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Everything posted by buzz

  1. This is exactly why I asked the question.
  2. If you do ever have time, I'll be first in line to buy a copy.
  3. In some thread a while back, someone was lamenting the fact that building NPCs for HERO was time-consuming, adding a lot of work to all the other responsibilities GMs are burdened with. Then, someone else (probably Monolith) suggested that NPCs, mooks in particular, don't always have to be fully "built"; i.e., there are some key stats that you need to know, and then you can just not worry about doing all the normal accounting. This, I thought, is really good advice. In fact, it's the kind of good advice that could be part of a book filled with good advice for HERO GMs. The Ultimate GM. Does anyone else think this is a good idea? If so, what would you like to see in it? I was thinking advice like the above; maybe a guide to teaching the HERO system, i.e. "How to Help Newbies Understand HERO"; how to "wing" HERO properly; more guidelines on judging if a power or PC is abusive or not; and so forth. I dunno. I'd buy it.
  4. Dumb question here... What's the point of Damage Resistance? I.e., what's the real difference between it and Armor? DR makes a character's PD or ED resistant. Armor is resistant PD or ED. Why would I use one instead of the other? I mean, isn't buy up a lot of PD/ED and making it resistant the same effect as buying a bunch of resistant PD/ED? Also, FREd mentions that DR can be used for Mental, Flash and other types of defenses. How does this work? E.g., what kind of mental attack would require resistant mental defense? A KA BOECV? You'd think I'd be able to figure this out myself, having played the game since 7th grade.
  5. p.122: "...of Larry Niven's 'Known World' stories..." That should be "Known Space". This book rocks, BTW. My copy of GURPS Space is totally going on ebay.
  6. Feel free to smack me if this is already covered in books like SH, UMA, or NH; I still haven't made my way through them yet. I have zippo experience using HERO in a heroic context. Champions has always been my reason for using HERO. Ergo, a discussion of exactly which bits from FREd, particularly in regards to combat, should be used would be welcome. Basically, which options best suit a particular fantasy sub-genre? Should bleeding and knockdown rules be reserved for "low" fantasy campaigns? What if I want to emulate Gimli and Aragorn slashing their way through a horde of orcs? What rules would be too lethal in that context?
  7. It always warms my heart to see people who remember this game. One of the Best Games I Never Played.
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