: Is the campaign supposed to be dark, light, or neutral? While multiple colonies and existence is neutral, the style of government and quality of life overall will keep it neutral or make it dark.


    Can the PCs Change Things? In a neutral tone campaign, they'll want to get better at what they do; in a dark campaign, if they're heroic at all, they'll want to make things better (Blake 7 and Firefly, for example).


    Government: If you have strictly a military government, there won't be a senate with any real power, if at all. With a Grand Marshall and a senate, you're moving from a monarchy (of sorts) to a constitutional monarchy, which makes the Grand Marshall more like a president and subject to the laws of the senate, and with veto rights. If you want something more stringent, do a little research on military Junta governments and socialist party governments (ugh). Decide what model you want governmental power to follow.

    What impact does this have on how the colony worlds are governed? Are they independent, or do they have colonial military governors?


    Commerce: If you have a military government, commerce exists more or less at their whim, so you can have a single "sanctioned" interstellar trading company, like the old India Trading Company in colonial days. However, sanctioned is the key word, the only limiting factor being access to starships for interstellar commerce. Commerce on individual worlds is a different matter.

    What is there that's worth transporting (profitable) from main world to colony worlds, and from colony worlds to the main world? Are the colonies agricultural, industrial, mining, scientific?


    Society: What is overall society like? Is this life in a despotic regime, with no rights for the people unless you happen to be in the military or other favored group? If so, technology will crawl due to heavy constaints on creativity other than military research.


    Culture: Is this a unified culture, like Firefly, where the human culture is a mix of American and Chinese - everyone speaks both English and Chinese? Did the individual cultures (Chinese, Japanese, Indian, American, and so on) all survive in some form? Or is humanity now all bred by job (Strong dumb workers, weak intelligent thinkers, and so forth) which creates their own subcultures?


    Technology: A military government will stress military technology, even in peace time. A civilian government will stress commercial technology (iPhone version 700) and more scientific research for research's sake. What is the level and type of technologies available?


    Robotics and AI: Do AI robots exist, or only primitive (21st century) robots?


    Playability: What is it about your campaign that makes someone say "cool! I want to play an ongoing character" ?


    Story: What is going to be compelling about the campaign from the point of view of the characters living the story?


    If you start tieing these things out in a believable manner, you'll have a great campaign.

  5. Re: Traveller Hero... What's Next?


    maybe we could get an expanded vehicle/starship construction rule set?


    I had honestly thought about expanding some of that information in the two current books, but I didn't want to essentially re-write the Hero System The Ultimate Vehicle books. But it's definitely worth a look, since Traveller Contragrav Thrusters and other Traveller-specific technologies could be expanded on for size, cost, etc.

  6. Re: Traveller Hero... What's Next?


    Also I would like to see a world that has been cut off from star travel, that has

    developed a society like Judge Dread!...


    Hmmm maybe a new Judge Dread Hero based Genre!!!




    After Post-Apocalyptic Hero came out, another thing I'd like to build is one or more world-locked PAH settings in The New Era. :)

  7. Re: Traveller Hero... What's Next?


    Speaking for myself, and 30+ yr Traveller player/GM I like the New Era

    of 1248 by Comstar Games.


    Now I think that 1248, is well set in a great bit of history and a perect

    starting up place for the Traveller game.


    Ok so what would I like to see next, well what about a Startup

    starting point? Have someone create a single system, and work it

    up completely. Define a single system with all it's orbits and what

    is found there. Further develope the main home world in that system

    that the players can come from. Design a complete culture with

    it's history, then develope the world and starport along with other

    details of why this world and system are unique.


    Ever since I bought the Firefly DVDs, I've been itching to do something like that. :)

  8. For those who have purchased Traveller Hero, now that you've seen it, I'm interested in what else you'd like to see in the line. As indicated in the TH books, we are converting the GAS, Robots, and other properties as well as Grand Fleet and Gadgets/Gear.


    I'd like to hear want lists/wish lists of what else you would like to see in the Traveller Hero line. What books would make your Traveller Hero games more enjoyable?

  9. Re: an Independent Review of Traveller Hero



    Book 1 has 5+ pages of detail on each of the major races, a lot of that on society and history. Book 2 has 5+ pages devoted to history of the Imperium as well as timelines of each Era. You should get a good feel for things from the two books; the additional material from the Traveller books for which ever Era you decide to run lets you do a deeper dive on the details.

  10. Re: Alien Stereotypes


    Take a look at my free Trek Hero books (PDFs), for a vast array of aliens you can steal.


    http://www.starherofandom.com/h_trekhero/index.php is the site


    The FASA Trek link is



    The TNG Trek link is



    You've got everything there from the powerful Talosians to the sentient plant Phylosians to the shapeshifting Vendorians and Antosians, and more. :)

  11. Re: Anyone Have PA Hero yet?


    I got the PDF of PA Hero, and think it's excellent. I had run a Gamma World campaign 20 years ago, and was interested in what PA Hero had to say on the subject ;)


    Also, and please forgive the shameless plug here, but when I was working on Traveller Hero, I was thinking that PA Hero would be a great additional source for developing many of the worlds that came crashing down because of Virus in The New Era. Everything from medieval worlds worshiping technology to AI Robots running around shooting people in a sort of Virus hell world.

  12. Re: Traveller Hero Core Books Now Available!


    Why are the PDFs missing all the art? The blank spaces are there' date=' so it seems like there would be pictures in the print edition. If there aren't many pictures in the print, that's fine, just due to the spaces it seems like they are missing.[/quote']


    The pdfs and books are, by design, graphics-lite. The gaps are not really for graphics, it's just that I hate fishing through threaded columns, and prefer new topics at the top of each column when feasible.

  13. Re: Traveller Hero Core Books Now Available!


    Golden Age Starships 1 Fast Courier HERO Edition $3.20 USD

    Golden Age Starships 2 SW Patrol Cruiser Hero Edition $3.20 USD

    Traveller Hero Book One:Adventurers in Charted Space $9.59 USD

    * Bundle Item 1 - Bundle Item 1 Zip File

    * Bundle Item 2 - Bundle Item 2 Zip File

    * Bundle Item 3 - Bundle Item 3 Zip File


    Traveller Hero Book Two: Adventure in Charted Space $9.59 USD

    * Bundle Item 1 - Bundle Item 1 Zip File

    * Bundle Item 2 - Bundle Item 2 Zip File

    * Bundle Item 3 - Bundle Item 3 Zip File



    I got them... BOOYAH!!!






    Looking forward to hear what you think :)

  14. Re: Enchantment after the fact


    I would use method B, but I would require that it takes Extra Time per BODY to Enchant, typically 1 week per 1 BODY. Thus a 10 BODY transform (enchantment) takes 10 weeks to happen. That means the character doing the enchanting has to choose: spend 10 weeks traveling, adventuring, and making money, or 10 weeks on enchanting the item.

    And the adventuring party - do they spend the next 10 weeks lounging around taverns, or do they have varous crises they have to address while the wizard is enchanting? It's amazing what happens when adventurers think they will just "hang out" in an area ;)


    My two cents :)

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