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Posts posted by Eodin

  1. Steve,

    I was doing some research on the web for spells to convert for a campaign, and I saw some of the wicca spells on a website that would be useful for the hedge wizards/witches. Many of them that I saw were "perform some 10 or 15 minute action every day for 5 days in a row" kind of thing. What kind of modifier would apply to the Extra Time limitation: up 2 steps, -1/4 less, etc? None of the actions are inherently dangerous (candles, incense, and the like).

  2. Re: Western / Steampunk Hero Idea Bouncing: "Bone Falls"


    Speaking of which, and on a much more visceral level, I need a name for said Unification Front. The ... well ... Unification Front sounds too "Borg"-ish. Any ideas? Something that, when a politician says it in a speech, just begs for the thumbs up and the trumpets playing. ;) I was thinking simply of the Alligned States, as it sounds nice and "buddy buddy".


    How about something like "The Grand Alliance", "The Great Union", or "The Union Of [substitute something else for American] States". ?

  3. Re: TravellerHERO PDF in the works


    I haven't heard back at all from Marc (could be on vacation). I'll get formatting stuff done in the meantime, and the scenario added, but I'm thinking I will duplicate the current version and strip the copy down (which is what we would make available) so that those who own or buy Traveller books can have the history, etc. and those who don't or won't buy the Traveller books just have some HERO-style Sci-fi packages and weapons and stuff. I can certainly understand Marc not wanting us to give away the store, and the stripped-down version is probably the best way. Thoughts?


    edit: and the links and pointers to web sites and stuff would stay in.

  4. Re: Star Trek: The Talosians


    Try looking at my Trek Hero pdfs - one of them has writeups for Talosians. (YMMV, of course).


    Since Talos is still quarantined, Talos would have to contact the Feds rather than the other way around, and the only fly in the ointment I can think of would be a Lazarus or Mirror Universe Talosian with something to say.

  5. Re: TravellerHERO PDF in the works


    Yeah, I agree.


    I just sent him a note asking how he wants to handle working with me on this, given that it's not a money-making project for either of us and we definitely don't want to infringe.


    We'll see how it goes. I imagine the history chapter and military orgs chapters will go away completely.

  6. Re: TravellerHERO PDF in the works


    We are good to go on using the Plague of Perruques module as an intro if we want to. it has appeared in a Traveller Digest and is in one of the Traveller Reprint volumes.




    heres what we need to talk about:


    Marc has concerns that were going too far with this, conversions are not a problem, it just cant be a stand alone book that somebody can pick up and use to play Traveller in the Hero system without having a copy of traveller in some form. so we should probably take time to review where were going with things if needed. were also assuming that somebody is already going to have the Hero system or will buy Hero too. hes not unhappy about the project, just hes set the limit for where we can go with this.


    comments? brickbats? blue bolts from above?


    Marc also hasnt completely looked over whats in the draft, but thats his take from what hes read, Marc has at least looked over the Hero system at some point, but isnt that familiar with it.


    As I've been adding more detail to this, I was thinking the monster was getting too big.


    Okay, depending on what Marc says, we have probably two options. First, slice out stuff until we get conversion only material, plus the scenario. Second, if it's viable, get licensing rights from both Marc and Steve and redo the thing. The writer in me would like to do the second, but I think we're safer with the first option (and my wife and foster child do like to see me on occasion ;) ).

  7. Re: TravellerHERO PDF in the works


    I've taken some pieces of the integrated timeline and included it in the history section, and made a start on a section for TNE races from the RCES.


    I think that's a good idea for the power plants, though we should probably round up to the nearest multiple of 20 or 50, depending on how many different ratings of power plants we think there should be.


    If the rainstorm here doesn't cause any power problems tonight, I'm hoping to make some more progress on the doc. Let me know what Marc says about our including that adventure.

  8. Re: Status Check;


    whats left to work on now, I have about 40 assorted characters converted. I figure I will post them as a zip file in HD format


    a bit of everything, mercs, soldiers and sailors, doctors, diplomats, a sentient robot, pirates, couple of Intel agents, couple of corporate reps, only alien so far is a Vargr engineer


    I haven't had a lot of time to work on TravellerHERO recently - all this month my wife and I have evening classes to maintain our foster parent licensing, so not as much free time.


    Shadowcat, you might check with Marc and see about us using one of the old adventures, with us converting it to HERO where appropriate. I was going to put something original together in the flavor of Annic Nova/Death Station or the flavor of Across The Bright Face/Night Of Conquest, but haven't had the time. If Marc prefers us not to use one of the old scenarios, I'll get around to putting something together, 'cuz we still need an adventure in the book.


    I still need to decide how much history to include and how much to refer the reader to. I'm thinking at this point just a high level and let them go to the websites and buy the Traveller books for more depth.


    We need to add the races from TNE as well, just in case anyone wants to run TNE in HERO.


    I don't have any information on the Merchant Marines, so if you have any let me know.


    Other than that, scan through the last PDF I sent, and if you see any places with no information or TBDs that you can do something about, let me know.

  9. Re: Who do you trust? Hero Board savants


    I second Killer Shrike.


    Shadowcat1313 and Eodin for anything Star Hero-related, especially TravellerHERO.


    Thanks! :)


    I have to agree that there are a lot of talented people on this Board, and I tend to read all opinions so I can learn something new. If I'm skimming, I'll definitely give more view time to a few people, like Bob Greenwade, Lord Liaden, Keith Curtis, and Susano just to name a few.

  10. Re: Your "2005" Pet Gaming Projects


    Once Traveller Hero is finished (if that's the right word ;) ), I'll probably split my efforts between my Arcania pdf and Trek, maybe work on a variation of Masters Of Orion HERO (pulling bits I like from 1, 2, and 3 but based in 2).


    Then again, TravellerHERO was not on my old list, so whatever the Muses put in my head to work on/inspire me to do. ;) Maybe Al-Qadim HERO...

  11. Re: TravellerHERO PDF in the works


    I'm using InDesign CS... and yes, the boxes that are multicolumn (multiple page columns) don't close top and bottom lines across columns, which I hate, but I haven't found a solution. Some things might be easily broken into multiple tables, but some of it just can't be.

    Even in the yet-to-be-seen Vehicles chapter, which are no-line tables, InDesign doesn't break well, and kicks tables into the next column instead of wrapping well.

  12. Re: Star Trek TOS characters


    There's the Good, Bad, and Ugly...




    Trouble with Tribbles, Mudd's Women, The Enterprise Incident, etc.



    Spock's Brain, Let That Be Your Last Battleground, etc.



    And The Children Shall Lead, The Way To Eden, The Squire Of Gothos

  13. Re: Help! Would You Allow This?


    I would only allow it if she also had to take an Activation Roll on each power, so that it had a chance each phase that it wouldn't work (turned off), or a Power Skill Roll so that it might take a couple of tries to get the power turned on, or maybe a "distraction" limitation, where stressful situations (aka combat) requires an INT Roll at -1/power activated to avoid stressing out and turning off a random activated power. Otherwise, there's no real limitation in what she's asking for.

  14. Re: Star Trek TOS characters


    I had forgotten about that, it's been so long since I put those together... but any real 'Trek fan should be able to add McCoys' Psych Lim about Transporters, Kirk's need to seduce every pretty alien woman, etc.

  15. Re: TravellerHERO PDF in the works


    Shadowcat, I'll try again tonight at the other email address. You and Tancred can take your time reviewing it this week - my flight leaves tomorrow and I won't be back until the weekend, so you won't be holding me up on anything.


    Yeah, I like how the cover turned out... I wanted something reminiscent of the LBBs that are so Traveller, and something that was HERO green and black, and voila.

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