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Posts posted by keithcurtis

  1. Re: Superhuman women and normal women


    And how old would Kitty Pride have been in the books in 1987?



    Bad Byrne. Bad, bad John Byrne. No bisquit.

    Actually, it was an adult woman with Kitty Pryde's hair style. May have been a coincidence, a lack of hairstyles, a doodle or a future Kitty.


    Keith "just to set the record straight" Curtis

  2. Re: Top 10 Action Hero One-Liners


    "I know I'm gonna use good judgement. I haven't lost my temper in 40 years, but pilgrim you caused a lot of trouble this morning, might have got somebody killed... and somebody oughta belt you in the mouth. But I won't, I won't. The hell I won't--"

    John Wayne, McLintock!


    "It's all in the reflexes" Kurt Russell, Jack Burton


    Keith "Also likes "Why couldn't you just put the bunny back in the box?"" Curtis

  3. Re: My Cool Color Hudson City Map


    Tuala Mourn is the newest FH setting book. An very cool celtic'ish world that has some cool maps. Nothing to do with Hudson City at all. But they both have MAPS :D


    So far the no spiffy color Hudson City map is available. Steve has one and Edsel made himself one. But there isn't one for purchase and it doesn't look like it may ever happen.

    This is an accurate summary.


    Well you're in big trouble if I get a map and don't see Rath' date=' or Lekchock streets![/quote']Dangit! I keep forgetting who you are. Stupid Internet handles. I apologize retroactively for any comment I might have made to you in the past on these boards that was less thna friendly (I'm not sure if I've done this, but it's entirely possible).


    Keith "down with anonymity" Curtis

  4. Re: Superhuman women and normal women


    I think we can all pretty much agree that most comic book artists are adolescent boys at heart; and therefore their ideal of feminine beauty consists primarily of impressive cleavage. "She has a face?"


    C'mon! Does anyone here really think John Byrne wasn't drawing nude pictures of Sue Storm and She-Hulk for his personal edification when he handled (and I use the term deliberately) their respective comics. :winkgrin:


    Actually, he was drawing them for money at conventions.


    Keith "Which is nothing new or even remotely unique to JB" Curtis

  5. Re: My Cool Color Hudson City Map


    No coincidence. Lots of fans and freelancers have names in Hero products. Most of them are the result of Hero's program to generate donations for the CBLDF. Others are there because some mad mapmaker wanted to put friends, family members and pets in.


    Keith ":whistle:Curtis

  6. Re: The Price of an Inn?


    Figure what a very skilled laborer (middle-class analog) makes in a year. Figure half a middle-class income goes into paying a mortgage.

    Multiply by 30 years.

    Price of inn.


    Keith "I just tell my players it will cost x per month and then let them know if they are having trouble making x" Curtis

  7. Re: Once more in English, please?


    The language of heraldry holds a particular annoyance for me: it ruined the ending of "The Scarlet Letter". Way back in high school, I had no idea what "On a field sable, the letter 'A', gules" meant. Nothing like making the last line of the book a puzzle.

    Oh well, it at least prompted me to go find out what it meant. And back then, we didn't have your fancy shmancy search engines and intarweb forums. We had to do it the old fashioned way and go to the library or ask a teacher. That's right you whippersnappers. If we didn't get off our butts and do the legwork, we lived in squalid ignorance! And we liked it!


    Keith "curmudgeon" Curtis

  8. Re: Black Lagoon HERO


    Incredible work, Susano!

    You've got a mini-sourcebook here. If you could get the BL license and a Hero license, you'd be sitting on a gold mine.


    Keith "Well, I'd buy a copy, anyway" Curtis


    PS. I'm not sure Revy's ability to use her DCV levels requires a half move. Aren't there lots of scenes of her just standing there, evading bullets by her sheer badass-ness.


    Keith "I've got a big gun/I took it from my lord" Curtis

  9. Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever?


    The basic concept of a superhero who is (or used to be) dead isn't what bugs me about Spawn. It's the fact that he's a superhero whose power comes from Hell. For actions' date=' the Spectre (note spelling) is probably the most vicious of all superheroes, and his general concept is plenty creepy, but that one thing about Spawn sets him above (or below) all Dead Guy Superheroes, at least IMO.

    How about Son of Satan?


    Keith "Still can't believe Marvel actually marketed a comic with this as the title." Curtis


    EDIT: Oops, he's not dead.

  10. Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's








    Try this one:




    Yes, that was '76, and she immediatly came back as Phoenix according to the Database. IIRC, back when they all wore yellow and black, and before these fakes from around the world took over, Marvel killed her off at least once.


    I would say the Marvel Db has incorporated the Xmen Retcons, so there are inconsistancies with what I was reading back in the '60s. OTOH, we're really strolling down memory lane here. This was way back in the days before comics were collectables. :eg:



    They stopped wearing the yellow and blacks long before that. Even before the title was revived. Remember, Marvel's big cash cow was once so unpopular it was only published as a reprint title.


    Keith "Meek shall inherit" Curtis

  11. Re: Cap is dead!!!!


    Hugh, it seems we're pretty much in agreement.

    (I was ignoring 50's Cap as a publishing blip.)


    Although I haven't bought any comics in the last 8 months, I have kept up through discussions boards, reviews and published excerpts. I'm just in a situation where finances and geographic isolation have enforced a cold-turkey cessation.


    Keith "I miss them less than I thought I would" Curtis

  12. Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


    Kamandi, Last Boy on Earth.*

    Jimmy Olsen (Kirby)


    Keith "Can't include things like the X-Men, since they bled over into the 80's and beyond" Curtis


    *Savage Earth is a pale attempt to capture that lightning.



    EDIT: OK, Kamandi wasn't a superhero title, but was related to them, and Superhero enough for my definition.

  13. Re: Cap is dead!!!!


    Re: Frodo (enclosed in spoiler tags for prevention of derails)


    The unmaking of the ring could be construed as an act of mass destruction. Jillions of orcs died at the fall of the Black Gate. There are only two problems with this. Orcs have no onus attached to their deaths within LotR; they are irretrievably fallen and incapable of grace, instead filled with unending malice for all other living things, and second, Gollum was the one who actually destroyed it. So no, Frodo did not kill anyone, and in fact actively opposed killing anyone, even in the battle of the Shire.


    Re: Captain America's transformation from killer to non-killer:

    This is an unfair premise. The changes we are talking about are perceived changes in how the creators make the characters act. There is no real Tony Stark or Reed Richards by which we can judge the passage of time or the mutability of character. Twenty years passed between presentations of Captain America. Twenty real years wherein the character languished pretty much unused and largely ignored. Bringing the character back in any shape or form has no bearing on why fans might feel upset. He was a character from Timely Comics, forgotten by the general public. Who cares what the character did 20 years ago?


    Now, people were reading the Fantastic Four and Iron Man just before CW started. Their characters altered overnight, rather obviously for the express purpose of supporting a gimmicky storyline. For people who don't particularly care for the storyline, they have every right to be upset, and should voice their disapproval with their buying dollar. They have every right to be vocal, in the hopes that their favorite characters will be treated in a manner they would like to spend their entertainment money on.

    Please note that this is not confined to CW. It happens all the time in both DC and Marvel (Max Lord, for example).


    Such changes rightfully feel artificial and contrived, weakening the suspension of disbelief that allows the reader to enjoy the characters. If Reed Richards can turn around his entire character for the sake of one storyline, who is Reed Richards?


    He's whoever writes him, of course. Millar has again and again shown himself to have unlikable points of view and storytelling conventions (so far as this board is concerned). People look at Reed in Civil War and can only see the hand of Millar.


    To sum up (too late), the changes in character that people are complaining about are not gradual evolutions of the characters in response to changing social values; they are short-sighted, gimmick-driven straw-men and authorial-voices created to sell comics. If they work in the long run, then I would not hesitate to agree that the changes reflect society. But my strong suspicion is that this will all be forgotten in five years.


    Keith "Only to be replaced by something even more horrible" Curtis

  14. Re: Cap is dead!!!!


    The "replacement" was the print version. The special edition restored what was replaced/censored.


    In other words, the print version omitted the "same dress" stuff, which the authors had written, but which Julius Schwartz had cut.


    The special edition is, by analogy to films, the "writers' cut".

    Sorry, imprecise language on my part. What I meant was that looking to that story for pre-Crisis monkeyshines on Superman's part was not looking at what was then-"canon". The original intent was never printed pre-Crisis.

    I deliberately omitted these, because they were mid-80s post-Crisis. Furthermore, as you have pointed out they involved mind control. Using an earlier, pre-Crisis source, where Superman wasn't under compulsion, is both geekier and more convincing, since it can't be dismissed as "Iron Age rubbish".


    If I could have found an earlier source I would have. Superman had plenty of earlier romances, of course, but there is no implication of pre-marital sex that I recall. Well, aside from the kind of covers and images that turn up on the various joke sites.


    This is all true. I didn't know what time criteria you were using. I was using Spence's comment that sparked the citation:

    50+ years of Superman ethics would never have allowed the character to diddle out of wedlock. Ever.


    Keith "But yes, the vast majority of characters in either DC or Marvel had no overt pre-marital sex before 1980 or so" Curtis

  15. Re: Cap is dead!!!!


    Actually' date=' according to this page, the comment about the same dress was censored, and replaced.


    So the implication was there and was intended, but the editor tried to minimise it.


    But he didn't remove it.

    It was not replaced in the print version, but only in the special edition.


    Supes had several implied encounters before marrying Lois. THe one that sticks out most in my memory was with Amazing Grace(?) of Apoclypse, admittedly while mind controlled, similar to the situation between Moondragon and Thor. (And possibly Barda - evidence is less conclusive). Apparently it's OK to have mind-control sex with male superheroes.


    Keith "Unless you're Ms. Marvel's writer" Curtis

  16. Re: Cap is dead!!!!


    I liked the Death/Rebirth of Superman storyline. With the exception of the lame villain(Doomsday), I felt it to be well-paced and executed. Of course, I never believed that the death was intended to be permanent. I don't mind sales-driven comics if the story is well-told, and I'll stand by my guns on that one.


    Keith ""No. Not even in the face of Armageddon. Never compromise."" Curtis

  17. Re: Swimming, snake-like robot


    Looks cool, but then the average pool sweep looks just as lifelike. I'd like to see some evidence that the motions were planned and directed (and by how much), before I turn on the "ooh! ahh!"


    Keith "Japan makes cool-looking robots" Curtis

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